Biden and Putin

HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden calls Putin a killer. Biden savaged Trump for "giving into what ever Putin wanted" and now Biden removes the sanctions Trump put on Putin's pipeline.

Pipeline for Putin the killer= Good

Pipeline for America and Canada= Bad

Biden to waive sanctions on company in charge of Nord Stream 2

The Biden administration will waive sanctions on the corporate entity and CEO overseeing the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany, according to two sources briefed on the decision.
Why it matters: The decision indicates the Biden administration is not willing to compromise its relationship with Germany over this pipeline, and it underscores the difficulties President Biden faces in matching actions to rhetoric on a tougher approach to Russia.
Driving the news: The State Department will imminently send its mandatory 90-day report to Congress listing entities involved in Nord Stream 2 that deserve sanctions. Sources familiar with the drafting of the report tell Axios the State Department plans to call for sanctions against a handful of Russian ships.
  • The State Department will also acknowledge that the corporate entity in charge of the project (Nord Stream 2 AG) and its CEO (Putin crony and former East German intelligence officer Matthias Warnig) are engaged in sanctionable activities.
  • However, the State Department will waive the applications of those sanctions, citing U.S. national interests.
  • This planned move seems at odds with Secretary of State Antony Blinken's statement, made during his confirmation hearing: "I am determined to do whatever we can to prevent that completion" of Nord Stream 2.
Between the lines: This planned move also sets up a bizarre situation in which the Biden administration will be sanctioning ships involved in the building of Nord Stream 2 but refusing to sanction the actual company in charge of the project.
  • Sources close to the situation say that top Biden officials have determined that the only way to potentially stop the project — which is 95% complete — is to sanction the German end users of the gas.
  • And the Biden administration is not willing to rupture its relationship with Germany over Nord Stream 2.
The big picture: As Axios has previously reported, the completion of Nord Stream 2 would be a huge geopolitical win for Putin and give him substantial new leverage in Europe.
  • Russian gas currently has to pass through Ukraine on its way to Europe. Bypassing Ukraine with a direct pipeline to Germany is an opportunity for Russia to advance its goal of isolating its former client state, now a fledgling democracy, from Western Europe.
  • Russia has a long track record of cutting critical supplies to its neighbors during disputes, including cutting off gas to Ukraine.
  • The pipeline could be finished by the summer without a major intervention to stop it.
A State Department spokesperson told Axios the Biden administration had made clear that companies participating in Nord Stream 2 could face sanctions and would "continue to underscore U.S. strong, bipartisan opposition to this Russian malign influence project."
  • "The Biden administration has been clear that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a Russian geopolitical project that threatens European energy security and that of Ukraine and eastern flank NATO allies and partners," the spokesperson said.
  • The State Department spokesperson would not confirm the waivers or any details about the imminent report.
Administration sources contend any waivers applied to sanctions could be removed at any time.
  • They also argue the act of sanctioning and then waiving an entity establishes leverage over it, given the company would know that at any moment, the U.S. could reinstate the sanction.
  • They also add that the Biden administration's goal remains to see that the pipeline doesn't go into use.
bambino's Avatar
Well, Russia, China, Iran, and others have all the dirt on the Biden crime family that they need. He does as he’s told. BTW, has Hunter divested his deal with the Bank of China yet?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Aren't you guys forgetting that the German's pitched a hissy about the US butting into their deal?
VitaMan's Avatar
Biden, Putin......what about the Kraken ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden, Putin......what about the Kraken ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

are you feeling lonely in the Houston forums?

asking for shinepro, pxmcc and CK
VitaMan's Avatar
Not enough to post 21,094 times
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not enough to post 21,094 times Originally Posted by VitaMan

i have to work on that to catch up with yssup rider


and that's 21,095 now
HedonistForever's Avatar
Aren't you guys forgetting that the German's pitched a hissy about the US butting into their deal? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

That deal is a strategic mistake for every body including Germany, they are just to stupid to know it. Trump knew it.
Hedonists...Trump hasn't known SHIT since he took his first breath! You give the idiot too much credit.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonists...Trump hasn't known SHIT since he took his first breath! You give the idiot too much credit. Originally Posted by txpilot3

The so called Putin puppet, knew enough to sanction the pipeline because it would hurt NATO the organization his accusers also got wrong and strengthen Putin..

I only give credit where credit is do. Trump was for this sanction on Russia, Biden is against it. It doesn't take an expert on geo-political strategy to figure this out, hence your comment I suspect.
lustylad's Avatar
That deal is a strategic mistake for every body including Germany, they are just too stupid to know it. Trump knew it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
As clumsy as trumpy is in articulating things, he hit the bulls-eye when he asked why NATO - an alliance that denounced Russia's annexation of Crimea - should buy more of their natural gas and thereby help finance their continuing encroachments in Ukraine?

Why should US taxpayer dollars be spent defending an alliance (most of whose members don't pay their fair share - 2% of GDP) if some of those NATO members are actively undermining alliance policy and propping up Russia's energy industry?

Can't wait 'til the next foreign policy crisis where Putin tells Merkel to stfu or he'll cut off her gas supply in the midst of a frigid winter! ("But Vlad... I thought we were friends?")

Hey, don't fret! We have Anthony Blinken in charge of our foreign policy! What could possibly go wrong?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Unfortunately, Biden, overrode Blinkin's better instinct's.

Secretary of State Blinken warns Europe against Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

‘President Biden has been very clear, he believes the pipeline is a bad idea, bad for Europe, bad for the United States,’ Blinken says in Brussels

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated on Tuesday in Brussels the Biden administration’s hostility to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline currently being built between Russia and Germany, pleading that it was “ultimately in contradiction to the EU’s own security goals.”

U.S.'s Blinken warned Germany's Maas about Nord Stream 2 sanctions

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday he had told his German counterpart that sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline were a real possibility and there was “no ambiguity” in American opposition to its construction.

Until Joe decided otherwise.

Reiterating Biden’s concerns about the pipeline from Russia to Germany, Blinken said he told German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday in a private meeting that companies involved in the project risked sanctions, particularly at a point when construction might finish.
“I made clear that firms engaged in pipeline construction risk U.S. sanctions. The pipeline divides Europe, it exposes Ukraine and central Europe to Russian manipulation and coercion, it goes against Europe’s own stated energy goals,” Blinken told a news conference.
VitaMan's Avatar
America does not rule the world.

Too many people today play video games, and the outcome is always black and white. Same with the movies.

The world operates in shades of grey. WW2 we helped Russia a lot.
America does not rule the world. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I just wish we'd stop trying