Question on harassment.

Ronin3's Avatar
Just seeking a little feedback on experiences by providers, or acquaintances of providers, on how they've handled clients who post lies or threaten providers in order to get more than is willingly offered. I have a provider, I care for, that is being essentially terrorized by a client that wants FS. He calls her at 3 am, shows up unannounced because she won't give him an appointment, and now is placing posts that strongly insinuate she does FS for more money. Generally I'm an easy going person but my history is a hammer guy who sees the world as a nail. I hate guys like this and want to crush him, but she's hoping for some restraint on my part with hopes this can be resolved more amiably.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
She needs to post an alert in both the powder room and alert forums to start with. Block his number. If it still continues then a restraining order.
Britttany_love's Avatar
My opinion is that you need to stay out of it. Its a private matter between him and her and it should not include you who could possibly make things worse. If she asked you to stay out of it then you need to. Him showing up unannounced is not ok and I would let him know if he did it again I will contact the police or I will be defending my property any way necessary. Not much she can do about him posting besides saying her side to the story which typically doesnt end well with a back and forth rant filled with drama. I wouldnt worry about him going to the police, what is he going to say a hooker that im paying wont sleep with me. Its another reason why you shouldnt have your incall as your personal residence unless your willing to deal with some of the consequences.
Ronin3's Avatar
It's an AMP. She doesn't do FS. She's asked for advice/help. She's afraid.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Ok so then she needs to change her number then he cant call her. So he shows up at an amp she works at? She needs to tell who ever runs the place whats going on. If they are running a legit business and as you say FS isnt being offered then they need to contact the police and let them know about the harassment, stalking.. etc. She may need to take some time off from the amp and dissappear for a bit. Sounds like a perfect situation to openly carry. You threaten me and my safety is at risk you will pay the consequences.
Whispers's Avatar
It's an AMP. She doesn't do FS. She's asked for advice/help. She's afraid. Originally Posted by IXinerVI
Maybe your getting played. The guy probably has a different story
russellevans's Avatar
It's an AMP. She doesn't do FS. She's asked for advice/help. She's afraid. Originally Posted by IXinerVI
AMP needs to step the fuck up and help out. What good is a business if they don't look out for their own?
Ronin3's Avatar
It's R&T AMP. I've seen the correspondence and the posts. Been in this game a long time. Not being played
travis13131's Avatar
I think your being played...I really don't want to sound like a dick..Right now, I am sure you will bash me...Two or three moths, You will agree..Be safe my friend!!!!!!!
Tread light my friend, you may be getting to attached. This can get to be a nasty situation.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
If you've "been in the game a long time" then you should know to stay out of such things. All providers have come across troublesome/worrisome guests. It's part and parcel of this business. If she hasn't any self protection in place, nor will her place of business protect her, she's in the wrong biz. Additionally where are her friends? If she needs "client/friends" to sort her out that's lame. If she truly isn't running game on you, then this is one messy ho and all the more reason to stay out of it.

I mean, you make it seem as if this woman hasn't even bothered to change her number, nor has she avoided her place of business yet as of your initial posting. If she's an AMP girl, why does the client have her number? I'm curious, is that what they do? Why are you taking this so seriously when clearly she isn't?

Stop infantilizing this woman. Stop enabling her to be enfeebled and panicky. Embolden her to help herself then get out of the way. But if she doesnt have the spine for it, and what you say is true (unlikely), and you really do want to help her, then help her get out of this damn industry before her weakness gets her hurt. Unless of course, "Damsel in Distress" somehow feeds your man-ego (likely), then that is a whole different conversation.
My vote - Mind your own damn business. She'll either sort it out or it'll get sorted out on its own one way or the other.
If you've "been in the game a long time" then you should know to stay out of such things. All providers have come across troublesome/worrisome guests. It's part and parcel of this business. If she hasn't any self protection in place, nor will her place of business protect her, she's in the wrong biz. Additionally where are her friends? If she needs "client/friends" to sort her out that's lame. If she truly isn't running game on you, then this is one messy ho and all the more reason to stay out of it.

I mean, you make it seem as if this woman hasn't even bothered to change her number, nor has she avoided her place of business yet as of your initial posting. If she's an AMP girl, why does the client have her number? I'm curious, is that what they do? Why are you taking this so seriously when clearly she isn't?

Stop infantilizing this woman. Stop enabling her to be enfeebled and panicky. Embolden her to help herself then get out of the way. But if she doesnt have the spine for it, and what you say is true (unlikely), and you really do want to help her, then help her get out of this damn industry before her weakness gets her hurt. Unless of course, "Damsel in Distress" somehow feeds your man-ego (likely), then that is a whole different conversation. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-17-2016, 11:19 AM
As Miss Valentina has eloquently stated, the lady needs to stand up for herself. Trying to be a proxy in the situation is going to fail for any of the reasons others have stated already.

There is his story, her story, and the truth.

When guys or gals get overly attached in a pay-for-play arrangement, boundaries get crossed, feelings get hurt, expectations are dashed, and there are usually ugly consequences...

Jack$lit's Avatar
You should post all the detail in coed. Then you will get good advice and everyone involved will never know your referencing them.
Everyone who's been around knows coed is where to take things.