Civil Rights?

I understand that in the past and continuing into the present that many people have had their civil right violated. That includes people of all shades or colors, even white people denied entrance to colleges when they had a higher gpa and better qualifications than some who got in while schools attempted to meet their quota of minorities. Gays have been denied the right to marry (be careful what you ask for, divorce is a bummer).

However, in the Zimmerman case, the evidence indicates that he was attacked, he was on the ground being beaten, with his head slamming against a concrete sidewalk. He was armed but his gun was not drawn prior to the attach (at least no one has stated or testified that it was). Yeah...the unfortunate kid was 17, unarmed and had skittles in his pocket. But all the evidence says Zimmerman was attacked for simply following the "kid", without warning, and suckerpunched in the face (causing a broken nose) knocking him to the ground and dazing him making it impossible to fight back. I have known 17 year olds who could fight, and know how to beat the crap out of you. The jury heard the evidence and decided on a verdict of not guilty. Where now does the issue of civil rights violations on Travon Martin come from. Did not Zimmerman have a duty to monitor his neighborhood, to monitor stangers he did not recognize as from his neighborhood. He mentored other black kids in his neighborhood. Many people who know him have stated he is not a race bigot. It is unfortunate that Travon is dead. But he is not dead just because Zimmerman followed him as part of his duty to monitor his neighborhood. Z had every right to follow him regardless of what some civilian dispatcher with no police experience said. I think it is just a shame they are probably going the charge him with violating TM's civil rights and continue to try in put the guy in prison for defending himself. How many times was he supposed to get hit in the face, how many times was he supposed to allow his head to be slammed into the sidewalk before he could defend himself with deadly force. The kid was younger, stronger, taller, and an adult in all but his age. Z will never recover financially, emotionally and never be the same person he was before the killed TM. His life expectancy may be short cause someone is likely to go after him. He needs to move to North Dakota or something, change his name, and hope they don't find him. I think the government should leave him alone, enough is enough.
Driller, you must know that the race baiters, poverty pimps, polititians, and news media who pushed this prosecution have nothing to gain by honoring the verdict of the jury and respecting the judicial system. They can only keep themselves in the limelight by continuing to inflame the ignorant masses.
Civil Rights Violation, can't happen. Private citizens by law can't violate each others civil rights only Government entities can. So it would have to fall into the category of a " Hate Crime" which is a pretty tall order and I doubt could be proven. The only other realistic legal continuation of the case involving Zimmerman and Martin would be a Wrongful Death Civil suit.
LexusLover's Avatar
..a Wrongful Death Civil suit. Originally Posted by acp5762
Good luck with that.

Evidence about Martin that was excluded from the criminal jury will be admissible.

The little "angel" is gonna get his wings clipped.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Good luck with that.

Evidence about Martin that was excluded from the criminal jury will be admissible.

The little "angel" is gonna get his wings clipped. Originally Posted by LexusLover
A black teenagers life ain't worth shit is it boys? Guess you all would have wasted him if you were in the idiot Zimmerman's place. Bunch of bad ass life takers.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trayvon Martin's own words indict him:

“My mom just told me I gotta mov wit my dad.”

“She just kicked me out.”

Trayvon Martin's own mother put lil 'innocent' Trayvon in Sanford on that February night.
george zimmerman could have and in hindsight, i'm sure, wishes he had done many things differently that fateful night.

to him he was protecting his neighbors

he ran into a wannabe gangsta who got the drop on him on a cold dark rainy night

the rest is history

now george has been transformed from a black peruvian to a white hispanic on the way to being one of the worst racial monsters in the annals of left wing lore

(i say black peruvian for george's maternal grandfather was a black and isnt it a left wing principle of racial politics that any sort of black blood makes you black? or what about the supposed indian blood of the lying elizabeth warren, whose lie doesnt matter for truth is a lower value than winning?)

many things dont matter now

truth has never been a left wing value

thats not to say there arent some truthful people on the left but there are many things on the left more highly valued than truth

truth is variable and ever changing and your truth is not my truth espcially if your truth is in the support of things in the way of my needs or in the way of the right people being in control

first they came for truth, for truth gets in the way

then they came to get the children for children can be taught the bitterness needed to be powerful

selective outrage is an awful thing
Hero Zimmerman's Avatar
Zimmerman is free at last!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
A black

Keep playing the race card, it's all you got

teenagers life ain't worth shit is it boys?

His death was a result of choices on both sides. Like it or not, TM bears responsibility for his own decisions

Guess you all would have wasted him if you were in the idiot Zimmerman's place.

All things being equal, yes. Are you saying you would allow a physically superior person to hold you down and punch you in the head?

Bunch of bad ass life takers.

If it's a life or death choice between me/my family and you, you will lose every time
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You take a supposed Adult who is a wanna-be-cop who had training spoke in police jargon . I unholstered my weapon not pulled my gun. . Against a dumb teenager who was going to teach him a lesson for following him and you are defending the dumber of the dumb. No race card idiot.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
You take a supposed Adult who is a wanna-be-cop who had training spoke in police jargon . I unholstered my weapon not pulled my gun.

Does any of this preclude him from defending himself with lethal force?

Against a dumb teenager who was going to teach him a lesson for following him

That was a poor choice for TM. Just because you can beat someone's ass, doesn't mean you won't catch a bullet for your effort.

and you are defending the dumber of the dumb.

I'm unaware of his intelligence being in question, but he was smart enough to have a gun at hand when he needed one.

No race card idiot.

Then why do you keep bringing up race? Assault, self defense, bullets, death, stupidity do not know skin color.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Here is GZs Peruvian roots; great grandfather, grand mother and mother (baby in arms).

george zimmerman could have and in hindsight, i'm sure, wishes he had done many things differently that fateful night.

to him he was protecting his neighbors

he ran into a wannabe gangsta who got the drop on him on a cold dark rainy night

the rest is history

now george has been transformed from a black peruvian to a white hispanic on the way to being one of the worst racial monsters in the annals of left wing lore

(i say black peruvian for george's maternal grandfather was a black and isnt it a left wing principle of racial politics that any sort of black blood makes you black? or what about the supposed indian blood of the lying elizabeth warren, whose lie doesnt matter for truth is a lower value than winning?)

many things dont matter now

truth has never been a left wing value

thats not to say there arent some truthful people on the left but there are many things on the left more highly valued than truth

truth is variable and ever changing and your truth is not my truth espcially if your truth is in the support of things in the way of my needs or in the way of the right people being in control

first they came for truth, for truth gets in the way

then they came to get the children for children can be taught the bitterness needed to be powerful

selective outrage is an awful thing Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Good luck with that.

Evidence about Martin that was excluded from the criminal jury will be admissible.

The little "angel" is gonna get his wings clipped. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well be realistic a wrongful death suit could be filed. I never indicated it would be won or lost. But the idea floating around about a Civil Rights Violation, that would be as ridiculous as you trying to convince a crowd that you can out run a cheetah.
Keep defending the dumber of the pair Tjohn it shows ...