The Big Box Whores or Boutique Curtesans... Is there room for both? Do we lose site of the finer quality in the never ending sizzle presented by the never ending marketing of the discounters with lesser product?

Whispers's Avatar
Our Big Box Whores are out to get noticed at every opportunity..... Adjusting prices daily to account for aging product approaching expiration dates and seasonal demand.... You try to change channels but see examples of their marketing in "product placement" in other areas. They have a variety of agents out there helping to keep them exposed.

The Boutique Courtesans are simply out there..... We know about them because they maintain a small market presence and stay out of the discount marketplace...

Over time we tend to see attrition in our selections of Boutique Courtesans and a new Big Box Whore popping up pretty regularly.

The Big Box Whores tend to attack each other in a variety of ways... both with ads and pricing targeted to take market share from others.....

The Boutique Courtesans tend to sit in their niche and are often at a loss to understand client attrition.... And the last thing want to be seen as doing is diving into the shark infested Big Box Whore market....

For the brave at heart... feel free to toss out some examples of both as you see them...

One of the biggest problems self employed business people often have is seeing themselves through a client's or competitors eyes.... you might help someone see themself in a different light than they think of themselves....

I'll provide examples as I see them shortly......
Your such a fucking Douch!!! LOL But owell your just an angry round little man lol
Whispers's Avatar
Your such a fucking Douch!!! LOL But owell your just an angry round little man lol Originally Posted by shayla84
LMAO! No need for the personal insults m'amm..... Feel free to debate the subject matter.....

You know.... I didn't even have you in mind in starting that thread but if it hits a nerve it must be that you see yourself in it in some manner....

Please note.... There are TWO side to be presented in the topic...... One side is the highly revered Boutique Courtesan that presents us with an experience the Big Box Whores do not come close to...... and a plethora of examples in between the two extremes....
Thats not what I was thinking, I could give two shits what you think about me and I didnt think this was about me I DID however know that you just like talking shit about providers and everyone here knows that I dont keep my mouth shut (hmmm) about anything especially when little trolls like your self think its ok to degrade girls on here for no apparent reason other then to make your self feel better.
What is your problem ???? What happened in your life that made you such an ass when you are by no means perfect and the girls on here that see you tolerate you because of the money.
You lose either way, most of the guys on here think your a douch, most of the girls on here know your a douch...

All the women on here deserve respect, regardless of how they look, what they weigh, how much they charge, or how they decide to promote them selves. You are no prize to be won sweets, Ive been told by girls that have seen you what you look like and all, lol trust me even the girls that you have seen dont find your humor humorous or find your company on the boards flattering.
But keep on sweets, money makes the world go round and I am sure as long as you wave it around they will continue to tolerate it, I mean who wouldnt??? Its our job!!!!!!!!!!

FYI I am so thankful that all the guys I have had the opportunity to meet in austin and continue to see me when I visit are nice guys and gentleman.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Shayla, he's just pissed because he doesn't have anything to sell here.

You do.
No reason to stratify it:
Curtesans [sic] are whores
Sugar Babies are whores
Dental hygienists who provide sex in exchange for late car payments are whores.
What about the 21 women in your reviews?
Whispers's Avatar
No reason to stratify it:
Curtesans [sic] are whores
Sugar Babies are whores
Dental hygienists who provide sex in exchange for late car payments are whores.
What about the 21 women in your reviews? Originally Posted by saustin
Whores...... all of them.... Including the several hundred reviewed back on ASPD!
Whispers's Avatar
Thats not what I was thinking, I could give two shits what you think about me

LOL! Then why are you following me around like a puppy dog barking when I say "speak"?

and I didnt think this was about me I DID however know that you just like talking shit about providers and everyone here knows that I dont keep my mouth shut (hmmm) about anything especially when little trolls like your self think its ok to degrade girls on here for no apparent reason other then to make your self feel better.

hmmmm... Yet you only open that street famous mouth of yours to speak up or out when you are planning a working trip here......

What is your problem ???? Boredom? too much time sitting in front of a computer waiting for something....

What happened in your life that made you such an ass when you are by no means perfect and the girls on here that see you tolerate you because of the money.

Pretty much what they do for every guy here right?

You lose either way, most of the guys on here think your a douch, most of the girls on here know your a douch... hmmmm.... well.... I seem to have no problems amongst the circle of friends I've made here over the years.... You really need to get yourself some firsthand information..... otherwise you are just a broken fiddle player covering some song some other person made famous....

All the women on here deserve respect, Right up to the point where they lose it...... Which reminds me... Are you going to update us on the kids you lost into the system last year? You revceived a lot of good advice as well as support so that you could get your ass to Iowa and start being a mom again..... At the moment .... with the story unfinished you just sound like any other dead beat mom using her kids as an excuse to support some other issue she has....

regardless of how they look, what they weigh, how much they charge, or how they decide to promote them selves. You are no prize to be won sweets, Ive been told by girls that have seen you what you look like and all, lol trust me even the girls that you have seen dont find your humor humorous or find your company on the boards flattering. So long as the IOP is there it matters not to me

But keep on sweets, money makes the world go round and I am sure as long as you wave it around they will continue to tolerate it, I mean who wouldnt??? Its our job!!!!!!!!!!

Yup...... Yet some lose their offices and have to peddle their wares on the streets.....

FYI I am so thankful that all the guys I have had the opportunity to meet in austin and continue to see me when I visit are nice guys and gentleman. Originally Posted by shayla84

and have money right? let's keep it honest girl.... You are a whore and here for the bucks.....
Miss Valentina's Avatar
No reason to stratify it:
Curtesans [sic] are whores
Sugar Babies are whores
Dental hygienists who provide sex in exchange for late car payments are whores.
What about the 21 women in your reviews? Originally Posted by saustin
You also forgot wives/girlfriends who date/marry for security and you also forgot women who stay in abusive relationships because of financial dependence, etc, etc ad infinitum to yawn...

If you are a tool of anyone who makes money off your sweat, brain or experience, if you are a tool to be used in exchange for the paycheck you collect, or even the billionaire entrepreneur who is beholden to his clients, shareholders, lawyers, accountants and family, you are a whore. Each of us are fungibly trading money, goods, work or services for money, goods, work, or services. Thusly, we are all whores, the only difference lays in semantics.

As to the question of the ahem, the Big Box Whore (Big Box...heh heh) vs the Boutique Courtesan, there is a considerable difference.

There are some men out there who inherently understand our mind, education, choice of clothing, personal environment and incall, our wit, worldliness, humor, body language, beauty and cultivated grace, desire to know how to truly please you, are all assets and they enjoy luxuriating in all of them. They understand that the actual 20 minute (if it even lasts that long) "sexual performance" is just one facet in the courtesan's arsenal.

Those whom an amiable budget-friendly hole is their primary locus of attention will likely find the Big Box Whore more appealing. It's not a negative, it just is what it is.

And then there are gents who will go back and forth from one to the next simply because he can.

Regardless, this is a hooker's forum and a hooker's game. I have no disillusions otherwise. The hourly transactional nature of this game insists it be so, and I am not familiar with any "courtesan" sites. After all, how can you expect to delight in all the charms of a courtesan when the entirety of this system is built around 1/2 to 2 hour sessions and sometimes the rare overnight?

It does sometimes sting to know often budget is the primary concern. That an incredible number of men are only concerned if the woman is hyper-sexual (even if she is almost always faking it), ultra-available, and costs less. I'm often shocked at how often a man will see a provider who is less attractive, and sometimes even dangerous, as long as the above three are met.

I'm not making a statement that one is better than the other, there is truly something for everyone here. But I know I speak for more than one provider who would love to have the option to really give an incredible geisha-level experience ( but with sweaty sexy time sur les draps that most geisha do not do) and we're more than capable of it. But unfortunately the current system and demand just do not seem congruent to support those of us who would like to provide courtesan service.

Sigh as I wistfully drink my champagne and strum my guitar. Savoir. Penser. Rever. Tout est la!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-06-2015, 07:56 PM
Here is my single input in this topic.

Whos really the whore, the one making money off the transaction or the one who is addicted to spending it?

As I drink my Dasani and twang away on my Jews harp...
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 03-06-2015, 08:13 PM
We're all whores. We all do what we do professionally for money.

I'm open for business. LGE (Lazy Guy Experience). You get to clean my house and cook, and shit like that while I yell at the TV and fart.
Bob McV's Avatar
You also forgot wives/girlfriends who date/marry for security and you also forgot women who stay in abusive relationships because of financial dependence, etc, etc ad infinitum to yawn...

If you are a tool of anyone who makes money off your sweat, brain or experience, if you are a tool to be used in exchange for the paycheck you collect, or even the billionaire entrepreneur who is beholden to his clients, shareholders, lawyers, accountants and family, you are a whore. Each of us are fungibly trading money, goods, work or services for money, goods, work, or services. Thusly, we are all whores, the only difference lays in semantics.

As to the question of the ahem, the Big Box Whore (Big Box...heh heh) vs the Boutique Courtesan, there is a considerable difference.

There are some men out there who inherently understand our mind, education, choice of clothing, personal environment and incall, our wit, worldliness, humor, body language, beauty and cultivated grace, desire to know how to truly please you, are all assets and they enjoy luxuriating in all of them. They understand that the actual 20 minute (if it even lasts that long) "sexual performance" is just one facet in the courtesan's arsenal.

Those whom an amiable budget-friendly hole is their primary locus of attention will likely find the Big Box Whore more appealing. It's not a negative, it just is what it is.

And then there are gents who will go back and forth from one to the next simply because he can.

Regardless, this is a hooker's forum and a hooker's game. I have no disillusions otherwise. The hourly transactional nature of this game insists it be so, and I am not familiar with any "courtesan" sites. After all, how can you expect to delight in all the charms of a courtesan when the entirety of this system is built around 1/2 to 2 hour sessions and sometimes the rare overnight?

It does sometimes sting to know often budget is the primary concern. That an incredible number of men are only concerned if the woman is hyper-sexual (even if she is almost always faking it), ultra-available, and costs less. I'm often shocked at how often a man will see a provider who is less attractive, and sometimes even dangerous, as long as the above three are met.

I'm not making a statement that one is better than the other, there is truly something for everyone here. But I know I speak for more than one provider who would love to have the option to really give an incredible geisha-level experience ( but with sweaty sexy time sur les draps that most geisha do not do) and we're more than capable of it. But unfortunately the current system and demand just do not seem congruent to support those of us who would like to provide courtesan service.

Sigh as I wistfully drink my champagne and strum my guitar. Savoir. Penser. Rever. Tout est la! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Yo make excellent point about the focus (and limitations) of this board. The review nature, and it's primary focus on that "20-minute performance."

A guy looking for that personalized "geisha-level" experience is not near as likely to brag, boast and open himself up for criticism over such a truly intimate experience. The less meaningful romps get retold like test driving a car.

As is with the ladies here, there is also a very vocal minority of male posters here; that by no means represent a true cross section of clients in out fair town. To use Whispers' words most of the men here are big box clients as the nature of the board caters to them.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Y'all see? This is why Ah jus' masterbatates an' stays fur away frum all y'all crazy mofo's.

Sittin' h'yar, a-sippin on sum whisky an' a-blowin' mah mouth-organ.

Ah thinck Ah'll see if'n Ah kin find me sum re-runs o' tha A Team sumwhars on mah sattylite TV. Thet ol' Murdock's a gottdamm HOOT, Ah tells ya.
But you'll miss the Dukes of Hazzard?
Lets just say in my opinion no providers are better then the other, whether your skinny or top model type.
Were all fucking and sucking and getting paid for it, some choose to stay in the more affordable rates and make there money and some choose to act like there pussys made of gold and charge 300-400 an hour and get maybe 2-3 clients in a week 5 in a month. And some choose to make there prices higher and then you look at there reviews and obviously took what the haggler had.
Were all in the same kind of work and someone sees someone because of something they do or because their personality clicked, Not because the girls walking around with champagne or wine in a glass and pretending to be high class, their there to get there dick wet, and not to confuse it, cause I guarantee your not gonna say well your just sooooo special todays free. lol no all girls want there money and were all doing the same thing.
Higher rated girls are still whores to someone there just higher paid whores with the illusion that there shit dont stink.