Arriving Early

SweetKimberly's Avatar
Dear Hobbyists,

In case you don't know, it's extremely rude to arrive more than ten minutes early to your session if you're seeing an independent provider. Many, many, many times, I've had clients who have arrived 15, 20, 30 and even 45 minutes early. Why is this? Can someone please explain this to me?

There is nothing more annoying than getting a text from a client at 10:00, when their appointment is scheduled for 10:30, reading: "I'm here a little early, is that okay? Can I come in now? If not, I'll just wait in your parking lot for 30 minutes." It's ESPECIALLY disturbing when that client wanted the 10:00 o'clock slot originally and was told I couldn't see him until 10:30.

I also get texts reading, "Oh, traffic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, so I'm here. Are you ready for me?" Even though their appointment is scheduled for 37 minutes later.

As an independent provider and licensed massage therapist, I take pride in my work. If I feel rushed and agitated because you arrived SO EARLY, I won't be able to give 100 percent. This creates negative energy and the massage suffers.

Independent providers set appointments for several reasons:

1. We don't have waiting rooms.

2. Personally, I allow at least 30 minutes of rest and recuperation between clients to shower and chill out for a while. We are not machines.

3. We don't like unfamiliar men sitting in unfamiliar cars in our parking lots or driveways for 15-30-45 minutes. All it takes is one nosy neighbor to end our careers. Can you at least drive around the block or get a cup of coffee while you're waiting? There's a Starbucks directly across the street from my apartment.

4. As an independent provider, I try to stay available during my posted business hours; however, sometimes I need to run a quick errand. For example, say I have a client scheduled to come in at 4:00p.m. and it's currently 3:00p.m., I might run to the store to pick up something that takes less than 15 minutes. The minute I get home and walk through my door I'll get a text reading, "Oh, I think I just saw you walk into your apartment. This is so-and-so and I'm in your parking lot. Traffic wasn't bad at all. Are you ready for me?" That's 45 minutes early!

From now on, if ANYONE arrives more than ten minutes early, they will be asked to leave and will never be allowed to see me again.

That is all.
Passion2015's Avatar
What are you hobbiest thinking. Now back in formation and give me 20
Agreed. I try to arrive no more than 5 minutes early.

On the flip side, I really appreciate providers who don't keep me waiting once i get there. We don't like hanging out in parking lots either.
SweetKimberly's Avatar
Yikes! My post does sound rude, huh?

I sincerely don't mean to sound rude. I LOVE all of my wonderful clients. And I'm very thankful to have you all. It's just very annoying to sometimes have to be in a rush in this business.
Passion2015's Avatar
It's all good Kimberly. I was just playing
Lmao. Don't listen to him.. He's just salty cuz he can't even get the time of day...... Now give me 50.
Goes with the territory. For every monger who shows up early there are 10 providers who show up late.

Inconsiderate people already know better but really just don't give a flying fuck because the world revolves around them.
SweetKimberly's Avatar
It's all good Kimberly. I was just playing Originally Posted by Passion2015
Unless you are running guys b2b it shouldn't be an issue
SweetKimberly's Avatar
I thought so!
3daygetaway's Avatar
Because SK, some of us are coming from out of town. When you lived up in the lakeline area, your place was 39.7 miles from my home and across Austin (the last number I heard was 6th most congested in the nation).

But your point is not lost on me; lurking in the parking lot sucks for both parties. Remember, often, the providers are running late too and we end up wondering if we are waiting on the cops to show or another John to leave--hoping we are not going to taste the last guy because she didn't have time to shower!

I guess the solution for you is to tell hobbyists your expectation that they do not show early, but instead to send a confirmation email when in the vicinity.

Other providers have us trained to call from the parking lot so they can peer through the blinds and make sure we are alone, not a cop, well-kempt, etc. In the ROS, this is usually something we comment upon because we want to know what to expect. My guess is that the majority of lurkers are noobs.

Communication while everyone is still at home is ideal.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Thats one of the reasons why I do not give out my full address with my apartment number. I give them a general area and directions to a place very close and tell them to contact once there and I will the give them the apartment name, code, and bld #then when I have them park at my bld I will give them my apt number and guide them to me. This works great for me because I have no one sitting around outside or cruising the complex if they are early. Its also great if someone cancels or stands you up because they will not have you address and exact location. Sorry that keeps happening to you it can be frustrating.
Passion2015's Avatar
Eryn, your like a bad habit that I just can't get rid of. Now I can give 50 correct PU's can you. But the bad habit, how do I get rid of it. It's so annoying and I don't even know you Yuck
It did a little.. But eyyyy... Better u than me!! Thank ya!! Lol jk but I understand where you are coming from.. I hate answering the door with one eyelash still glued to my finger...(kidding.. I quit wearing them after one fell off and got stuck to a dudes shoulder during a lap dance in the club.. Oops)..Stocking all jacked up lookin.. Mood music still set to NWA instead of the smooth jams... #
But don't say ur not gonna see someone just because they got a little overzealous about your magnificent vagina! It's an honor!! You must have some gooooodies
Yikes! My post does sound rude, huh?

I sincerely don't mean to sound rude. I LOVE all of my wonderful clients. And I'm very thankful to have you all. It's just very annoying to sometimes have to be in a rush in this business. Originally Posted by SweetKimberly
SweetKimberly's Avatar
Oh, yeah. It never occurred to me that a provider wouldn't be ready at the scheduled time. Maybe that's why clients arrive early. I never realized the cop situation either. Thanks for the info.