Cash n dash

Wanted the verify what was said about her having someone cash and dash for her

She has had some very good reviews

I saw something about that too but it might have just been someone mad at her and trying to hurt her business. I didn’t have any trouble at all with her and had a really good time. I actually texted her a couple days ago to find out if she plans on coming back to Jackson anytime soon and she said she was coming back hopefully in a week or two. I sure hope so, she’s a good time
I started wondering about it so texted her and asked. She said she was actually the one that got robbed and then the guy posted a bad review saying she’s the one that robbed him. I knew it didn’t sound like her, she was really sweet and professional acting to me
Shit....with those prices it looks like she is robbing people..
All things are good ! It was similar to a yelp review bc they wanted to tear her down
I haven’t had any issues with her, nothing but a good time!
I just got a message from her saying that she was back in Jackson. I know what I’m doing tonight! Jackson has been a ghost town and it’s good to see a familiar face
Well enjoy
I plan on it , I’ve been practicing all morning! My left hand is killing me now ��