Searching for a real Spanish teacher with benefits

I am really needing to learn Spanish for my work. I was looking for a Spanish tutor earlier tonight and it got me thinking...

How sweet would it be to find a tutor that had benefits? If any of you have suggestions, please let me know. It needs to be someone that can actually teach me Spanish (I'm a quick learner), but also someone that can make it fun!

There is a slight chance that my SO might want to join on the lessons occassionally (Spanish only!), so this person would need to be really trustworthy.

Any suggestions are welcomed!!
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Ashley Apple
There used to be a lady here (or on the other board) who went by BlackSpanishTeacher but I haven't heard anything around here from or about her in along time.

So do you really think that is a good idea? What if you don't do your homework or you fail a test or something? Wouldn't that put a damper on the session? I am LMAO at the scene in my mind: He's saying something like, "Harder!" or "S**k it, baby!" and she relies back with "En Espaniol"... LOL!

Good luck in your search!
Black Spanish Teacher had a great marketing angle~ she charged "students" for "lessons". I loved it!

I found a review for her here, but it doesn't have any contact info:

Maybe you could PM the poster and ask how to contact her.
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