Is this a big fat nothing that is being made into a big issue??
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Is this a big fat nothing that is being made into a big issue??
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/...oblems-plastic Originally Posted by bb1961

the issue is with plastic guns, not 3d guns.



the gun blue prints for 3d printers is a definitely 1st amendment issue. Even the Obama/Trump state department acknowledged it.

the libs are in a panic about this as this would break their gun control regime they favor.

I think the libs are overwrought. 3D printers are still very expensive.

at the moment, the court agreed to place an injunction on the blue print release.

looks like 3 amendments are at play, 1st, 2nd & 10th.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yes whole lot to do about nothing , already illegal to make you own gun . The sky is falling Liberals said the same crap about Glock's and metal detectors the clueless idiots. Some plastic guns have metal pins ammo still detectable.

If somebody is going to make a zip gun they will more paper laws will not stop anything.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is why we need more weapons online!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes whole lot to do about nothing , already illegal to make you own gun . The sky is falling Liberals said the same crap about Glock's and metal detectors the clueless idiots. Some plastic guns have metal pins ammo still detectable.

If somebody is going to make a zip gun they will more paper laws will not stop anything.
Originally Posted by rexdutchman

No. It's not illegal to "make your own gun" if such a gun doesn't violate existing laws. It's illegal to market a homemade gun.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Up till the I think 1968ish ( not sure of date but ) people could order guns via mail no checks , Crime and gun crime was very low . so ??????????????? what the point
More 3D fake news. What concerns me is how this story went from somewhat dead 2 years ago to on many news stations and web sites on the same day.

Saw something on YoutubeTV yesterday where the the Twitter CEO stated that Twitter doesn't shadow ban accounts...what for it...their ALGORITH does! And he doesn't take any responsibility for it. Incredible.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Gotyour6's Avatar
These plans have been out there for years.

You can make your own gun and it doesnt have to have a serial number on it (State laws may very with pistols)to be legal. The ATF says it is suggested you put one on there in case it is stolen.

CNC and 3d plans have been out longer than the dems have been whining about it.

Nothing burger and it is something they can whine about like little bitches as always.
bamscram's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar
Nothing new. Just another thing the left has dredged up to try and hang on Trump.


When will they realize there's too much information out there that makes them look foolish when they lie? Like we're not going to fact check their ridiculous accusations.
Is this a big fat nothing that is being made into a big issue??
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/...oblems-plastic Originally Posted by bb1961

To ME, the issue here is since we require backround checks to buy guns no matter what (unless its someone selling it privately to someone else), HOW exactly is putting the plans to PRINT OUT your own gun, NOT doing a 'end run around' those laws?
AND how on gods green earth, does this qualify as 'free expression'>?

No. It's not illegal to "make your own gun" if such a gun doesn't violate existing laws. It's illegal to market a homemade gun.

And that's the kicker.. What he's putting designs out for, are guns that are solely made of plastic.. (or from all the news reports, even those from Fox have shown/claimed).. Ergo they do violate existing law, in marketing a weapon that can bypass metal detectors.

I B Hankering's Avatar
To ME, the issue here is since we require backround checks to buy guns no matter what (unless its someone selling it privately to someone else), HOW exactly is putting the plans to PRINT OUT your own gun, NOT doing a 'end run around' those laws?
AND how on gods green earth, does this qualify as 'free expression'>?


And that's the kicker.. What he's putting designs out for, are guns that are solely made of plastic.. (or from all the news reports, even those from Fox have shown/claimed).. Ergo they do violate existing law, in marketing a weapon that can bypass metal detectors.

Originally Posted by garhkal
It's not "marketing" until you try to sell it to someone else.
This is why we need more weapons online! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As opposed to WEAPONS inline like those that YOU " clean ' down at the 'holes, right Mr. DOTY 5 Times!
the issue is with plastic guns, not 3d guns.



the gun blue prints for 3d printers is a definitely 1st amendment issue. Even the Obama/Trump state department acknowledged it.

the libs are in a panic about this as this would break their gun control regime they favor.

I think the libs are overwrought. 3D printers are still very expensive.

at the moment, the court agreed to place an injunction on the blue print release.

looks like 3 amendments are at play, 1st, 2nd & 10th. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Try printing out a $100 bill on your scanner. They have software built in so you can't. They will probably do something likewise with the 3D printer.

Yes whole lot to do about nothing , already illegal to make you own gun . The sky is falling Liberals said the same crap about Glock's and metal detectors the clueless idiots. Some plastic guns have metal pins ammo still detectable.

If somebody is going to make a zip gun they will more paper laws will not stop anything. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I believe it's illegal to make a zipgun. There is different schedules of illegal weapons (like illegal drugs) and it's on one of those schedule.

You're correct about the firing pin and the bullets. Bullets and parts of the weapon in many cases have to be made out of metal. They have computer driven metal lathes/laser cutters that can make an entire working gun. They are in many machine shops. I don't see why the media doesn't squawk about this every night.

Up till the I think 1968ish ( not sure of date but ) people could order guns via mail no checks , Crime and gun crime was very low . so ??????????????? what the point Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Then somebody shot a President... You could also walk into an hardware store and buy a rifle, no questions asked.

To ME, the issue here is since we require backround checks to buy guns no matter what (unless its someone selling it privately to someone else), HOW exactly is putting the plans to PRINT OUT your own gun, NOT doing a 'end run around' those laws?
AND how on gods green earth, does this qualify as 'free expression'>?


And that's the kicker.. What he's putting designs out for, are guns that are solely made of plastic.. (or from all the news reports, even those from Fox have shown/claimed).. Ergo they do violate existing law, in marketing a weapon that can bypass metal detectors.

Originally Posted by garhkal
What difference do background checks matter if they aren't meaningful? There have been multiple instances of mass shootings where the govt failed in letting the perp obtain a gun. And what happened? The media lambasted the NRA! Nobody in the media wanted to hold the govt responsible. In fact, they all wanted to give the govt MORE POWER to withhold guns. Don't try to hold the govt accountable for not doing their job!