Ability to edit expires after 30 minutes

ShysterJon's Avatar
I posted on a thread in the legal forum today. My post was relatively lengthy, so I edited it over 30 minutes or so. However, after about 30 minutes had passed, I could no longer edit and got a prompt stating I couldn't edit because "60 minutes had passed." Like I said, only 30 minutes had passed. Could someone look into this problem? Thanks.
FoulRon's Avatar
I posted on a thread in the legal forum today. My post was relatively lengthy, so I edited it over 30 minutes or so. However, after about 30 minutes had passed, I could no longer edit and got a prompt stating I couldn't edit because "60 minutes had passed." Like I said, only 30 minutes had passed. Could someone look into this problem? Thanks. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
The server slipped a bit through the space-time continuum and your editing privileges got caught in the wake.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Eccie time runs differently

I posted on a thread in the legal forum today. My post was relatively lengthy, so I edited it over 30 minutes or so. However, after about 30 minutes had passed, I could no longer edit and got a prompt stating I couldn't edit because "60 minutes had passed." Like I said, only 30 minutes had passed. Could someone look into this problem? Thanks. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
I've had some 1 hour hooker sessions that went the same way. 1 hour had passed after only 30 minutes.
ck1942's Avatar
Best counsel I can offer is that if you anticipate a lengthy editing process...

1 - compose off line and edit off line and then cut and paste into a thread or reply and you'd still have some time for final editing.

2 - I haven't tested this posit, but, I think the "edit" clock starts at the moment you open a new thread or, hit "post a reply" -- and I am pretty sure of this, as soon as you post a reply, not when you start typing in a "quick" reply box.... so theoretically using the quick reply box gives you the full 60 minutes for editing once you have hit the "post quick reply" button.

3 - the other option, obviously, if you are locked out of an editing window, would be to copy your earlier post, paste that into a new box, edit as appropriate -- perhaps with some color? to show your changes, and profusely apologize to readers for the inconvenience.
Have had that occur before, but trying again it worked.