Ought Oh!!!! Don't be Silly Cover Your Willy

Blue_Buddies's Avatar
Published today May 05, 2013


Doctors are warning of a new sexually-transmitted superbug that they say could ultimately prove more deadly than AIDS.

The antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea HO41 was reportedly discovered in Japan two years ago in a 31-year-old female sex worker.

"This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly," Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, recently told CNBC. "Getting gonorrhea from this strain might put someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days. This is very dangerous."

Reportedly added William Smith, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors: "It's an emergency situation. As time moves on, it's getting more hazardous."

According to CNBC, Smith urged Congressional lawmakers as late as last week to allocate additional funding - $54 million - to develop an antibiotic capable of fighting HO41, as well as to conduct a public awareness campaign.

"I'm hopeful we'll get the additional funds, but I can't say for sure," Smith reportedly said. "What I do know is we don't have the resources to fight this as it stands now."

"People need to practice safe sex, like always," Christianson told CNBC. "Anyone beginning a new relationship should get tested along with their partner. The way gonorrhea works, not everyone knows they have it. And with this new strain it's even more important than ever to find out. "

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/0...#ixzz2STFvzskZ
Published today May 05, 2013


Doctors are warning of a new sexually-transmitted superbug that they say could ultimately prove more deadly than AIDS.

The antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea HO41 was reportedly discovered in Japan two years ago in a 31-year-old female sex worker.

"This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly," Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, recently told CNBC. "Getting gonorrhea from this strain might put someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days. This is very dangerous."

Reportedly added William Smith, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors: "It's an emergency situation. As time moves on, it's getting more hazardous."

According to CNBC, Smith urged Congressional lawmakers as late as last week to allocate additional funding - $54 million - to develop an antibiotic capable of fighting HO41, as well as to conduct a public awareness campaign.

"I'm hopeful we'll get the additional funds, but I can't say for sure," Smith reportedly said. "What I do know is we don't have the resources to fight this as it stands now."

"People need to practice safe sex, like always," Christianson told CNBC. "Anyone beginning a new relationship should get tested along with their partner. The way gonorrhea works, not everyone knows they have it. And with this new strain it's even more important than ever to find out. "
Originally Posted by Blue_Buddies
We can only hope that the, "Bengazi Whistleblowers" that Fox News is all lit up about undergo appropriate screening.
Spanky0800's Avatar
Interesting....this may be the exception to my rule of not believing anything on Fox News.
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
News channels anymore are simply arms of a political party.
last i saw it was Bob Shieffer who who is lit up over "Bengazi Whistleblowers"...hardly fox news
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 05-06-2013, 02:08 PM
Published today May 05, 2013
" Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, recently told CNBC. "Getting gonorrhea from this strain might put someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days. This is very dangerous." Originally Posted by Blue_Buddies
matter of days.....so how does this spread so fast? So within a few days, you get it, have no symptoms, spread it and then drop dead?
KCQuestor's Avatar
Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, recently told CNBC. Originally Posted by Blue_Buddies
Why not just quote a tribal witch doctor, or a psychic surgeon?

Naturopathy is the belief that "vital energy" forces make you healthy or sick. Naturopaths reject real medicine, including vaccinations. Of course his patients get sick and die right away. He isn't treating them. He might as well try praying away the bacteria.
Wow that would suck. In the future, if anyone asks me why I don't offer any bbbj or bbfs I will direct them to this thread.
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
matter of days.....so how does this spread so fast? So within a few days, you get it, have no symptoms, spread it and then drop dead?
Originally Posted by blade78

It doesn't necessarily spread quickly but it acts on the human body quickly.
It doesn't necessarily spread quickly but it acts on the human body quickly. Originally Posted by Blue_Buddies
that was my point--how does it spread fast? thru sex?

if you get it and it kills you fast, or you get symptoms fast....how do you spread this std?
someone has sex with the sick person and before they get very sick and show symptoms, they also have sex?

aids/etc hides, this apparently doesnt hide, so who is having sex with sick people?
Why not just quote a tribal witch doctor, or a psychic surgeon?

Naturopathy is the belief that "vital energy" forces make you healthy or sick. Naturopaths reject real medicine, including vaccinations. Of course his patients get sick and die right away. He isn't treating them. He might as well try praying away the bacteria. Originally Posted by KCQuestor
lol wrong doctor, you are decribing chiros

Naturopaths can prescribe RXs,

so they are at least a step above chiropractors who are what you decribe
fix the CHI, fix it all
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
that was my point--how does it spread fast? thru sex?

if you get it and it kills you fast, or you get symptoms fast....how do you spread this std?
someone has sex with the sick person and before they get very sick and show symptoms, they also have sex?

aids/etc hides, this apparently doesnt hide, so who is having sex with sick people? Originally Posted by blade78

Point taken. I see what you mean.

If someone is say, a high volume provider idk.
KenMonk's Avatar

Nice research... You guys are freaking out and the strain that was discussed hasn't been seen since 2009. Don't be a fool, still wrap your tool.
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
Not freaking, just posting information and letting people like you and others add to it. If your going to hump, better cover your stump.