Be Careful What You Wish For Ch. 01

"So I see you're finally awake" she said in clipped tones of annoyance and impatience, "Took you long enough, worm."

Paul's mouth was too dry to speak properly and his words came out garbled, "What? Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?"

"Shut up, moron," the woman waved her hand at him dismissively, "You've got all the time in the world to ask questions. This room is your life now. You are here to serve us. Pretty exciting, right?" she flashed him a bright smile, showing rows of sharp teeth.

"What? What does that mean?" Paul stammered with anxiety as the woman circled slowly around him, staring at him. She intimidated him greatly and he didn't like it at all.

"I think it's time for your dinner." She said, and proceeded to walk over to him and place a socked foot on his lower stomach, pressing down slightly, "Need to pee first, slave? We pumped you full of water intravenously while you were asleep" Sure enough, Paul noticed a small bruise on the top of his hand where a drip had seemingly been placed.

"Uh...yes" Paul said, embarrassed, as the woman placed more pressure on his stomach with her foot. He noticed her white sock was extremely dirty and almost completely grey with grime and dirt. Seeing him looking at her foot, she suddenly pushed down hard and winded Paul, who gasped loudly at the shock. His need to pee intensified and he was now desperate, "Can I please go to the bathroom?" He asked meekly.

"HAHA!" laughed the woman, throwing her head back, "This IS your bathroom, fool!" and with that, she stood on his stomach with both feet and all her weight. He couldn't hold it anymore, and felt, much to his utter mortification, a pool of warm liquid exit his penis and pool underneath his thighs and buttocks on the ground beneath him.
After reading that I am gonna be very fucking careful about what I wish for.