reviews for pm

are reviews automatically reviewed for pm or do we still have to contact a mod for this. I just posted a review for continued pm in independent.
It is now automatic.
Bigguy006's Avatar
It is now automatic. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
How long does the process take, I've submitted 3 reviews today, all which are waiting for Mod Review...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-03-2010, 05:36 PM
For the last review I posted earlier in the week, it happened the morning after I posted it. I'm assuming it's just a matter of how busy our hard-working and unpaid staff are...
For the last review I posted earlier in the week, it happened the morning after I posted it. I'm assuming it's just a matter of how busy our hard-working and unpaid staff are... Originally Posted by ztonk
That is correct. Usually the AustinModStaff is pretty quick with review moderation, but we are volunteers who have real lives and jobs and responsibilities which sometimes slow the process down slightly.

Once a local Mod approves a review for PA, the credit is usually issued within 24-48 hours by the Admin staff. All of the reviews now come up in a review screen so we don't have to go looking for them anymore. The system is pretty cool and very efficent. Our goal is to make sure that proper credit is issued on a timely basis. If there are specific reviews that anyone has questions about, please pm any of the austin mods and we will be glad to check on them for you.
Guest062716's Avatar
How long does the process take, I've submitted 3 reviews today, all which are waiting for Mod Review... Originally Posted by Bigguy006

3 hours and 9 least on the first one I checked, that is how long it took for a mod to review and approve a post made after lunch.

Thanks SpaceMountain and Ztonk.
Frenchy29-2000's Avatar
Same here. I did a review of nikki j yesterday around 5pm and got credit about 3 hours later. You mods are awesome and I thank you for doing what it is you do.
Bigguy006's Avatar
Quick question, if you visit a provider twice in one day/week and do seperate reviews does that still count towards Premium Access? - Lets just say I'm hooked!
Beagle's Avatar
Quick question, if you visit a provider twice in one day/week and do seperate reviews does that still count towards Premium Access? - Lets just say I'm hooked! Originally Posted by Bigguy006
Nope, it does say somewhere in one of the FAQs that a review of the same provider only counts towards premium access credits if the meeting is 60/90?? days apart. Can't find the reference for it. it Summer?
Bigguy006's Avatar
Nope, it does say somewhere in one of the FAQs that a review of the same provider only counts towards premium access credits if the meeting is 60/90?? days apart. Can't find the reference for it. it Summer? Originally Posted by beaglebeagle