Using a gif as an avatar

I'm trying to use a gif as my avatar but am having an issue loading it. Can someone help?

Here is the gif code I want to use for my avatar...
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
gman44 is our resident gif converter guy who can help with it.
gman44's Avatar
I've done it before a few years ago to an avatar

I can't remember what I did but I'll try and figure it out
gman44's Avatar
I figured it out and I added it for you
Thank you very much Gman!! Looks great!
If after you have put it as your avatar it doesn't move, it's usually because the file size is too big. Making the gif smaller in the pixels to 140 X 140 will usually do the trick. Though it appears Gman44 got you there in the standard 150 X 150.