Hey I just would like to know some input on this one guys & gals

Is it fair for a guy to book and hour appt, and when they pop really fast and say that they can't go another time, shoud you give him $$$$$ back???When you are really supposed to be paying for time correct???? I mean he booked for an hour and not half hour. And to top it off I do have half hour rates.

Just asking because I have a "no" to seeing me on a review today and I never make anyone leave until their time is up, and I always make sure that my visitors are well taking care of. I think that some of the guys reviews are really unfair but ok thanks Lubbock.
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
I am very much pro hobbyist and not too concerned about the provider point of view. Sometimes people agree with me and sometimes people get upset. In this situation, with the facts you presented, I would have to side with you. Regardless of how long the sex lasts, if you book for an hour, you should pay for an hour.
Thank you very much and i will never kick a guy out of the room if he pops too fast and cant pop again...I just hate that it resulted in me getting a bad review wow
But hey it's ok thanks for your response.
Pay is for time!!!!!! If things do or do not click that is beside the point. All trips to the fantasy world are not the same.

I in mho think some visits just seem to work out due to personalitys that jive. On the other hand some folks just do not click.

It is a lot to ask that two people meet in a room and go thru the emotions asked and make it perfect every time.

To each thier own.
Yeah am with yall two, if you pay for the hour and leave early thats their fault not yours sexy.
lionheart's Avatar

I think that if you are genuinely concerned about a poorly reviewed session that is a good first step to becoming a better provider. The first suggestion I would have is to decide whether or not you are truely ready and willing to accept constructive criticism. Many girls take any criticism personally and blow up about it instead of using it to better themselves.

Once you have made up your mind that you are willing to accept honest feedback, you might contact the reviewer privately and ask something along the lines of "I'm sorry you did not enjoy our session, please let me know what I could have done better". There is always the chance he will take that as an opportunity to unload on you but most guys in the hobby, especially here in west texas, are very respectful gents and will share their thoughts with you in a helpful manner. I have a feeling there is much more to the poor review than what you have stated here, and the only way to find out for sure is to contact the reviewer. What you do with the information is then up to you. If you use it to improve your service, the bad review will soon be long forgotten behind all the good ones.
Well said LH
yes well said, but i do not keep anyone out of the room or walk away from a session because a guy pops fast and while booking for an hour, and then asking for $$$ back because he says he cant go again.i will never disrespect the hobby world that way.i had 3 guys book with me during this trip, one from P411 and the other 2 from eccie. they were NCNS i didnt post anything up. although it would have been very nice of them to email,text, or pm me and cancel. but still i would never ever disrespect the hobby world like that. have a nice night everyone and be safe.
mannblak's Avatar
While were on NCNS, I booked an appt with your travel buddy for a specific time. Half an hour before that time I called several times to find out where to go. No answer... No answer,,, No answer. I called again at the appt time still no answer. Half an hour later I get a PM from her telling me I wasted her time with a NCNS. WTF? Maybe I should have randomly went to LBK hotels knocking on doors? I know not to waste my time in the future.

I did notice that in some of both of your posts you frequently mention having alot of NCNS clients.

I have to wonder how many of them were actually NCNS?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I have read the review and it does seem that there was a lack of "click" between the two of you, and definitely something more to the story. It's hard to comment further without revealing ROS details.

I would take LH's advice and contact the reviewer privately by PM and ask what he was unhappy with and how you could improve your service, in his mind. That will also give you a chance to offer constructive criticism to him on what you felt his issues were that prevented a memorable session from happening. And he better not blast you for an honest attempt at discussion of the problems. That would be a most adult way to handle this.

As far as your NCNS's (or anyone else's)....the P411 guy needs to reported to Gina with a statement of facts surrounding it. The 2 ECCIE guys you should post about in the Ladies room here, again with just an honest statement of the facts. Vice-Versa for us men on the ladies that NCNS. That is one huge advantage to seeing P411 ladies and for the ladies to see P411 men.
mannblak first of all i was in her room when she called you over and over again and you never answered your phone and she also text!!!! and its very interesting to here that she email you or whatever and you have not yet once responded to her messages lol so you then decide to reply to my thread wow

Chic Chaser, no thanks to posting the NCNS the last time i posted that in houston it just turned into a total mess. theres always 2 sides to each story and its like an unfair deal when theres a bad review of the ladies and can reply to it. many of the guys show up late at times and just figure oh well i 12min late and she probably has nothing to do.but if we providers show up late theres a review to follow. thats just one example that ill throw out there. i feel like you should tell the truth if you are going to make a complaint against us. im not a bad provider honestly and do you see how messey this gets. im assuming mannblak is worried that she will post something regarding not calling her. trust me she wanted to but i warned her not to because there wil be a huge mess. and for the record, she and i live 5min away from each other and we travel together to lower our gas and hotel expenses etc.
justice4fun's Avatar
Mannblak you have not told the turth!!! I called you over and over again, stayed up ate because you pre-booked for 11:30pm and you have not once contacted me! I could have gone to bed earler because I was so tired ruching to Lubbock from Dallas in the early morning to have a guy cancel on me 2 hours before arrive to Lubbock on time to meet his appt. That was not cool of him but things happen or whatever, but at least he did message me to cancel. Yeah I didnt read the message until after checking into the room, but as for you. You never called me period! I was blowing up your phone. And not to worry I will not post anything up here regarding my 2 NCNS I'll just leave it be.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Chic Chaser, no thanks to posting the NCNS the last time i posted that in houston it just turned into a total mess. theres always 2 sides to each story and its like an unfair deal when theres a bad review of the ladies and can reply to it. many of the guys show up late at times and just figure oh well i 12min late and she probably has nothing to do.but if we providers show up late theres a review to follow. thats just one example that ill throw out there. i feel like you should tell the truth if you are going to make a complaint against us. im not a bad provider honestly and do you see how messey this gets. im assuming mannblak is worried that she will post something regarding not calling her. trust me she wanted to but i warned her not to because there wil be a huge mess. and for the record, she and i live 5min away from each other and we travel together to lower our gas and hotel expenses etc. Originally Posted by gfelala
LaLa, no I totally understand your hesitation not to report anything! Its no different for the client when the lady NCNS's either! You do what you think is the right thing for you and how much drama you are willing to endure.

Regarding Justice, It sounds like that was a major breakdown of communication...it happens, has happened to me and is just one of those things. Although I have never personally met either one of you, I know Justice has been around for a while and I can't recall ever hearing anything bad about her.

LaLa, you did exactly the right thing...you countered a bad review with your story in the Co-Ed area. Mannblak, you should have started another thread if you felt it necessary, and not hijacked LaLa's.

I also like very much the original post as it is a great discussion point about an early popper. It seems you were very sincere in asking advice to better a session and some of us really appreciate that! I agree with every point Lionheart made and hope you will follow-thru on it and don't get derailed on this other stuff.
  • td476
  • 10-08-2010, 03:54 PM
I'm not going to get into it here. Lala, I sent you a PM since you haven't sent me one yet.
mannblak's Avatar
Ok so the only way this makes sense is the number you gave me is wrong and the number I gave you is wrong. The one I gave you is correct. I called several times and sent you pms on this site. I never got a call from you. Whatever happened happened so there it is.

I dont know anything about the situation, but based on the experience I had. Im not so sure td476 asked for $$$ back. Did you pm him to ask why he reviewed you with a "No"?

Or is that just to save face on a bad review?

If he did ask for $$$ back and you declined, and if he gave you a bad review based on this alone then I apologize for him. Payment is for time plain and simple. But reviews aren't based on hours and minutes alone.

I hope that the other clients the two of you saw during your stay post good reviews about ya'll, and that both of you do well in the future.

BTW, for what its worth I don't know td476 from adam.