Off the grid and Obama care

Now that Obama care is gaining speed what of those that are off of the grid? Some pay no taxes and work for cash only will they be eligible for Obama care? Will those not receiving Obama care receive health care at emergency rooms as they do now? So many questions that remain unsolved. When some one that is off the grid signs up for Obama care will they be audited by the IRS for back taxes? Will those receiving health care at an emergency room be turned in to the IRS so the hospital can receive payment?
I bring this up because I know of several providers that work off of the grid and could get caught up in the new law.
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Anyone with an income that can't be tracked (as in cash) are eligible for the free stuff.... not that it will help you any.

If you don't get the insurance and try and go to a doc, they can turn you in (and do). I'm very much looking forward to going to jail over obamacare. I will never comply. Not ever.
I spent over 14 hours with a provider at an emergency room and she never did see a doctor It is shameful that some don't have health care but it isn't free. Some one has to pay one way or the other.