Help save my marriage please

I have gone and screwed the pooch. I was diagnosed with Chlamydia and now have to explain it to the wife.

I generally only go for L1 with a massage which is my favorite choice for stress relief, but have ventured into L2 a few times recently bcs the wife doesn't enjoy that very often.

We have been together for about 5 years and i am 100% positive it was not from her. This even if it was a scare has made me decide that it isn't worth it any longer. I really do love my wife and don't want to hurt her, but it may be too late for that.

I fucked up and know it and am not looking for sympathy , but If anyone could provide useful advise as to the following i would really appreciate it:

How do you go about explaining this to your wife with the best chance of saving your marriage?

Are there any plausible things that would explain it? I am going to be telling her very soon and would like all the help i can get.

I would like to explain it to her without telling her about the hobby tho as i think a drunken fuck up or something like that will be better than telling her about the hobby. any advise here?

It could have been 1 of 3 people that i got it from, assuming it wasn't the wife. I have contacted them so they can get tested.

Please help
TexasDave555's Avatar
Hmm try honesty?? Since it was dishonesty that got you in the situation to begin wtih continuing with it probably will yield similar results down the road.

Besides.. she's not stupid. What are you going to tell her you got it from a doorknob or toilet seat??

If you can't take care of it without her knowing, then bite the bullet, fall on your sword and hope for the best but realize that its a bit late ... you can't un-ring that bell and you'll just need to handle the consequences.
The chances of you getting chlamydia from L2 are so low......If she has it, it may have come from someone else.

I know what this infers, but look up the statistics yourself.

CDC has it on their website

Good luck, things will work out fine

lucky_13's Avatar
Why is that you have to tell her? Can't you just avoid sex for a couple weeks and take your medication? Chlamydia isn't AIDS or something that is going to change your life forever.
Go to Carenow and get antibiotics. No need to tell her anything unless you gave it to her.
Von That is part of the issue? I think I may have given it to her. She has had lower abdominal pain that recently started and is one of the symptoms in women
CitationXPilot's Avatar
Take some anti's and secretly give her some! Surely she takes pills (madcow, pms, headache, etc). Shit this isn't the CIA and wear a condom next time!
If what you say is true about your hobby activities, you might want to think about how to react when she breaks the news that she may have given the STD to YOU.
horndog's Avatar
From your recent reviews, it seems like asian spas are no bueno
ManSlut's Avatar
Get clean, come clean, and change your lifestyle if your marriage to her is the most cherished thing in the world to you...But, if it was, you wouldn't be here would you?...The future of your marriage, if you come clean, will fall on her ability to forgive you and your ability to not repeat your mistakes, and treat her like the only woman on Earth for the rest of your lives, and God's grace.

All this is based on, you are 100% confident you didn't contract it from your wife, so I am assuming you had symptoms before her. But, Chlamydia is contractable by unprotected oral sex or genitalia contact with an infected person.

Good luck.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
If your wife hasn't been having regular checkups, and regular pap smears, etc., she could have had this for years and just not known it.

That is always something to consider. Otherwise, what another person said about clamydia not being life altering is wrong. It can cause sterility in both partners and more.

So both of you probably need to be treated.

This is a bummer to read. Makes me want to start using condoms for oral sex, it does.

Good luck to you!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Look up the incubation period for the disease - what if it is up to ten years?
Guys I'm gonna play the "Devil's Advocate" here. Guy are you for real? Or are you someone that wants to start some BS in this hidden society? You are a grown ass man! C'mon dude, you know your two options. We ALL know our options! Lol! I'm just saying!
OK... I have looked over his reviews that he has posted... most are spas.. but there are several of great ladies on them as well. Have you personally contacted each of the ladies to tell them of this personally?

They will need to be checked out as well even with BBBJ being the only thing administered at the time.

This thing could spread like a wild fire in the hobby if you do not and they do not follow up on being tested themselves.

We all know what we do... but it is up to US to be safe at doing it. And safety comes in being truthful wtih all parties that have been involved with you in the last few months.

Good luck with your marriage dear. This would be just ONE of the few downfalls of messing around. The good thing is.... that wherever and whoever gave it to you is easier to track down.. than some drunken bimbo at a bar you banged and never called back. Ya know? I'd wait til after Christmas personally. Would hate for you to spend holidays alone and sad. She may not take it very well... but honesty is always the best policy in my beliefs.

Wish you the best. Good luck. Be safe out there!
  • Zorro
  • 12-03-2012, 11:23 AM
I got pinched once for "running around" last year at Christmas time. Just tell her already BUT have a new Mercedes with a "Big Red Bow" to go with it. It worked for me, but I just gave her the car NOT anything else....(Chlamydia)