EB-5 reform? Naw

30 million from lobbyists stopped one of the most corrupt visa programs from being changed. Is the government really worried about security?
30 million from lobbyists stopped one of the most corrupt visa programs from being changed. Is the government really worried about security? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No, the Government is more interested in control.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope, the people that are elected to operate our government are corrupt. Most do not really give a fuck unless there is something in it for them.
Schumer, didn't want to stop the flow of foreign money into New York city.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope, the people that are elected to operate our government are corrupt. Most do not really give a fuck unless there is something in it for them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So let me see ... You hate government period, right?

Just want to make sure I'm not misinterpreting your post as support for anarchy.
  • DSK
  • 12-19-2015, 02:28 PM
30 million from lobbyists stopped one of the most corrupt visa programs from being changed. Is the government really worried about security? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The idea behind the program is great - everyone who comes to this country should have to invest heavily in it.

It needs to be upgraded and properly controlled, then gradually expanded to cover all immigrants.
  • DSK
  • 12-19-2015, 02:29 PM
So let me see ... You hate government period, right?

Just want to make sure I'm not misinterpreting your post as support for anarchy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If too many more liberals get to be in charge, I'd support anarchy over the slavery of an anti-white liberal government.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope, I do not hate government or our government for that matter. There is really not much that I hat4 other than liver but that is just a matter of taste.
What i dislike is the corruption of our government from what it was intended to be as set forth in our Constitution. We are a constitutional representative republic and not a democracy which means that those elected by the citizens are sent to DC to represent the desires of those constituents and that is not happening. the 17th Amendment further corrupted our government by taking away the state's elected representatives to decide who would represent the state in our federal government to a democratic vote which was not the intent of the founders and has not helped this nation in any way shape or form.

The military industrial complex has further corrupted our government and was something that our founders did not want so much to the point that they did not allow as standing army to be funded for more than two years and the only required force was a navy. The thinking was that we would only need to defend ourselves and not be an invading army occupying other nations. Hence the 2nd amendment that allowed for the citizens to keep and bear arms in order to form a militia until an army could be mustered. Potential enemies would always know that attacking us would be a serious mistake as everybody would be ready to defend our land.

I could go on and on regarding the ways that our government has become more than what was set forth in our Constitution but the litany of overreaching is monumental in size and scope. We have amassed trillions of dollars in debt, we continue to spend more than we take in, the amount of taxes that are demanded of us are ridiculously high and a hindered to our economy, our freedom , and our liberty..

I believe that our government is way to big and exceeds it's authority and should be reduced to a very minimal government. f we are asked to help in fighting the world's battles we should ask to be paid for our services. The idea that we have a responsibility to spread "democracy" around the world is bullshit since we are not a democracy and have no right to impose those beliefs through toppling other regimes. It seems we pick and choose what regimes we will fight and those are generally the genocidal ones except for those like Lenin, Stalin, Mao and such. We only joined in on Hitler because we were pressured by our friends into entering the war. Japan was just dumb enough to attack us.

No, I am not anti government, I am anti corrupted government.
The idea behind the program is great - everyone who comes to this country should have to invest heavily in it.

It needs to be upgraded and properly controlled, then gradually expanded to cover all immigrants. Originally Posted by DSK
Then supplying foreigners with a visa so real estate salesmen can sell then houses should be extended to all immigrants? Weren't you one saying there is not enough vetting now?
  • DSK
  • 12-19-2015, 07:06 PM
Then supplying foreigners with a visa so real estate salesmen can sell then houses should be extended to all immigrants? Weren't you one saying there is not enough vetting now? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
They should be vetted after we take their $20,000 non refundable deposit which pays for a thorough examination of the candidate for the EB5 visa.
They should be vetted after we take their $20,000 non refundable deposit which pays for a thorough examination of the candidate for the EB5 visa. Originally Posted by DSK
You need to see how that works, and why it needs reformed, and why lobbyists spent all that money.
  • DSK
  • 12-19-2015, 07:39 PM
You need to see how that works, and why it needs reformed, and why lobbyists spent all that money. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If they aren't doing that, yes I agree it needs reformed.