Secy. Blinken: We’d be back at war with the Taliban if we hadn’t withdrawn from Afghanistan now

  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 12:50 PM

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:42 AM PT – Sunday, August 15, 2021

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he fears U.S. troops would have come under Taliban attack if they’d remained in Afghanistan any longer. In an interview on Sunday, Blinken tried to defend Joe Biden’s plan to withdraw troops, despite having to redeploy them amid a Taliban takeover.
Biden has taken heat over the move after saying just last month that it was unlikely the Taliban would overrun the country. According to Blinken, maintaining the status quo of troops in Afghanistan would have resulted in attacks on those troops.
“Like it or not, there was an agreement that the forces would come out May 1. Had they not, had we not begun that process, which is what the President did and the Taliban saw, then we would have been back at war with the Taliban,” stated Blinken.
When asked why troops weren’t being kept in the country until all personnel were out, Blinken said the quick redeployment of troops showed the administration was prepared for every contingency. He noted the Taliban has been warned of a swift response if they interfere with U.S. personnel or operations.

Winken, blinken, and Nod - gve teh Taliban terrorists thiei base of operations back - that sheltered bin Laden
And dum dum blinken thinks we are not already at war with the Taliban Terrorists.

But - as long as blinken's house adn vacation home, and his condo with his mistress are ok - he cares not.

taliban is at War with America - and will bring terrorism to US again.

They are fanatics dedicated to a world-wide caliphate - and it will be fun to see how Xi acts with terrorists at his doorstep - as well as Putin - react.

One good thing comes of this - Taliban will eventually threaten russia and China - but the islamic radicals know they will get a military response for doing so. Not from US.

DPSTs are more than welcome to send their 'social services' to ask teh Taliban 'How do you feel about that" - and watch them be kidnaped as taliban brides in their barbaric culture.
bambino's Avatar
This sums up Joey Bribes so far.

Nobodies home
HedonistForever's Avatar
"It didn't have to be done this way" is the headline. Yes, we had to leave. Yes it was going to be difficult but it didn't have to be this way. This is a failure of multiple administrations but an epic failure of this administration. As I stated in an article in another thread, would it have looked like this if we had kept Bagram open and able to get out many more personnel than at the Kabul airport?

They were worried about the optics of helicopters flying from the roof of the embassy and they end up with military planes going down the runway with people hanging on to the plane only to fall to their deaths. What a disgrace. It didn't have to be done like this but this is what Joe Biden wanted. His military people asked him not to do this, he refused. This belongs to Joe Biden and Joe Biden alone.
bambino's Avatar
"It didn't have to be done this way" is the headline. Yes, we had to leave. Yes it was going to be difficult but it didn't have to be this way. This is a failure of multiple administrations but an epic failure of this administration. As I stated in an article in another thread, would it have looked like this if we had kept Bagram open and able to get out many more personnel than at the Kabul airport?

They were worried about the optics of helicopters flying from the roof of the embassy and they end up with military planes going down the runway with people hanging on to the plane only to fall to their deaths. What a disgrace. It didn't have to be done like this but this is what Joe Biden wanted. His military people asked him not to do this, he refused. This belongs to Joe Biden and Joe Biden alone. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Joey Bribes is the fall guy. The DS/Cabal installed him to be the front man for their deeds. You have to admit, he’s the perfect useful idiot.
Guess they thought those gowns they wear would make good parachutes. Stupid is as stupid does.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 01:58 PM
Thank you for teh insulting, demeaning, name-calling.

typical of communist DPST attacks.

Not a shred of humanity , morals, or principles in teh braying and screeching of teh DPST Communists.
rejoicing in teh deaths of people fleeing in fear of your very own pet Taliban terroists, 'r'??
It is So!
Those fucks had 10 years to be brave and form an army to fight for their country. Now they save their bravery to try and ghost ride a plane. No fucks given here at all. Surprised those big engines didn't suck a few of them in. More surprised they didn't try to sabotage the plane by tossing stuff in the engines.
texassapper's Avatar
And now you see the Democrat compassion on full display...LOL.

Stupid Democrats.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 02:07 PM
such a wonderful display of humanity - when thousands are murdered at teh hands of DPST pet terrorist taliban
warms your hearts - does it not - DPSTs - and they salivate over teh future ( as they see it) for millions of deaths of Conservatives in America; such Humanity from teh screeching minions.