Why no text messaging?

Why are there so many ads by providers that say "no text message please?"

I don't like texting myself, but I wondered why the providers are against it. Can anybody tell me why texting is so taboo?
I guess it's cause they don't want any incriminating links to them. It's the same thing as no discussion of services on the phone/in person. It's for secutiry reasons. I don't mind texting when it comes to non incriminating stuff like confirming the date or change of time. But women don't want to be asked all kinds of questions for fear of LE.
shorty's Avatar
Texting takes longer than an actual phone conversation. Most times the lady can probably tell if he's serious or not on the phone. I prefer texting or email. Since I don't have email on my phone, texting seems to be quicker for me.
Texting takes longer than an actual phone conversation. Most times the lady can probably tell if he's serious or not on the phone. I prefer texting or email. Since I don't have email on my phone, texting seems to be quicker for me. Originally Posted by shorty

Really? I always thought other escorts had "no texting" rules for incriminating issues. I'm a texter. But I only give my number out after screening.
shorty's Avatar
I usually get all the details worked out thru email. Once thats out of the way and I get the number of the provider, I'll text from then on. I have setup a session thru text before because I knew she liked to text. I absolutely hate to talk on the phone and BS with someone I don't know.
I usually get all the details worked out thru email. Once thats out of the way and I get the number of the provider, I'll text from then on. I have setup a session thru text before because I knew she liked to text. I absolutely hate to talk on the phone and BS with someone I don't know. Originally Posted by shorty
I agree, Im the same way. But I guess it's the women who are posting their numbers out in the open, who have that "no text" rule. Someone more protective and discriminating of their number wouldn't be so text cautious.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Like a lot of things, text in this biz is rapidly evolving and I see more providers using it almost interchangeably with email. I'll suggest 2 reasons:

1) It used to be, for some, a cost issue. Why rack up per message charges to chit chat when a phone call or email is free? Now unlimited text plans are much more common.

2) The adoption of smart phones and other devices with full keyboards make longer, more meaningful texts easier to compose.
I always prefer discreet conversation; however, I realize that sometimes a situation arises when conversation is not an option, at that time, so texting can be used for introduction purposes only.
I will still require an email, as well as a phone call. All rules of etiquette are to be followed for texting, emails and phone calls.

If I have already established a friendship, then I do not mind texting.

I believe that most ladies have the No Texting Rule for several reasons . . such as, Quite a few individuals do not know what Proper Texting Etiquette is, Incriminating Evidence, It is time consuming, plus most importantly, We can not get a feel for that person thru texting. Im sure there are other reasons as well, but those would be my top reasons.
Naomi4u's Avatar
let me guess....hmmmmmmmm because it's fucking annoying??
I dont mind texting to set something up, but there MUST be at least one phone call so I can hear the persons voice, and get a feel for the person..I just think that if a man dosnt want to call and actually have a converstaion with me, then he is hiding something and therefore must be avoided...and like Naomi said it can be annoying...
let me guess....hmmmmmmmm because it's fucking annoying?? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Ouch...that hurt!! Wish I'd seen this earlier....
It is a hell of a lot easier for me to send a discreet text than it is to walk out in the parking lot at my small company and make a phone call. Everyone assumes I'm job hunting if I'm doing that. I'd probably get less grief if I told them I was hobbying.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ouch...that hurt!! Wish I'd seen this earlier.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

No no your texts are fine.
I think most girls don't like texting because 1) some of us use a prepaid phone for the hobby which is usually annoying to text on or all the minutes are run up from a few texts 2) Most ladies have their number listed in a add and I would figure about 95% of texts are guys who will never book but just want to send nasty messages + pics of their cocks .I am sure after your screened if you tell a girl you may have to text it would be fine .
I think most girls don't like texting because 1) some of us use a prepaid phone for the hobby which is usually annoying to text on or all the minutes are run up from a few texts 2) Most ladies have their number listed in a add and I would figure about 95% of texts are guys who will never book but just want to send nasty messages + pics of their cocks .I am sure after your screened if you tell a girl you may have to text it would be fine . Originally Posted by AmericanGeisha

HAHA that is soo true that is a reason I don't give out my number until after screening. When I used to post ads with my number about 60 percent of it was BS or hagglers