Is ANY Woman Worth This?

Guitar's Avatar

I'm always looking at the "NEW Showcases" that are pictured to the left of the Mississippi Topics. I saw this ladies breast, sticking out, almost 3D, so I had to click on it and see where she practices.

I've seen some high priced ladies on here, but is ANY woman worth $350 for a HALF HOUR? Way outta my price range. Bass and RL are high rollers, but I'm afraid, I'm gonna have to just read how good this ladies twat is. She's pretty, I'll give her that. But she ain't that pretty.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I wish her luck on that California pricing on tour outside California. However, it's her business to charge what she likes.
Moved to CoEd.

If she can get 350 for a half hour, congrats.
I assure you I am no highroller quite the opposite actually. 90% of the girls I see are happy to get 100. That is the price point all pussy should be at in my opinion.

I mean if your really old, unsightly, treat them poorly or are into freaky shit then I get them charging you a premium. If your not 90 weigh 400 pounds and smell then 100 bucks for a quick piece should be more than sufficient.

However its there body so they can charge whatever the hell they want they just wont get it from me. I pay more but when I do I seldom feel like it was worth it. I usually leave thinking I could have seen 3 different girls for what I just spent seeing one and leave feeling like a jackass.

I looked at her showcase and I would not pay more than a bill to see her and then just once to play with the big hangers.

I often dream of what I would do if I actually did have money. I would seriously travel the country banging cutties, playing golf, visiting landmarks and museums. It would have been so much more fun to be born wealthy. Ah well such is life I have to go back to work so I can afford a bp girl later lol
Guitar's Avatar
Yes, wouldn't it have been nice to have been born rich. I can only dream of being wealthy like Road Lizard. But hey, I'll get another lottery ticket and catch up with him. Gottcha RL!!!
Do you travel much? Local economies and what is considered high, low, or average vary wildly depending on the region of the country/ state/ city.

What's more fascinating though is the notion that a woman couldn't be "worth" what she determines she is. Whether or not {insert hobbyist(s)} would see a particular escort at x rate is not the same as is said escort worth x rate...
If I was rich I wouldn't talk to you poor fuckers.

HoundstoothBear's Avatar
I'd pay $50 for a bottle of Elite Erin from New Orleans Bath Water to drink.
Guitar's Avatar
I hear ya RL!!!! Me 2, neither! And Houndstooth is right as well. I'd walk thru 9 miles of broken beer bottles barefooted, just to smell the rubber on the ground, from the tires on the car, that takes her panties to the washerteria. Now, that's FINE!

I'd drag my nuts thru a mile of glass, to get a glimpse of the dick, that fu@ked her last.
I think your missing the point, her hourly is 500 which while high, isn't just crazy high, her half hour is 350, which tells me one thing. She doesn't want to do half hours. If your willing to pay that for a half hour she would be willing but she priced it like that to steer you to the hour session. All my opinion of course.
beguilingvoice's Avatar
If I knew her more and what kind of kink could be done and recorded for my future pleasure, maybe.

As of what I know of her now. No. $$$.5 can get me so much more with those I know.

Maybe that is the going rate in the big cities?
Glad there are so many local/visiting nice ladies that are great sluts.
Love them all.
IMHO, if one is got a solid day job and just working to make extra $, one can price themselves higher and choose to see fewer clients.

Others are not so lucky.
Max Maine's Avatar
I mean...She is a pornstar. So there's that.
I mean...She is a pornstar. So there's that. Originally Posted by iceman07_08
Maybe the porn business is slow... lol
I watched a couple videos of her and she didn't do much for me. There are much hotter non pornstar women on here . As far as her being worth that much, she may be some guys dream girl and he may be willing to give her that. I've met a couple that you can't put a price on !