Agencies: Who uses them? What are the perks? What are the challenges? What is a reasonable percentage to the house for screening and scheduling? What is reasonable for hourly incall rental?

HunterGrace's Avatar
If I start an agency, would you use it or seek independent up and coming ladies? It's my experience that girls tend to "pass through" and so I expect that I would experience quite a turnover, especially since I tend to teach them how to schedule and screen their own appointments so they can be self sufficient rather than keep them dependent and ignorant like a pimp would do.

I know that my frequent turnover in ladies who work with me is misconstrued by a few readers here. They put a negative connotation but the fact of the matter is that I would rather I leave people in better shape than I found them and hopefully an agency will reap monetary rewards for me and for the girls and they will learn a few things that a mother hen like me could teach them. And hopefully no girl gets "stuck" and instead they move up when they move on, as so many have done before.

So, should I start an agency? Please offer as much advice as you can on the subject, I'm completely green on the subject.
It's like using an apartment locator. Why pay a middle man for something already overpriced?
artist6338's Avatar
Good idea
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-23-2016, 03:14 PM
Your reputation for intimidating girls who try to go it on their own after their "internship" completly turns me off.

So no...I would never knowingly book through you.

Hope that helps?
A quick scroll thru the agency reviews on this board would show you what you and "your girls" would be up against.
Stellar reviews of some hawt young talent...
The jack in the box on oltorf would be a great place to recruit girls
nuglet's Avatar
I've said before, Hunter has a great mind for business, any business. She'd probably do a good job, but for the pay, she could do better.
Completely green on the subject? Really? That's interesting.
I doubt Ms. HG is as green as she claims.

The big advantage of an agency vs. indie girls is that while you might not get the specific lady you want at any particular time, an agency will always have ladies available for appointments. If you've got money, you're more likely to get laid because the agency has a financial motive to find you a lady that you'd like to spend time with and money on.

A secondary advantage is screening: Once a guy's established his rep with an agency for paying promptly, fully and treating ladies respectfully, he doesn't have to get screened again. Handling indies' screening protocols can be far more complicated, especially for those guys who don't subscribe to certain whitelist/screening services like Preferred411 or DateCheck.

The downsides? Number one would be the potential for coercion of ladies who might decide to go indie in the future. Agencies have a financial motive for keeping profitable, popular ladies within the agency structure, after all.

Number two would be "the cut". I'm going to take a wild-ass guess here and say that most agencies take a 30-40% cut out of a lady's income. Either that cut comes from the client in the form of 30-40% higher prices than indies, or the lady earns 30-40% less than she could as an indie due to an agency's desire to remain within implicit market price limits.

There's definitely many competitors in the agency market, but an agency that can offer more streamlined, secure, mobile-accessible booking with better-designed websites (most of the agency websites I've seen are frankly amateurish and not really suited to mobile access) in addition to a slightly lower "cut" of a lady's profits could make a solid niche in the market appreciated by the guys.
Tatonka's Avatar
I have used agencies numerous times, local agencies, out of town agencies, agencies that no longer exist.
I think Austin could always use another good agency.
The good thing about agencies is they typically have several providers to choose from.
The bad thing is they can be more expensive because the owner and the providers want to make money.

I am sure there would be some advantages and disadvantages to running an agency.
-another revenue source.
-helping out some new providers

-trying to juggle providers availability with client demand
-trying to get providers to be where they are supposed to be on time
-maintaining an incall

You might just want to offer guidance, screening, scheduling to new providers at a fee.
I've always been curious, how do agencies find girls. Some of the really beautiful, successful girls on here started out with agencies.
Or maybe this question should be in a separate thread. Anyway, Hunter sometimes finds some beauties.
Whispers's Avatar
If I start an agency,

IF you started an agency it would probably be best to never announce it and to always deny involvement in it. You are controversial and have your haters and your product line would face harsh criticism and ridicule simply for affiliating themselves with you.

would you use it or seek independent up and coming ladies?

Even your haters would need to be truthful and acknowledge that the right product at the right price could lead to a blind eye.

It's my experience that girls tend to "pass through" and so I expect that I would experience quite a turnover

I attribute the "passing through" effect and high turnover to be a direct reflection of management and the structure of the Agency. I've spent a considerable amount of money over the years utilizing the services of Agencies in San Antonio, Houston, Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Los Angeles.

There was a direct correlation to the quality of the Management and customer service to my repeated business and there were pretty good retention rates in several cases.

, especially since I tend to teach them how to schedule and screen their own appointments so they can be self sufficient rather than keep them dependent and ignorant like a pimp would do.

I don't think that management of a legitimate Agency needs to be concerned with ladies learning how to handle things for themselves and go INDY as a result of being taught how to screen.

I think there are girls that are better suited for Indy status as well as girls suited for Agency work....

The ones that are going to go Indy can probably be identified pretty quickly and culled from the herd before poisoning the mix.

I know that my frequent turnover in ladies who work with me is misconstrued by a few readers here.

Misconstrued, misreported or ???????? If you want to come to the community and get a fair shake on something like this just step up and own your mistakes and move on.

They put a negative connotation but the fact of the matter is that I would rather I leave people in better shape than I found them

There are not a lot of people around that have been around since ASPD days that are going to buy into that Hunter..... Too many ladies have started with you and taken a walk tossing you under a bus........

and hopefully an agency will reap monetary rewards for me and for the girls and they will learn a few things that a mother hen like me could teach them. And hopefully no girl gets "stuck" and instead they move up when they move on, as so many have done before.

You need to recognize what it has been in you that has led to so many ladies feeling that they never had a chance to better themselves UNTIL they parted ways with you.....

With solid legitimately run and well managed agencies girls sometimes leave and very often return quickly realizing what they had. Amazing here and in Houston, Yours Tonight in Houston and others had girls remain for years..... some leave and return quickly...... very few that actually left and became MORE successful than when they were with the Agency.

So, should I start an agency? Please offer as much advice as you can on the subject, I'm completely green on the subject. Originally Posted by HunterGrace

You have always dabbled in it without ever officially hanging a sign...... You do have a skill that others do not and no agency can be successful without..... You are a hell of a recruiter......

You should start your decision making process making a list of the cons..... Things that will work against you being successful..... Seeing if you can come up with a plan to overcome them....

The following are 3 things you should consider.....

1) Your ego. I think you will have a big problem with the jealousy you will experience over other girls getting talked about and seeing success the way you did at one time.... When you have a few drinks in you and relax a bit you tend to seek to be the center of attraction and have embarrass yourself a time or two as a result..... Part of aging is knowing when it is time to gracefully step back and relish the fact that the ones IN the limelight are your creations and that you still pay the bills off what you made them to be..... it is NOT the time to tuck the fat into spanx, prop the boobs up into a corset, layer the makeup on and dress half your age or like a slut to try to be one of them....

2) Grudges need to be set aside for all to profit...... There is a lot of bad blood between you and others in this community..... People will come at you and the girls and you will be tempted to respond in same..... I don't think you can be successful and have it known you are behind it.... If you do, when they speak out you will need to keep your mouth shut and ignore itand I doubt you can do that.....

3) Can you weather a fight? We have a couple of Pimps and an agency owner in the area that will seek to expose you and draw LE attention to you and the girls that affiliate with you. They will out you with family, friends, landlords etc.... You need to know that your actions can not and will not hurt people around you that you care about if you do this....

I have always found it disappointing that Austin could not find a replacement for Amazing and has never had a quality Agency in the mix.

As negative as some might perceive my comments to be I think that you will know that my response here is not necessarily meant to dissuade you..... Just an honest response to your query......

Best of luck should you officially take the plunge...... You know my type and can PM me on anyone you think might interest me.... and you also know my opinion on whores and I won't be trying to "rescue" them or turn them into SBs..... Austin NEEDS some quality whores that are well managed and a phone call away!

Whispers's Avatar
I've always been curious, how do agencies find girls. Originally Posted by chuckles
The 3 most common methods are

1) Run Ads (often misleading) glamorizing the money possible and sell it once they get someone interested. Many agencies lie and mislead girls.

2) They recruit strippers and waitresses from Gentlemen's clubs where the seed has already been planted that there are easier ways to make money.

3) They recruit from the Indy ranks scheduling with new girls and trying to convince them there is more security and money available working for an agency.

A less common way that yield results is to recruit through alternative life style outlets by involving themselves in them.

There is very common approach known to be taken that we are not allowed to discuss here as well......

Hell man.... I remember an enterprising member of this community that read the reviews of the $20 streetwalkers and went out and recruited one... cleaned her and presented her to the community in a more acceptable manner...... That's actually something that's been done a few times over the years by different people.

It's not hard to find girls that will P4P

Have you ever just asked?
The 3 most common methods are

1) Run Ads (often misleading) glamorizing the money possible and sell it once they get someone interested. Many agencies lie and mislead girls.

2) They recruit strippers and waitresses from Gentlemen's clubs where the seed has already been planted that there are easier ways to make money.

3) They recruit from the Indy ranks scheduling with new girls and trying to convince them there is more security and money available working for an agency.

A less common way that yield results is to recruit through alternative life style outlets by involving themselves in them.

There is very common approach known to be taken that we are not allowed to discuss here as well......

Hell man.... I remember an enterprising member of this community that read the reviews of the $20 streetwalkers and went out and recruited one... cleaned her and presented her to the community in a more acceptable manner...... That's actually something that's been done a few times over the years by different people.

It's not hard to find girls that will P4P

Have you ever just asked? Originally Posted by Whispers
Thanks W. Makes sense. I was thinking particularly of girls like Presley who could have had a super rich Sugar Daddy. Maybe some girls just like the variety.
ck1942's Avatar
In my experience, the "beauties" (other than the "lovelies") of a well-run and reputable agency are, imo:

-- The ability to "cross leverage" e.g., one stop shopping for both the ladies and the clients. Agency management will usually have multiple ladies working at any one time (hopefully with separate bedrooms and locations). This means a gent wanting, say a noon appointment on a given day can be offered an alternate provider if the one he seeks is unavailable.

-- As mentioned by others above, easier access for clients already screened and known.

-- Ability to both host and market travelers (lovelies) from afar and, for that matter, to enable them some UTR anonymity if that is what they want when traveling.

As Amazing J*** proved so many years ago, recruiting was never an issue, either locally or afar.

Thing about agencies and management is the issue of "herding cats."

Best of luck if that is what you seek to do, and bless you for enabling ladies to learn the processes of TCB!