Track me if you can - life UTR

Sasquatch's Avatar
The Discovery Channel is running a very informative show tonight - Track me if you can.

It explains many of the ways you can be tracked. It also explains how to avoid being tracked. Many of the tips apply to our favorite hobby. One segment covers our beloved hobby phones. Lots of other helpful stuff.

Remember - a little paranoia can save you from an angry spouse.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 12-14-2010, 01:01 AM
Downloading it now... Anything that might spark an idea is worth a watch.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Just watched this in three increments on youtube. Interesting and good to know.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
some good info on various tracking methods and using misdirection however this seems to be intended as simply starting a new life elsewhere as you which makes this somewhat pointless. depends on who you are trying to avoid, if it's not the law and/or the government that's OK however if you really need to disappear you'd need to change your identity to a completely new one, starting with a new name and id's to match. that would require forgery of course, not all that hard to come by actually. this guy probably can't go that deep into this because the Discovery Channel is unlikely to air a program that tells you to do such a thing.