Piercing Question for Providers

White Tiger's Avatar
I saw an image today that gave me an instant hard-on--something I'd never seen before. The picture was of a very attractive Playboy model named Natasha Lane, who was sporting the most unusual piercing I've ever seen--an anal piercing that appeared to staddle the little piece of flesh between the anus and the bottom end of the vagina. I googled her and found out with a little research that this particular device is called a "fourchette." Anybody out there with one of these?
Interesting notes about this on Wilkopedia, didn't find the pics you were looking at, but not a big fan of the metallic arts.

A fourchette piercing is a female genital piercing. It is a piercing done at the rear rim of the vulva, in the area of frenulum labiorum pudendi. Many women do not have a pinchable flap of skin in the area, and are not suited for this piercing. If the correct anatomy is present, placement and piercing tends to be relatively easy.

The fourchette piercing is most similar in location to the male guiche piercing. It requires a pinchable flap of skin at the rear rim of the vulva. Piercers should not pierce into the vaginal tissue or vaginal canal as the vaginal tissue often rejects the piercing.

Many piercers are not willing to do this piercing. The fourchette is a rare piercing which requires the proper anatomy. Many women do not have the pinchable flap of skin, making the fourchette impossible.
Healing and aftercare

Healing time is relatively quick, as with all piercings in the genital area. Healing time is usually around four to six weeks. Hygiene is usually a concern; with the piercing's proximity to the anus, the wearer must ensure the area is well cleaned following defecation.

Many wearers have reported that this piercing is prone to stretching on its own. Discomfort with intercourse has been reported by some wearers[citation needed], whereas some may find it quite pleasurable. Unfortunately, migration and rejection of this piercing are fairly common.
I saw a gay male pornstar with that piercing....

*sigh* yes I watch gay porn.
Paging pyramider, this appears to be a taint piercing.
I am not a big fan of piercings but I think the belly button pierced is really hot.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Sounds HOT!! I want one.
bojulay's Avatar
I'll pass for now.
Pass...but I wanna watch my Merci-DOLL get one...
Invisible1's Avatar
Google Images is your friend too!


http://www.ninjaflower.co.nz/webapps.../220458/232043 this one is a little hairy.....whatever.

Ummmmmm......All seems fine until it gets infected from.....well...never mind..... Perhaps put another way, I bet it sucks when tissue paper gets stuck in it. I'm just sayin'
norseman's Avatar
Bet that gets some attention by TSA agents. Riots break out to pat that down.
TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
Kids these days......
Guest071315's Avatar
Oh my!! I do not think a piercing in that region is for me! I am thinking bacteria mixed with sweat from lots of running..... and Invisible gave me images I didn't want to imagine! Gross.

However, to each his/her own. I like sexy subtle piercings and huge tattoos. :0) Only on here do I learn something new!
No pyramider on THIS?

Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 10-25-2012, 04:13 AM
What not in my but!!!!!!

Mister Tudball's Avatar
Seems a shitty place for a piercing.