NY Gov will file suit against GOP tax bill

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
NY's Cuomo Will File Lawsuit Against GOP Tax Bill, Says It Wages Economic Civil War Against Blue States


“We believe it is illegal, and we will challenge it in court as unconstitutional,” Cuomo said during his State of the State address. He called the law "the first federal double taxation in history, violative of states' rights and the principle of equal protection."

The new tax law caps the state and local tax (SALT) deduction at $10,000, which has been a particular concern for elected officials in New York and other high-tax states.

looks like NY state dems are having a meltdown over this!
LexusLover's Avatar
The Governor should be required to reimburse the Government for the cost of defending against the spurious lawsuit jointly and severally with the attorneys who prosecute the lawsuit on behalf of the State of New York.

The taxpayers of New York should not have to pay for this stupid shit.

(Even though that would include the Clintons!)

Playing to the constituents is never a good idea ...

Justice Roberts:
Our deference in matters of policy cannot, however, become abdication in matters of law. “The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken, or forgotten, the constitution is written.” Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 176 (1803). Our respect for Congress’s policy judgments thus can never extend so far as to disavow restraints on federal power that the Constitution carefully constructed. “The peculiar circumstances of the moment may render a measure more or less wise, but cannot render it more or less constitutional.” Chief Justice John Marshall, A Friend of the Constitution No. V, Alexandria Gazette, July 5, 1819, in John Marshall’s Defense of McCulloch v. Maryland 190–191 (G. Gunther ed. 1969).

National Federation, 367 U.S. 6 (2012).
The Governor should be required to reimburse the Government for the cost of defending against the spurious lawsuit jointly and severally with the attorneys who prosecute the lawsuit on behalf of the State of New York.

The taxpayers of New York should not have to pay for this stupid shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Plus exactly HOW dumb does he have to be to feel this is unconstitutional, WHEN IT WENT THROUGH the constitutional process.. Made by congress, voted on by both houses THEN signed into law by the president..
bambino's Avatar
The people of NY should sue him. But many are moving instead. Another retarded Liberal.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The people of NY should sue him. But many are moving instead. Another retarded Liberal. Originally Posted by bambino
its cheaper to move instead of filling a lawyers coffers.
Emperor Cuomo is about the worst person we could have in this position. Sort of like a former Attorney General that was caught using a prostitution ring while he was actively searching out and prosecuting prostitution rings. We probably have the most dysfunctional state government in the country, including California.
Plus exactly HOW dumb does he have to be to feel this is unconstitutional, WHEN IT WENT THROUGH the constitutional process.. Made by congress, voted on by both houses THEN signed into law by the president.. Originally Posted by garhkal
That's a very good observation. You would think the State of New York would know that and respect the constitutional process, but apparently they don't.

bambino's Avatar
That's a very good observation. You would think the State of New York would know that and respect the constitutional process, but apparently they don't.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The NYC mayor is the worst of the breed. He wants to run for President. Biggest commie in America. He’s even 6’6” tall. That’s a big Commi.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The NYC mayor is the worst of the breed. He wants to run for President. Biggest commie in America. He’s even 6’6” tall. That’s a big Commi. Originally Posted by bambino
DeBlasio? i thought he was 5'0"
bambino's Avatar
DeBlasio? i thought he was 5'0" Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Dilbert, you’re really just fucking around. Correct? You do know Diblasio is tall.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dilbert, you’re really just fucking around. Correct? You do know Diblasio is tall. Originally Posted by bambino

am i? He looked kinda small in those photos I saw of him.
The NYC mayor is the worst of the breed. He wants to run for President. Biggest commie in America. He’s even 6’6” tall. That’s a big Commi. Originally Posted by bambino
I am sure he can't be trusted. DeBlasio isn't even his real last name it's his mothers maiden name. Warren Wilhelm is his real birth name. Just like Obama was born as Barry Satoro, Bill Clinton real last name is Blythe. These people are all a bunch of frauds they have no intentions of doing any good for the communities or country they serve.

For decades, high tax States have been telling their citizens,......"give us more, more, more,more. You can deduct it off of your Federal Income Taxes"

Heck, New York has City, County, and State Income Taxes.

Well, the gravy train's over. Live with it.
Strange, it doesn't say were they intend to file the lawsuit.

Anybody notice that the most vile anti-Trump propaganda comes out of NYC and DC? Whenever I see an incredible headline on RCP its from the NYT or the NewYorker or WaPo. It's like they are the only newshubs in the country.
Strange, it doesn't say were they intend to file the lawsuit.

Anybody notice that the most vile anti-Trump propaganda comes out of NYC and DC? Whenever I see an incredible headline on RCP its from the NYT or the NewYorker or WaPo. It's like they are the only newshubs in the country. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They don't like Trump. Especially on the East and West Coasts. Trump doesn't conform to the Globalist New World Order mind set. Trump would like to bring America back to the days when America was more pure at heart kind of like the days of "Ozzie and Harriet" if you remember that little sitcom. Harriet was a stay home mom raised the family she made Ozzie's lunch he kissed her and off to work he went. The hard working, functional American family, commonly known as "The Grabowskis". Those people are a dying breed. Now we have millennials and super predators. Dysfunctional and totally out of their minds.
