What am I paying for? lol!

Asfaloth54's Avatar
What good is a screening service if providers don't bother to check their requests and PM's on a timely basis? 4 providers in Tucson have not bothered to even log in to their accounts in the last 4 days even though they received notices saying someone actually wanted to book some time, get pre-screened, or do some pre-screening of their own.

Guess maybe BP is the way to go?
joshf26's Avatar
Have you notified any of them that you requested? Eccie is not big in AZ but if you know their email or number, just say hey I sent a request through here. If not, than its just a waiting game, sadly.
Asfaloth54's Avatar
Roger that. I was just hoping to maintain my privacy at least til there was a meeting of the minds. No sense revealing phone numbers if it's not gonna happen. That was why I chose a screening service in the first place - secure request from me, secure response from her.

Live and learn.
GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead's Avatar
Sounds like you need to invest in a hobby phone or at least a Google Voice number. Even in places where ECCIE is very popular it sometimes takes a while for providers to reply to PM's. I usually send a PM and then call them to let them know. As long as your number is not traceable, (well at least traceable by the average person) then you are still secure.