Providers, how many of you take credit cards. Those that dont, is there some reason that you dont

Stewie griffen's Avatar
Just like title, who does or doesn't and why? Just curious....
The Dumbest Things People Ever Tried To Pay For By Credit Card

And, for most, traceable income is taxable income and they have no interest in paying taxes.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Great article. Good points all around.
To be clear, im not saying its a good idea, nor am i saying i would or will do it, but i was curious about it from the other side of the sheets if you will.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I do not take credit cards. Not only are you leaving a paper trail a gentlemen can easily request a charge back once the session is over. I have read numerous alerts about this happening to lots of ladies and not much your going to be able to do about it. He can easily claim it was stolen, an unauthorized transaction, or stop payment and your screwed. This is a cash driven business to me if the gentleman is not able to pay for my services with cash he is in the wrong hobby. I will sometimes take certain unopened giftcards with a verified receipt from gentlemen I have seen before on a case by case basis. Also be careful accepting payments via paypal most ladies dont know they charge you $.03 plus a 3% fee on the total amount that your getting so you need to be aware and include a processing fee so your not paying out of your donation.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
If someone reports it, PayPal will freeze your account and sieze your funds for violating their terms of use. Google "PayPal freezes sex worker accounts" for many many instances of this happening.
So there's that.
nuglet's Avatar
I'm on the other side of that thought process. I wouldn't be interested in potentially sharing my CC # with a traveling provider and all her friends...I'm not concerned about who knows what I do, it's just that I prefer paying ONLY for who/what I do.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Then theres that nuglet, great points everyone.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
If'n yew gotta buy yore poosey on credit, then yore laik ol' Wimpy frum tha Popeye cartoons: "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." Tho' it's mo' laik: "Ah'll gladly pay Citibank next month at tha compound innerest rate described in tha Cardtholdter Ah-greed-mint fer a rimjob rite h'yar this minnit, bee-yotch!"
If'n yew gotta buy yore poosey on credit, then yore laik ol' Wimpy frum tha Popeye cartoons: "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." Tho' it's mo' laik: "Ah'll gladly pay Citibank next month at tha compound innerest rate described in tha Cardtholdter Ah-greed-mint fer a rimjob rite h'yar this minnit, bee-yotch!" Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Samcro84's Avatar
The reason should be if you pay with credit card there is an electronic money trail. Even with prepaid.

So many ways to get cash using you CC or debit card.

Yes, from about 5 clients in 4 years. They are all regulars and we have an incredibly high level of mutual trust.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I do not accept credit cards for many of the reasons already listed.
This is true....however here's another way of looking at it....Our donations are also called GIFTS. If you present me with a credit card ITS MINE. we can talk about my budget on the card
sue_nami's Avatar
cash only. no paper trail and no scams. I wonder about the guys always trying to use gift cards and vanilla visa type cards. Like why can they get that and not cash and why do they always try to use gift cards all the time. suspicious.