Clarification about linking to a non-eccie webpage inside Private Tags in a Review

Quiet Cal's Avatar
I apologize if this has been asked before. I did do a search but I could not find the answer to my question. When I write a review can I post a link to a webpage that itself only contains a list of links to pictures I take during a session? I'd like to enclose the link within [ PRIVATE ] tags. None of the pictures would be on Eccie. Like this

Here's a link to a webpage where I've put links to pictures the lady let me take during our session. [ [/PRIVATE ]

The link above would go to a webpage that only lists links to session pictures

My Session Pictures

and so on.

Clicking on those links at the personal webpage would take someone to the session pictures.
gman44's Avatar
Sorry but the answer is no. However you can share them via PM but just not post them
That is exactly what is forbidden in the Image Guidelines. A direct link is essentially the exact same as posting here as an attachment or embedding them in the encounter report via a link to a hosting site.

Male members may not take photos during their encounters and post them on ECCIE, regardless of their location on the site or state of dress of the lady.

Thank you for asking.
Quiet Cal's Avatar
Thank you for clarification. And please forgive me for asking respectfully just one more question, because a lady asked me in a private message and I'm unsure of the answer.

If I meet a lady, and take non-nude pictures, or perhaps a topless picture of her, and all pictures that I take conform to the image standards. Then what if she uses the pictures that I took of her and publishes them on her own private website, or in her advertisements, before I post a review, and then in my review, I post those pictures she has put on her website inside the ROS of my review using the [IMG] tags? Would that conform to the image standards? If not, I'm glad I asked first. Thank you.
If you take pictures of her that are not graphic or part of the session and give them to her for her use, then that would be permissible. We aren’t the image police. Lol. You’re free to act as someone’s photographer, but session related photos are what are not allowed.
So, specifically said that the lady asked you in a PM, which led me to believe that she was an age verified member here. If you post pictures of a lady who is not a member, those will be removed. If they are graphic in any way, it’s a image violation ban. A link to an ad is fine.