High Volume Providers...Like Real High

So I was perusing the weekend lineup and a pretty young lady by the name of Jane Smith caught my attention. Started reading reviews and soon noticed that she was at about 35 reviews in a month. Now these are only from the guys that reviewed her.

Some reveiws also mentioned how her performance lacked a bit due to soreness and I'm sure irritabilty that comes along with so many requests.

My question to the ladies is how do you do it? I understand money is the motivator in life but just from a pure science perspective wouldn't there be some physical damage? Pulled muscles, vaginal/anal tears, etc?

Or is it possible to actually like sex that much where 10 in a days span is okay? I'm trying to understand the term nymphomaniac a little better.

I'm really curious to see what the ladies on this forum have to say. And honestly, more power to you if you actually enjoy it. God knows I love sex and is exactly why I partake in the hobby.

Mongers, do high volume providers give you pause when considering a session?
russellevans's Avatar
To your last question yea.

To your first question, this is why they sell KY in 5 gallon drums. If you see an industrial drum opener laying around, gtfo.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-04-2016, 08:05 PM
I know two ladies that had to do that kind of thing for three or four weeks--counter to their normal work tempo. They hated it but they needed the money and needed it quickly. One had to have major surgery not covered by health insurance. The other had to hire a lawyer to try and keep custody of her kids.

I can't imagine any lady enjoying that for any length of time.
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 08-04-2016, 08:15 PM
I knew this one provider in Vegas some years back that was a champ, saw on average 7 guys at least an hour at a time, $500 outcall including greek. Kept a high level IOP with every single one of them. It's one thing if they can handle the workload, it's another if the service level dips severely at the end of the night.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I'm going to preface this by saying that I've never had that many appts in one day.
Some may have the libido to keep up without getting sore or wiped out. Granted condoms do have a drying effect even after one or two sometimes.
I think if a lady is getting sore, then she should listen to her body. It gives us signals when enough is enough or we need to take a break. If we ignore those signals, it can lead to other conditions, such as tears and infections.
Freud got it all wrong when he talked about Penis Envy as some kind of inferiority inherent in women. What guy wouldn't love to be able to have 10-20 orgasms a day. (5-7 clients x >3 Os with each). I'm envious as hell of that. A very popular provider here a few years ago saw 5-7 guys/day and was able to make each feel they like they were somehow special. I estimated that lady made $250,000 tax free annually. She had the business sense to keep her review count low to add to the aura that she was exclusive. I'm just saying, just b/c Jane has all those reviews, she's not the only one seeing that many clients. I would find it awfully hard to turn down that kind of jack for fucking, even if I had a sore dick.
Tatonka's Avatar
When traveling providers come to town they are on a business trip i.e. they are here to make money, as much as they can.

They will take on as much of a workload as they are comfortable with, sometimes more depending on their need or their greed.

Over the course of days that workload can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the experience they provide.They can get tired, sore, burned out, unhappy etc.

It is best to see traveling providers early on in their stay or early in each successive day when their volume for that trip, or at least that day, are lower.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
What guy wouldn't love to be able to have 10-20 orgasms a day. (5-7 clients x >3 Os with each). Originally Posted by chuckles
I may have that many per client in an hour session, but not always.
DallasRain's Avatar
When traveling providers come to town they are on a business trip i.e. they are here to make money, as much as they can.

They will take on as much of a workload as they are comfortable with, sometimes more depending on their need or their greed.

Over the course of days that workload can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the experience they provide.They can get tired, sore, burned out, unhappy etc.

It is best to see traveling providers early on in their stay or early in each successive day when their volume for that trip, or at least that day, are lower. Originally Posted by Tatonka

well...not ALL traveling providers...I only book two a day when I travel....there may be a rare occassion i book three,but only if they are repeat friends and really well spaced apart!

I learned a long time ago on how to book really nice hotels at low prices/I have a gas saver car and I mix pleasure trips with business trips..so I do enough to make a profit for the trip AND have fun!
xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
...wow. I am amazed at the number of providers who see more than one client a day...I question the level of quality of each session, not due to any other reason than it takes a lot out of me for one visit...I do put alot into preparing for my sessions.....I am overly critical of myself and tend to be anal about everything that concerns an optimal experience for my client...I sometimes can't handle 3 a week. Kudos to those women who can manage it without feeling road hard and put away wet....if they are sacrificing the quality of visits and their bodies!!!... then they need to hire a financial advisor to manage their income so they can allow for the bruises and sore mucsels to heel!!
Tatonka's Avatar
well...not ALL traveling providers...I only book two a day when I travel....there may be a rare occassion i book three,but only if they are repeat friends and really well spaced apart!

I learned a long time ago on how to book really nice hotels at low prices/I have a gas saver car and I mix pleasure trips with business trips..so I do enough to make a profit for the trip AND have fun!
Originally Posted by DallasRain
You make some good points.
Thanks for your reply.
derek303's Avatar
Sounds like how NCNS happens. Overbook and blow a couple off.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I agree with Dallas, when I'm traveling and using hotels, I prefer to only see two a day and spaced out.
As for xXxoRRoxXx, I'm 51 and have a sex drive that is unbelievable at times. And I also offer bngs so seeing 2 or 3 guys a day doesn't effect how I treat any of them. If I'm not in the mood on any specific day, I'll avoid taking appts. But I usually wake up ready to play.
Physically,I could handle more appts than I accept a day, but I also have an incall in an apartment complex and don't want to bring too much attention to myself.
Then there are those, like yourself, who know they can't give their all if every day. Nothing wrong with either way.
It's only wrong when the lady is doing back to back appts and can't handle it. Or if they run over and it interferes with other appts scheduled.
Alot of great points! Chuckles is right about Freud getting it wrong and actually made me ponder what a successful providers schedule would look like.

If I was an independent provider my business model would be as follows:

M,T,W - 9AM, 11AM, Lunch, 2PM, 5PM, 7PM
TH,F - Sleep in, 2PM, 5PM, 7PM

21 John's per week at 200 per hour = 4200 × 3 = 12,600 × 12 = 151, 200

That is also tax free. Wow, just wow.

So this is assuming you're a 200 per hour "popular" provider taking a week off per month for Aunt Flo visits. I believe that 300/hour providers don't get as much traffic due to their high dollar but I could be wrong. Also there would be no half hour appts to keep it simple.

Not bad quick short term money considering most providers don't last a year and the really good one's only 2 - 3.

So pay off your student loans, purchase that BMW 6 series (because you're far too young for the 7), travel the world, and buy as many Louis Vuitton items as possible!

And for christ's sake put some away in an IRA.

You're welcome.
I use WD-40 for maintenance and "new car scent" spray to hide the scent of my burnt rubber...I also keep an industrial size gojo container in my whore tub.

Pro-tip: doing CIM, I can keep a FC2 in for up to 3 appointments in a row