The left has been pretty quiet the last week.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is always the usual nonsense they post and snark but very little of what they would classify as useful. Of course, this post will act like someone going outside and howling like a coyote. They will all start howling back without knowing why.

There are a few possible explanations for this sudden quiet; they are all Jewish and are commemorating Yom Kippur, the Jewish New Year, they are losing faith in the feckless boy president
and his Keystone Cop administration, they haven't gotten their weekly talking points yet, or the talking points that they got are just so far over the top that even they can't run with them. I can imagine them all running around like a herd of leaderless sheep until they can find a river to all walk into.
Syria, ISIS, Ebola, Holder, Hillary, beheadings, and the coming election probably has them popping anti-depressants at the DNC. Not to mention that Debbie "the poodle" Wasserman-Schultz has promised that win or lose she will stay on as DNC head "for years to come".
They're out of Ammo. As of Sept. this administrations approval rating closed out at 42% and expected drop even more. Nothing beneficial has been accomplished with this president. I guess that's what you get when you try to play Community Organizer with a Country that is over 330 million people and you model your efforts after the philosophies of Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers. Neither which have ever accomplished anything worth a shit in their lives.

Poor dumb whiffy...
Poor dumb whiffy... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
you prefer this... ur'a peater?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
world sucks, thanks in great part to you and your ILK.,

Be proud. You ruined America.

Oh yeah .... POTUS approval at 42%
republican controlled house approval at 8%

More people hate your ILK than mine.

sux to be the heel.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, the Senate, a majority of which is your "ilk" is part of Congress, Assup. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters and Al Franken are part of your "ilk", Assup. Spend less time trying to find out where local drugstores are located, and more time learning about how government works, and you might sound a little less stupid. Ijs.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wouldn't say that Obama and his minions have not been sucessful. Look at what they have accomplished. Record number of people on food stamps, record number of people on unemployment, stagnant economy, multiple wars without a desire to win any of them, downsizing the military while at the same time saying the military is over stretched, confusion among our allies, warm and fuzzy for our enemies, elimination of some of our best because of loose lips in the White House, divided government, dividend nation, millions of illegals waiting to swamp our social systems, the 1st first world country to have a case of Ebola, I could go on for hours but you get the picture. Obama has been sucessful in trying to destroy our country.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
world sucks, thanks in great part to you and your ILK.,

Be proud. You ruined America.

Oh yeah .... POTUS approval at 42%
republican controlled house approval at 8%

More people hate your ILK than mine.

sux to be the heel. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
To say someone "ruined America" implies you think America has been ruined, you stupid fucking partisan hack.
BTW, is it unpatriotic to say something about America that isn't positive and uplifting?
Is it anti-American to criticize the President?
LowRider69's Avatar
I wouldn't say that Obama and his minions have not been sucessful. Look at what they have accomplished. Record number of people on food stamps, record number of people on unemployment, stagnant economy, multiple wars without a desire to win any of them, downsizing the military while at the same time saying the military is over stretched, confusion among our allies, warm and fuzzy for our enemies, elimination of some of our best because of loose lips in the White House, divided government, dividend nation, millions of illegals waiting to swamp our social systems, the 1st first world country to have a case of Ebola, I could go on for hours but you get the picture. Obama has been sucessful in trying to destroy our country. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I wouldn't say that Obama and his minions have not been sucessful. Look at what they have accomplished. Record number of people on food stamps, record number of people on unemployment, stagnant economy, multiple wars without a desire to win any of them, downsizing the military while at the same time saying the military is over stretched, confusion among our allies, warm and fuzzy for our enemies, elimination of some of our best because of loose lips in the White House, divided government, dividend nation, millions of illegals waiting to swamp our social systems, the 1st first world country to have a case of Ebola, I could go on for hours but you get the picture. Obama has been sucessful in trying to destroy our country. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Prevented an economic meltdown passed off to him from the GOP idiots who nearly destroyed the country, ended the disastrous war in Iraq started by the same GOP idiots previously referred to, passed universal healthcare, killed OBL, put General Motors back on the path to profitability, joblessness below 6% at this point, corrected the GOP-caused stock market crashes and has Wall Street back to record profit levels, and on and on and on and on.....all in the face of non-stop Republican opposition.

Fuck you Admiral.
LowRider69's Avatar
Prevented an economic meltdown passed off to him from the GOP idiots who nearly destroyed the country, ended the disastrous war in Iraq started by the same GOP idiots previously referred to, passed universal healthcare, killed OBL, put General Motors back on the path to profitability, joblessness below 6% at this point, corrected the GOP-caused stock market crashes and has Wall Street back to record profit levels, and on and on and on and on.....all in the face of non-stop Republican opposition.

Fuck you Admiral. Originally Posted by timpage
Nothing you pointed out has been a're just parroting lies and half truths which your liberal masters ordered you to repeat......
boardman's Avatar
Prevented an economic meltdown passed off to him from the GOP idiots who nearly destroyed the country, ended the disastrous war in Iraq started by the same GOP idiots previously referred to, passed universal healthcare, killed OBL, put General Motors back on the path to profitability, joblessness below 6% at this point, corrected the GOP-caused stock market crashes and has Wall Street back to record profit levels, and on and on and on and on.....all in the face of non-stop Republican opposition.

Fuck you Admiral. Originally Posted by timpage
In case you didn't notice the meltdown was not prevented, it was delayed by a piece of crap legislation called Tarp that Obama had nothing to do with except voting for it.
He prematurely ended a war that he is now revisiting. We do not have universal Health care we have compulsory insurance with far more exempted than covered. Tarp bought time for General Motors but at what cost to us taxpayers? They should have been allowed to fail or succeed on their own like Ford chose to do. Stock markets are at an all time high due to buy backs associated with low cost money afforded those businesses that were too big to fail. Another bubble waiting to burst. Jobless rates are fabricated numbers every administration does it. Want to know the real jobless rate. Divide the number of people working by the number of people able to work but aren't. That's your jobless rate.
I'll give you OBL.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uh, the Senate, a majority of which is your "ilk" is part of Congress, Assup. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters and Al Franken are part of your "ilk", Assup. Spend less time trying to find out where local drugstores are located, and more time learning about how government works, and you might sound a little less stupid. Ijs.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Well, isn't that special. Blaming the Democrats for the obtructionist jihad in Congress by the Republicans.

Keep repeating that to yourself, dipshit. It isn't true and we all know it.

Just ask your Glory Hole partner, Ted Cruz!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is it anti-American to criticize the President? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Not at all. I've done it. In fact, I did it quite vociferously during the Viet Nam war era, which is when I served in the Army. But I took the oath and stood up for my country, which is NOT what you shrieking banshees do 24/7 on this board.

Is it anti-American to shit on him? To call him a low life piece of shit cocksucker? To decry every effort made by the President and his administration to create and reform policy in this country without even trying to find an avenue to move the country forward?

Yep. You bet your fucking ass.

If you can't tell the difference, then nobody will be surprised, IBHomo.