License plate?

Went to see a provider and had a guy step out of the building and checked my front license plate. I left but is there anything I need to worry about? I think he may have been concerned citizen not LE but don't know for sure. Provider sent multiple emails asking where I was. Haven't answered her because not sure if she is in on it. She gave me very specific details of where to park. I've seen her over ten times but been a view years since last time. Still haven't answered her emails. Worried LEbmay show up at house.
nuglet's Avatar
LE wouldn't be so stupid as to be seen taking your Lic #, and besides, they have auto-readers for that... We were at a swinger party over the w/e at a suites type hotel and a guy in a pickup was taking license #'s of parked cars by the unit... So I made it obvious I was taking a pic of not only him, but his truck and plate # as well.. that ol' "good for the goose" thing.
But this guy probably is a concerned citizen and sends my plate number to LE. What could happen then?
You think the police have time to follow up on some random license plates the neighborhood wacko collects every month? "Hey this random car was legally parked here please investigate". Lol ok let me drop my case load you crazy kook
nuglet's Avatar
you weren't illegally parked, you were a guest of a paid resident. "IF" he sent your plate in, they'd probably all get a chuckle out of "some idiot playing neighborhood cop".. quit overthinking it.
LOL " oh wow, some guy, in a car, was parked somewhere, so I wrote his plate # down. "...
You guys are right. I thought maybe it was all a setup by the provider but after reading your comments I probably over reacted. But the kook could inform police he thinks there is a prostituion ring goin on in that apartment.
nuglet's Avatar
YUP, he sure could.. and they would think....."yep, another KOOK trying to do our job."
BUT>>>>...... I think this hobby is probably not for you. Your heart won't take it.
And all you have to do is NOT show up a few times, and that will solve your problem entirely, right there. LOL

PS: BTW this is NOT an alert, well not an alert for the lady involved.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Not an alert, moved to coed

I have had LE write my licence plate down, and ask me what I was doing. I explained that is where I get my massages. He asked if I new about the reputation of this place. I politely said no I do not, he said just be careful.
I have had LE write my licence plate down, and ask me what I was doing. I explained that is where I get my massages. He asked if I new about the reputation of this place. I politely said no I do not, he said just be careful. Originally Posted by 56022256
He'd probably just left the place after getting a handy.
fun2come's Avatar
Reminds me of that Water Sports guy ....
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Tha' mos' laikly thang is thet tha feller is a busybody an' he's a-gonna cumplain ta tha apartm'nt management. An' it mite not e'en be ta cumplain thet thars a hoogar inna cumplex. Mite be thet yew were parkin' inna resident spot (sum kin be purdy poorly marked) an' he had his panties inna wad o'er sum'pin laik thet.
I doubt it was a concerned citizen out to report you. More likely it's the provider's bf or pimp.
russellevans's Avatar
Definitely seems like an over reaction, but don't park close to your destination for additional plausible deniability.

travis13131's Avatar
Read it all..Really great advice given on this thread. No need to worry my friend! You did the right thing..Meaning, if you have a bad vibe, just leave.... but no need to worry with what you explained..HOBBY on BROTHER!!!