I would distinguish between pimps and agents, though a simplistic definition might lump them together. A true pimp is a pure parasite, while an agent is a middleman that a professional indy willing to provide for her own prospecting, screening, and accommodations, might get by without while others might find those services worth the cost.
Originally Posted by trekker
It's a fair point. I think largely the definition comes down to who has control.
Does she have exclusive authority over who her clients are, when she works, where she works, and what services are offered?
Is he* involved only in the administrative and promotional activities or does he have some involvement in the appointments themselves? (e.g., monitoring them in some way, "security", etc.)
Would there be harassment if she decided to do without those services or could she "fire" him at any time of her choosing?
What happens to the money? Does she control it and give him a commission, or does he control it and give her an "allowance".
Is he physically and/or mentally abusive of her?
* I'm using the pronouns 'he' and 'him' for simplicity. The agent or pimp could be a woman.