Woe really???? REALLY?????? You were edit VSAND LOOKED LIKE YOU JUST TOUCHED THE GLASS ITEM AND YOU WERE SO INCREDIBLY RUDE!!! You kept on licking my face when you tried to kiss me that's why I avoided it everytime you were like a Damn frog and got my face soaked!! Then when I was helping you finish out of nowhere you screamed and pushed my head and said " just get off of me!!" I don't know what your issue was but I did EVERYTHING TO HELP YOU!! And I'm not chunky at all hun.....I may have gained some weight but not chunky...you looked awful and I almost didn't see you because of how edit VS you looked but since I seen you before I was being nice...You smelled like cigarettes and your eyes was so wide!!! Dude you are a hateful and edit VS
keep the drug references off the board VS
That review is total bullshit