
Just wanted to get some opinions aboput the execution yesterday in Georgia, of a vietnam Vet suffering from PTSD. His name is Howard Brannan.

Being a veteran and having been in combat myself, I was just wanting to start a discussion about the matter.
I had not heard of this until today and was looking at the headlines on Raw Story. Link to article below...


I don't know the whole story, but I do wonder at what point was he diagnosed with PTSD... was he getting treatment for the PTSD before the incident.

The article makes it sound like he was going for "suicide by cop" the way they describe him as dancing around a taunting the cop. And I'm sure a lot of people will get worked up over the guy's veteran status, but his status as a decorated veteran does not put him above the law. It's sad nonetheless that this whole mess happen.

A pharmacist in the B'ham Alabama area tried a similar medical defect defense in his trial for killing a Pelham policeman. His excuse was he had been under tremendous stress, working long hours, was extremely fatigued, and suffered from debilitating migraine headaches. If all of this is true, then why was he even behind the wheel of his car at nearly midnight? I guess the big difference in these 2 cases is the pharmacist pulled his gun and killed the cop at the last minute. All that was left to do in the traffic stop was sign the ticket and be on his way. Everything before that point was completely normal as far as a traffic stop goes. The pharmacist is waiting on his date with the lethal injection needle.
67cree's Avatar
I don't know about this situation. But I am totally against the death penalty. Because to many inicent people are put to death. Plus there is no justice in killing, only revenge. I know this doesn't sit well with a lot of God fearing people. But that's the way I feel about it.
I agree that he was not above the law. There is a lot of missing information about his PTSD. If I remember correctly, PTSD is an anger management issue more than anything else.
Having said that, as a Vet, I have seen many things that I wish I had never saw, but wa able to deal with those things. I guess some people just can't deal with things they have seen.
But I guess, my biggest delimna in all of this is the death penaty itself. I have mixed feelings about this issue. I am generally against the death penalty becasue it is more of an economic penalty than anything else. I cannot think of one rich person who has been given the death penalty in recent U.S. history, i.e., OJ, the Melendez brothers.
Now I do want the death penalty on the table for certain people and the crimes they commit.

This vet killing this cop may be one of those situations but if PTSD is the debilitating cnditions we are told that it is, why execute the guy?

Agai, more info is probably needed.
I do agrre with your position to a degree. See, my reply to Big Heretic
I think PTSD can range from anything like nightmares of what a person saw, flashbacks, or to something like uncontrollable rage. I never served in the military, but just reading about battle I imagine most vets who saw combat saw things or did things that they wish they hadn't. And I've been told by many that stuff like that can haunt you the rest of your life. And another fact is that some people are screwed together a little better than others.

I've often wondered why some people have so much better coping skills than other people. How one thing that sets a person off can be shrugged off and forgotten by another.

Capitol punishment is meant to be a deterrent, but the way the sentences are carried out I don't see how it can be called that. Now if they still had hangings on the courthouse lawn at noon, yeah that would be a deterrent.

I have mixed feelings about capitol punishment and there have been many innocent people put to death. But at the same time why warehouse someone for 3 or 4 decades at taxpayer expense? It's a double edge sword.

I wish we lived in a world where death penalties weren't needed or didn't exist.

I wish people out there were more concerned with making things better for the whole world instead of just trying to get what they think they deserve by any means.
Very well stated BH. I can only speak from personal experience. As I said before, I have seen things that I wish I had never seen. Sometimes, I will have a minor flashback to those things. I simply, shake my head and try to concentrate on other things. Playing golf has probably helped more than anything else. It gave me an outlet, where other things could not.

I agree with you about the taxpayer expense. Doesn't make much sense...does it? But that is merely the system at work. We no longer have a justice system just merely a legal system.

Yea, it would be nice if there was no need for a death penalty. But at the same time, there are instances, I feel, where death is the only possible punishment. As you stated, the problem is taking decades at times to carry out this punishment. there are a lot of evil people in this world who place no value whatsoever on human life. I have seen this evil first hand. I I would have seen the SOBs responsible for what I saw, I would have shot them dead on the spot...just after I pulled their nails out...and I am not a violent or vengeful person. But some things will bring you right out of your character and morals.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm all for the death penalty, but I do believe there should be mitigating circumstances and even pardons/commutations for almost all crimes to include murder. My take on the criminal justice system is unique. For one, I think we have way too many law and way too many people behind bars to begin with. I don't believe in putting people in jail for non-violent offenses. Jail/prison should be reserved for the worst of the worse violent offenders. I'm sure we could reduce our prison population by 30% and society would not be in any danger. There are alternatives to prison sentences.. Oh, BTW, I'm a Bible-thumping, hard core member of the vast right wing conspiracy.

When it comes to this case, I don't have all the facts nor do I have the time or inclination to find out. On face value, this doesn't seem like a crime that warrants the death penalty given some of the mitigating circumstances. Actually, life in prison seems a bit harsh. A more reasonable punishment might have been 20 years.

As for the death penalty, it should be used on those who prey on the weak. Those who have no remorse. Any and all Islamic terrorists should be given the death penalty automatically even without a trial. Those sand niggers need to be killed as quickly as possible.
The dude deserved to be executed in my opinion.

Mikew4321, thanks for the video link. After watching this and hearing what seemed like the officer screaming for his life, they should have executed this son-of-bitch when they caught him. Our liberal media only wants to talk about his condition. They will not state the fact that this guy was aware enough to realize what he did and fled the scene and that after wounding the officer, he then proceeded to basically execute the officer.
He took dead aim at the officer...he knew exactly what he was doing
He took dead aim at the officer...he knew exactly what he was doing Originally Posted by virgben
Yeah, I watch the video. I think that falls under the category of things I wish I hadn't seen.

I wonder if the officer had a tazer. When killer was dancing around in the middle of the street would have been the perfect time to have used it. And they'd both be alive today.
Yea, you might be right. But it looks like the officer may have paniced a bit to me. To me, it appears the officer shot first, maybe even a couple of times, but missed.
He took dead aim at the officer...he knew exactly what he was doing Originally Posted by virgben
I agree,looked like one mean motherfucker to me.
Yea, I think you are correct. The getting out of the car waiving his hands in the air may have been somewhat of a diversionary tactic on his part. Ya just never know...