the big California earthquake

VitaMan's Avatar
All the scientists and data say it is going to happen, just a matter of when.

It will be a terrible event......but it would be interesting if it would happen in
our lifetime, just to see what happens.
Oneputbirdie's Avatar
Nature's version of "Calexit"!
I suggest you move out there to really experience it. I was in Coalinga working in '83 and Northridge in '94. I live in Texas now because a hurricane gives you warning. In Coalinga, we were in a bar and it saved us from having to pay our tab, of course we lost our stuff when the motel we were staying in collapsed.
TryWeakly's Avatar
I was in Cunnlingis, CA when the last "big one" hit.

Ur right about the no warning thing.
pyramider's Avatar
Who cares if California slips into the Pacific?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Fake news. They've been sayin that for 40 years
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I grew up in the Southern California desert, nicknamed "Shake & Bake" for fry-an-omelet-on-the-sidewalk-and-bake-a-fritatta-in-your-car dry but soaring summer temps and frequent ground rumbles. I experienced many tremors, the largest magnitude 7.2 (washed me out of the bathtub!), and it was scary as Hell. Days of aftershocks kept everyone on edge.

Based on the geological speculation I've read, I actually think California may very well undergo a geography-altering quake of spectacular seismic proportion eventually, but who knows when? There's little doubt that tectonic plate pressure is building, and if the "Ring of Fire" theory erupts, destruction may be extensive on the entire West Coast.

Just watched "San Andreas" again last night. Not a well-plotted or believably-acted movie, but the special effects were interesting, although "2012" did Cali catastrophe better and actually showed the state slipping into the sea. Hollywood/LA may become the new Atlantis if the continental shelf gives and all of the subsidiary fault lines start creating crevasses for the ocean's ingress. My o
ld sandy home near the Arizona-Mexico border might end up as beachfront property, cactus swaying in the breeze instead of palm trees.
VitaMan's Avatar
Might be kind of fun as long as you are not next to something that can fall on you
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Might be kind of fun as long as you are not next to something that can fall on you Originally Posted by VitaMan
Alas, there's also the likelihood of the ground opening up and swallowing you. Nowhere safe, or fun, in an earthquake.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The sky is falling.
You can no more stop an earthquake than you can prevent the climate from changing.
You cant stop a volcano from blowing off some steam either.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
All the scientists and data say it is going to happen, just a matter of when.

It will be a terrible event......but it would be interesting if it would happen in
our lifetime, just to see what happens. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Yeah, I too thing you need to move there to see just how interesting it would be. I wouldn't wish this type of natural disaster on my worst enemy. Wtf, lol...geesh.

Who cares if California slips into the Pacific? Originally Posted by pyramider
This weekend would be perfect.
loveitdou's Avatar
It is predicted that a long slice of Cali including LA and north up to San Francisco MIGHT separate from the mainland and migrate north toward the Aleutian Islands but (sadly) that will take millions of years.
^^^^^ Boxer and Feinstein will still be kickin
Been through many California earthquakes. No warnings, they just happen. Not fun or anything I would wish on anyone.