Should be a Newbie friendly section

I think it would be beneficial if there was a newbie friendly section for the new guys such as myself. It can have ads from providers who accomadate Newbies and what not.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Each local area forum has one of those already, its called "Welcome and Introductions"
Its open to both men and women new to the site to introduce themselves to the community.
TheProphetJosephSmith's Avatar
I don't think there should be. It's up to the noobs to find things out on there own, I had to.
I am a semi-newb. I got help (answers to questions and advice) from providers and partakers.
Just look in the forums. There are a lot of post that help newbies out. Take your time and read a lot.
The hardest thing you will come across is finding a local provider that is newbie friendly. I got lucky for my first two.

good luck
BD1969's Avatar
San Antonio has a newbie friendly section under requests and in search Of...
malekhacker's Avatar
My suggestion would be to have "Newbie Friendly?" as a searchable flag or feature in the Provider Showcases. I'm nowhere near a newbie, but I am UTR so I don't collect references so I have to find newbie friendly providers.
GuddKitty2589's Avatar
im London and im a New Provider so I feel the newbie dilemma. however im open to seeing newbies! im Available in the dfw area 24/7 at your convenience .
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-30-2015, 08:00 AM
The trouble is what does "newbie friendly" mean?

Does it mean she won't ask you for a lot of screening information? Does it mean that she will screen heavily but not require any references? Does it mean she will screen lightly and require only one or two references? Does it mean she won't require any screening or references? Does it mean if you are verified on p411 and have at least one ok you are good to go? Does it mean that if you are verified on p411 you are good to go? Does it simply mean she is willing to add new clients and not seeing just her regulars?

I have seen each of these be the definition in a providers eyes of "newbie friendly" so before creating a section for Newbies --- create a uniform definition of what "newbie friendly" actually is ... maybe a scale system

newbie easy
newbie friendly
newbie open
newbie willing
newbie cautious

or maybe NBF1 - NBF5
All Newbie Friendly means is she encourages relatively new men to inquire. There is no advantage for a provider to advertize she is if she has a very strict screening. All it would do is cause her more work.

Letting her identify as NF and search on that is good. Any exact definition will flop.