WHY You Shouldn't "Name Drop"

... G'day Yinzers.. er ... Yinzours,

... readin that piece about Paul Pelosi and
his attempts to "do you know who I am?!" with
the police there surely reminded me of something.


A few years ago I was having supper with me
bludger-mate Chalkie (some o' you fellows from
the other side might remember him) and we were
at Outback Steakhouse.

So we're finished and the girl brings the check
and Chalkie looked at it and said:

"You should feed us for FREE! ... Do you know
who this guy is - he's the famous - Salty - from
the internets."

And the girl said, "Wow. That's interesting."

So I smiled modestly and mentioned that I'm
really Australian.

And the girl smiled, picked up the check,
and said "Thanks for telling me - I'll be right back!"

And she soon returned with a new check
- and had added-on $15 dollars to the cost of our bill. ...

Which is WHY you shouldn't name drop.... ...

#### Salty
To quote someone else Now That's Funny
pittlicker's Avatar
Fitting you'd be eating at a fake Australian restaurant. LOL
Fitting you'd be eating at a fake Australian restaurant. LOL Originally Posted by pittlicker
... You know how that bludger Chalkie is, mate.
I was just tryin' to give him some culture.

I wasn't gonna follow him to Macdonald-land
for true American culture. ...

.... But no worrys, mate.
Something tells me that the "likes" will be coming
for yer comment...

#### Salty