Anyone listened to Badass Woman by Meghan Trainor?

I recently watched a comedy movie called The Hustle starring Rebel Wilson and Anne Hathaway. One of the funniest movies I've ever watched. Rebel Wilson is a very talented comedian and I'm a huge fan.

After the movie ended, this song was played during the end credits. Badass Woman by Meghan Trainor:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

When I first heard it, I didn't pay much attention to the lyrics but I did find the song catchy so I played it on full blast while I drove home. Since then, I've been playing this song (among others) every time I drive to one place or the other. I love the song!

Of course, the more times I listened to the song, the more I paid attention to the lyrics and I found myself agreeing with it. I like the message of female empowerment and feminine strength that this song is conveying to its audience.

I don't have any children but I hope that if I do have daughters in the future, I can teach them the same message and instill a strong sense of female identity & strength inside them. That just because they're women doesn't mean they're any less than men.

Anyway, just wondering if any of you have listened to this song and if so, what do you think about it?
I realize in retrospect that the question I'm asking is way too specific. Most of you have probably not listened to this Meghan Trainor song so your answer to my question is a simple No...LOL. My bad.

However the main point of my thread and the question I'm really asking is:

Is it OK to be both a feminist and a man?

By feminist, I don't mean a misandrist (someone who hates men). I know there are some women out there who call themselves feminists but are actually misandrists and do more to hurt feminism than help feminism.

By feminist, I mean someone who truly believes that men and women are equal and deserve equal pay, equal opportunities, equal rights etc. in life. We've achieved major strides towards gender equality over the past century and American women are more powerful now than ever before. However, American women still don't earn as much as their male counterparts on average and there are other areas where women receive less than men. Just like there are some areas where men receive less than women and that's not right either.

I believe that misandrists aka women who hate men have spoiled the name of feminism. However, feminism by itself is not a bad thing and simply means gender equality.

Should I turn in my man card because I support feminism? Is there a better way or more manlier way to state that I support gender equality and women's rights without calling myself a feminist?

I know it's a serious complicated topic but I would love your input. Send me a private message if you don't want to share your opinion publicly in this thread.