blue moon hot spot Carmel

this place was off to a hot start for me.. went there twice decent good looking girls... down the road from dying s and n... unfortunately last time I went it went down hill... I walked out... the girl I got was at least 2 notches below from I got last time but I still said fuck it I'm little buzzed maybe her performance and massage skills will make up for it.. so problem started right away as she turned and reached to turn on the table shower several little bruises on the back of the arm .. I can't say where they are from because the mods will spank my pee pee... complete turn off for me and pretended my watch went off and said I had to leave and got my money back... almost wonder if the madam lady knew she said I will Get a new girl new girl.. said I gotta go I was so turned off and figured all of them are probably doing it.... then again when you are in there 24x7 I'm sure all these places are like that... just never figured it out to now... will definitely stay on my mind each time I visit one of these places now