Name Banning?

Is it possible to ban the name ASSFUCK in all its forms or variances?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I second, third, and fourth that! Please save the bandwidth for non-trolls.
Better yet... Ban the IP Address
If there is any way to ban the IP address tha would be awesome. There are a few on here that need to be Banned for life.
You are going to force SP Hunter to change his avatar.

No she has a sweet ass.
Dear Assfuck,

I just realized what is going on here. You have Tourettes Syndrome, don't you? You poor thing.

You log on to the Internet and you just can't help yourself.

Folks, if Eccie bans ASSFUCK and all of it's incarnations, we will be discriminating against all those with Tourettes syndrome and discrimination is WRONG.

We will all have to learn to be more tolerant.

In time folks, you will learn to love and even look forward to getting a heaping helping of ASSFUCK.
rakuguy's Avatar
not asleep yet. soon though. your posts have become less haiku of late I've noticed.
sky_wire's Avatar
Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> User Banning Options -> Ban IP Addresses

  • thx
  • 06-23-2010, 12:05 AM
ok.. I understand where folks are going on this, but, IP blocks are only effective against a single computer at a (permanent) static ip address.
Look on the bright side, with his aggressive attitude and obvious lack of even a remedial education he will most likely end up in prison soon, at which point his board handle will become tragically ironic.
sky_wire's Avatar
ok.. I understand where folks are going on this, but, IP blocks are only effective against a single computer at a (permanent) static ip address. Originally Posted by thx

You can ban a range of IP addresses too. That usually works. Sooner or later the guy will run out of computers.
sky_wire's Avatar
While your at it, how about deleting his spam too?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Well...not to start a ruckus, but we've all seen that Mods can erase comments in posts, so I'm not sure why they are letting his comments even remain in his posts, or simply deleting that he ever posted. Those should just be wiped out as most are extremely offensive. I'm sure this R Tard gets his jollies just from coming and reading them again and again. To me, leaving them is just another way of feeding him. Maybe it's a lot of work to do so? idk Just a thought....