Sweet.countrygirl NOT so country - Before + After photos!

bcdstudios's Avatar
Hello Ladies and Gents,

Just wanted to share with you some photos I had the pleasure of creating recently: I was commissioned to shoot Tori (Sweet.countrygirl) some "mildly" sexy images to market her business. She did an amazing job modeling with (being free in front of the camera) and took direction very well. What more could a photographer ask for?

Her handle and Showcase can be found here:

NOTE: As of today I am putting a challenge out there for all the providers to "step their game up" and promote YOUR brand / business and advertise / entice the higher-end clients to show them the value of your time! See what a little time + money invested in your business can produce? I'm sure Tori will see a huge return on that investment. Can you say the same for your cell phone (#selfee) photos?

For you viewing pleasure I present Tori:

Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 05-13-2013, 02:12 PM
Her before pics look good, but her after picture? I just see a lock (icon)?

What did you do man to the sexy girl of KC? OMG
bcdstudios's Avatar
Don't worry she's not locked up in my basement (great idea though)! Is the photo showing up now? I think I have a setting in the gallery I'm hosting it on locked down? I think I fixed it but can't tell on my end. Anyone confirm the photo(s) load now? I could always see it on my computer... mondays suck! GGGRRRRR! Thanks for any help or confirmations...
The photo is up. Thanks bcd and WOW Tori!
Nice Peter out of all 2000 pics you chose the "tie me down one" lol I knew u had to much fun tying me up lol...

SERIOUSLY THOUGH Peter is amazing and does an awsum job the atmosphere is fun and relaxed. He is very professional and really loves his work. I very highly recommend ya'll see him for your pictures!
Thank you again Peter for taking the pictures, I had alot of fun and I will be back for all my photos!

I still can't see the pic on my end, dang it!
Ok, I can see it now!

Wow! That's hot! What a brave girl you are, Tori! Beautiful body and art!

Can't wait to see more!

p.s. Check your PM's, Tori
Redwolf's Avatar
I actually like the pic in the upper right hand corner best. It (and Tori) looks hot in so many ways.
bcdstudios's Avatar
Thanks Twingates and Stacey about the comments and appreciation of our art. Tori is a wonderful woman with such a great attitude. She was a pleasure to shoot and yes I did shoot over 2000 images and I had a hard time picking which one to post. I don't think she hesitated to do anything I asked her to do. It was a great collaboration of two artists doing what they do best.

Tori - I was just disappointed I found the key to unlock you at the end of the shoot!! wink!!
bcdstudios's Avatar
IDK Redwolf - I kinda like my little sexy black dress version a little more...

I love the picture Redwolf was refering to also, but I will say that the few pictures you have posted of her have been pretty damn good.