Providers Personal Info Should Be Off Limits

Poet Laureate's Avatar
I just read another review wherein a hobbyist includes personal information about the provider that has NO BUSINESS being in the review. I'm not going to get into specifics, because I don't want to draw attention to the particular providers whose privacy has been violated and whose safety has been put at risk, but guys, don't be including things about number or age of children, the specific complex or street where the incall is located, or other details that can be used by the scum of the earth to visit evil or even just mischief on the ladies. They don't post where you live when they do outcalls, so why won't you give them the same courtesy? I know that most of you aren't deliberately trying to cause a problem, but we all know how much someone can find out with only a little information. Please, for the sake of hobbyists and providers everywhere, LEAVE THE PERSONAL STUFF OUT!
MARTlAN's Avatar
I think that's a given and also a no no according to the guidelines.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-07-2012, 06:00 PM
It should be everyone's responsibility to uphold discretion across the board whether or not they are directly affected. If you see something that might compromise someone's identity or possibly jeopardize their safety or well being, it should be reported ASAP! This type of carelessness happens more often than you think. Part of the problem is it sometimes in a section that not everyone has access to and those that do seldom report these things.
K9, I'm not sure which review you are referring to, but if you have a serious concern you should RTM (report to mod, the triangular icon with the exclamation point on the left side of the post) the review with your concern for the mods to look at. The mods don't necessarily see the review immediately, it could take them hours or days before they review it otherwise.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 10-07-2012, 09:26 PM
if you have a serious concern you should RTM (report to mod, the triangular icon with the exclamation point on the left side of the post) the review with your concern for the mods to look at. Originally Posted by Fratelli
I've sent the OP a PM requesting details.

As Fratelli says, click the "Report Post" button () on these types of things. It sends us a link to the content in question along with your concern and we can address it in a timely manner. Contrary to popular belief, your unpaid volunteer moderator staff doesn't read every single word posted in the Austin forums!

sixxbach's Avatar

Of course a reviewer should use discetion but does this warrant a thread? Like Whispers said in another thread, where do you put your nuts when you post? Sure sounds like you are trying to gain the "good graces" of providers.

Hit RTM instead of looking like an ass kisser

GneissGuy's Avatar
This is a good reminder why ladies or gents shouldn't be giving out info that they don't want plastered all over the place.

If you don't tell him/her unduly private info, it can't get spread around.

Of course, some info, can't be hidden, such as incall location, tattoos, phone numbers, car type, etc.

Guys or gals should use discretion about giving out ANY information about others, even seemingly "harmless" info.

I've seen the seemingly innocent bits of information stalkers or even real world acquaintances put together and cause problems with.

This also includes some people who got screwed because they posted the info themselves on the board, such as mentioning you're a chiropractor, and then posting about your hometown team winning a football game.

BTW, the staff has been pretty good about removing unnecessary personal info from posts and reviews. Use that RtM button when needed.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
It has nothing to do with being an ass kisser or worrying about good graces. It has everything to do with personal family history regarding one of my sisters, some clown who posted her personal information on a social networking site, and a stalker who used that information for less-than-pleasant purposes. I don't give a good Goddamn whether it looks like kissing ass, and I sure as Hell don't care what you think.
Your sister is a hooker? What's her handle?

It has nothing to do with being an ass kisser or worrying about good graces. It has everything to do with personal family history regarding one of my sisters, some clown who posted her personal information on a social networking site, and a stalker who used that information for less-than-pleasant purposes. I don't give a good Goddamn whether it looks like kissing ass, and I sure as Hell don't care what you think. Originally Posted by Chicago K9
knotty man's Avatar
Your sister is a hooker? What's her handle? Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
damn! i knew i wasnt the only one thinkin that from his post. LMFAO!!
Poet Laureate's Avatar
This is a serious topic, and you two are acting like 8th graders who just found a Playboy magazine. Her profession matters not one bit, and is not the point of this thread. The point is, someone posted personal info, and someone else picked up on it. Keep laughing, guys; that's what clowns do. I'm sure you'd both find the attempted rape of one of your sisters as hilarious as I did.
IIRC, the mods whap things like that from the reviews. If I were to post that she's at such&such an apt complex I thought that it would either get a <removed by mod> in that line (what I remember seeing) or tossed back (since I haven't violated that etiquette, I'm not sure).
Discretion is extremely important ... especially for us ladies that are TRULY independent...
Typhon100's Avatar
"I think that's a given and also a no no according to the guidelines." Originally Posted by Martianman
I fully agree with you Martian. It should be a given that even the slowest person could comprehend, both morally and just caring for another human beings feelings. But Nooooooooooo! There always idiots galore!

My father once don't me don't go looking for an idiot! They will find you soon enough! Boy! Was he ever correct, and this subject is where idiots can congregate. at, and really screw shit up at.

A personal and insightful providers perspective! Before I submitted my first review; I asked her if it was okay if I could do a review on the board, which she is already a member of. She was delighted and happy. We PMd each other later that night, and I already had a rough draft prepared for the board.

In the PM she politely reminded me not to give any personal data! I was actually insulted, that she would think that I would ever have done this in the first place. Then I calmed down and thought about her perspective. I realized that she had been burned previously by the same f _ _ktards that you previously mentioned.

The only data I released in my review was her sense of humor, and what she perceived as being funny.

Guidelines? We don't need guidelines telling us what to do! So sayest the idiot(s)!
As a side comment, I was looking at a showcase of a provider that should some tats, but no face. Next day I saw the very unique tats on her arms and neck. I've already PMed her and the pictures with the tats have been removed. So a cute little heart over your left boob isn't a problem (even when you're wearing a boob tube), but that huge eagle on your shoulder or the rose vine down you arm, not so cool.