the Republicans Keep Revealing Themselves...

Chung Tran's Avatar
it's strange.. I probably agree with Republicans on 70% or more of fundamental policy initiatives.. they make sense, usually, and historically have proven beneficial for social order and economic growth.. but when they get it wrong, they fuck up royally.. and their arguments are absurd.

to highlight a few of examples:

1. this new idea to link capital gains to inflation.. a giveaway to the wealthy, nothing more. I already posted a thread refuting that notion.

2. repeal and replace Obamacare.. sure, Obamacare has flaws.. but fix it, damn it.. the repeal/replace is a total lie.. the Republicans want repeal, no replace.. they have never offered a true healthcare plan that would cover nearly everyone, and they never will.. because it's all about money.. they don't care if a large section has no health coverage.. if you are uncovered, Fuck you.

3. abortion.. you think it's murder, fine.. but it is the law that abortion is legal, so why introduce bullshit like requiring a clinic to be within 1,000 feet of a hospital? that is a simple ploy to shut down clinics.. nothing to do with safety.. it is an attempt to keep people from exercising their rights.. same with voter registration.. there has never been real documented cases of significant voter fraud, yet the Republicans would have you think it is rampant. and of course they "care", because the people they target are Democratic voters, overwhelmingly. and by the way, if it is murder.. why are you not blocking clinics? would you allow your neighbor to shoot and kill his child in front of you? it's all phony.

4. Manafort.. the Republicans are screaming that "the only reason Mueller is after Manafort, is to get Trump".. y'all want him pardoned, to stymie Mueller's investigation.. never mind that he is a White collar criminal of historic proportion.. but you don't care about that, this kind of crime is normal shit for you.

5. lawmaker sex dalliances: you guys, Republicans, are the "moral" party, or at least your rhetoric tries to say that.. but for every Democrat who engages, there are 2 or more Republicans, LOL.. like this guy

6. the deficit: Republicans are the biggest Frauds.. they rail against deficit-spending, have for 50 years.. and their deficits are the biggest.. Reagan, Bush 43, and now Trump.. they don't give a rat's ass about deficits. never have.. why continue the charade?
it's strange.. I probably agree with Republicans on 70% or more of fundamental policy initiatives.. they make sense, usually, and historically have proven beneficial for social order and economic growth.. but when they get it wrong, they fuck up royally.. and their arguments are absurd.

to highlight a few of examples:

1. this new idea to link capital gains to inflation.. a giveaway to the wealthy, nothing more. I already posted a thread refuting that notion.

2. repeal and replace Obamacare.. sure, Obamacare has flaws.. but fix it, damn it.. the repeal/replace is a total lie.. the Republicans want repeal, no replace.. they have never offered a true healthcare plan that would cover nearly everyone, and they never will.. because it's all about money.. they don't care if a large section has no health coverage.. if you are uncovered, Fuck you.

3. abortion.. you think it's murder, fine.. but it is the law that abortion is legal, so why introduce bullshit like requiring a clinic to be within 1,000 feet of a hospital? that is a simple ploy to shut down clinics.. nothing to do with safety.. it is an attempt to keep people from exercising their rights.. same with voter registration.. there has never been real documented cases of significant voter fraud, yet the Republicans would have you think it is rampant. and of course they "care", because the people they target are Democratic voters, overwhelmingly. and by the way, if it is murder.. why are you not blocking clinics? would you allow your neighbor to shoot and kill his child in front of you? it's all phony.

4. Manafort.. the Republicans are screaming that "the only reason Mueller is after Manafort, is to get Trump".. y'all want him pardoned, to stymie Mueller's investigation.. never mind that he is a White collar criminal of historic proportion.. but you don't care about that, this kind of crime is normal shit for you.

5. lawmaker sex dalliances: you guys, Republicans, are the "moral" party, or at least your rhetoric tries to say that.. but for every Democrat who engages, there are 2 or more Republicans, LOL.. like this guy

6. the deficit: Republicans are the biggest Frauds.. they rail against deficit-spending, have for 50 years.. and their deficits are the biggest.. Reagan, Bush 43, and now Trump.. they don't give a rat's ass about deficits. never have.. why continue the charade? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
"I probably agree with Republicans on 70% or more of fundamental policy initiatives.."

Sure, I call that line BS, you were never a Conservative. You sound like someone else who came on here (I forgot his name, I'm sure someone here will remember) said he was a Republican, then continued to rant in every post what aholes Republicans are/were. All he did was prove what an ahole he was, I suspect you're either him or just a "wannbe him". Either way I still call that first line total BS. Prove me wrong. LOL
Chung Tran's Avatar
I know who you are talking about.. I am not him by a longshot, he and I got into it a number of times.. the Dude who said he was injured in Iraq, I believe?

but think what you want.. you know I can't "prove" it. why not address my points, instead of saying I'm not a "conservative"? the things I listed are a lot of why I will not be a Republican.. don't mistake Republican and Conservative.. looks like you have.
2. repeal and replace Obamacare.. sure, Obamacare has flaws.. but fix it, damn it.. the repeal/replace is a total lie.. the Republicans want repeal, no replace.. they have never offered a true healthcare plan that would cover nearly everyone, and they never will.. because it's all about money.. they don't care if a large section has no health coverage.. if you are uncovered, Fuck you. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Since when was it the govt's responsibility to give everyone health care though?
ANd with how bad obamacare is, WHY Fix it?

3. abortion.. you think it's murder, fine.. but it is the law that abortion is legal, so why introduce bullshit like requiring a clinic to be within 1,000 feet of a hospital? that is a simple ploy to shut down clinics.. nothing to do with safety.. it is an attempt to keep people from exercising their rights.. same with voter registration.. there has never been real documented cases of significant voter fraud, yet the Republicans would have you think it is rampant. and of course they "care", because the people they target are Democratic voters, overwhelmingly. and by the way, if it is murder.. why are you not blocking clinics? would you allow your neighbor to shoot and kill his child in front of you? it's all phony. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

So you don't think abortion clinics need to be close to medical facilities, when there's been MANY reported cases of people dying on the abortion table??

4. Manafort.. the Republicans are screaming that "the only reason Mueller is after Manafort, is to get Trump".. y'all want him pardoned, to stymie Mueller's investigation.. never mind that he is a White collar criminal of historic proportion.. but you don't care about that, this kind of crime is normal shit for you. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I don't WANT him pardoned. BUT i do want the witch hunt stopped..

5. lawmaker sex dalliances: you guys, Republicans, are the "moral" party, or at least your rhetoric tries to say that.. but for every Democrat who engages, there are 2 or more Republicans, LOL.. like this guy Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I do feel there are far too many of these sexual daliances for my liking..
Chung Tran's Avatar
Since when was it the govt's responsibility to give everyone health care though?
ANd with how bad obamacare is, WHY Fix it?

because it is fixable.. it's beating a dead horse to say every other developed nation has health care in place for everyone. if you don't think it's fixable, replace it.. the Republicans have no interest in replacing. Trump ran on that notion, and wink wink, never meant to do shit. I'm not saying give everyone Universal Medicaid or Medicare.. but Catastrophic Insurance should be automatic.

So you don't think abortion clinics need to be close to medical facilities, when there's been MANY reported cases of people dying on the abortion table??

please.. I can't believe you linked this article.. the latest figures, as contained in the linked article:

4 abortion deaths in 2012, 2 in 2011.. you made my point for me

by the way, I notice you said nothing about blocking clinics to stop this murder of innocent babies.. do you do that? anyone you know do it? your Pastor? why the Hell not?

I don't WANT him pardoned. BUT i do want the witch hunt stopped..

you are accepting the Republican line.. there is no Witch Hunt. the Republicans want the Mueller investigation stopped because "it's been going on too long, it's hurting the spirit of the Country".. huh? sounds like a 4 year old reasoning why his nap should be cut from 45 minutes to 15.

I do feel there are far too many of these sexual daliances for my liking.. Originally Posted by garhkal
word! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If you don't think unborn babies are innocent then what is innocent...they are the MOST innocent among us!!
If they aren't safe in the womb....where are they safe??
In regards to ODUMBA care...wht should I be FORCED to pay for the high risk when thank God I'm quite relativity healthy...and Insurance cost started to skyrocket when the Insurance companies are forced to insure high risk people are a rate that is unsustainable unless healthy people are FORCED to pay the freight.....DO I HEAR SOCIALISM RUN AMOCK!!!
As for other countries socialized medicine....A LOT OF PEOPLE DIE waiting for life saving treatment...people from Canada come to the USA because they don't what to DIE under their GREAT form of HEALTH CARE!!
But the is not just Canada many others from their countries great health care come hear for our SEMI-PRIVATELY run health care!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
the Republicans Keep Revealing Themselves... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The only one who keeps revealing themselves is you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you don't think unborn babies are innocent then what is innocent...they are the MOST innocent among us!!
If they aren't safe in the womb....where are they safe??
In regards to ODUMBA care...wht should I be FORCED to pay for the high risk when thank God I'm quite relativity healthy...and Insurance cost started to skyrocket when the Insurance companies are forced to insure high risk people are a rate that is unsustainable unless healthy people are FORCED to pay the freight.....DO I HEAR SOCIALISM RUN AMOCK!!!
As for other countries socialized medicine....A LOT OF PEOPLE DIE waiting for life saving treatment...people from Canada come to the USA because they don't what to DIE under their GREAT form of HEALTH CARE!!
But the is not just Canada many others from their countries great health care come hear for our SEMI-PRIVATELY run health care!!!
GET REAL!!! Originally Posted by bb1961

they also go to India too. their medicine isn't socialized nor is it corrupted by govt.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you don't think unborn babies are innocent then what is innocent...they are the MOST innocent among us!!
If they aren't safe in the womb....where are they safe??
In regards to ODUMBA care...wht should I be FORCED to pay for the high risk when thank God I'm quite relativity healthy...and Insurance cost started to skyrocket when the Insurance companies are forced to insure high risk people are a rate that is unsustainable unless healthy people are FORCED to pay the freight.....DO I HEAR SOCIALISM RUN AMOCK!!!
As for other countries socialized medicine....A LOT OF PEOPLE DIE waiting for life saving treatment...people from Canada come to the USA because they don't what to DIE under their GREAT form of HEALTH CARE!!
But the is not just Canada many others from their countries great health care come hear for our SEMI-PRIVATELY run health care!!!
GET REAL!!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Your rant sounds just like it came from a man on the street report in front of the local Wal Mart. sorry, dude, but that’s what you sound like.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The only one who keeps revealing themselves is you. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Another personal attack from the “othermod”
rexdutchman's Avatar
Really no difference anymore, Dems Reps all part of the elite political class, all in it for the money (our , and other govs)
Chung Tran's Avatar
If you don't think unborn babies are innocent then what is innocent...they are the MOST innocent among us!!
If they aren't safe in the womb....where are they safe??

see what I mean? you ask this question, instead of answering why you don't block abortion clinics.. why do you allow this genocide to continue?

In regards to ODUMBA care...wht should I be FORCED to pay for the high risk when thank God I'm quite relativity healthy...and Insurance cost started to skyrocket when the Insurance companies are forced to insure high risk people are a rate that is unsustainable

you shouldn't be FORCED, and that part of Obamacare is over.. but keep in mind, you ARE FORCED to pay into Medicare, to help sustain those old crippled people who didn't take care of themselves.. want to do away with that?

As for other countries socialized medicine....A LOT OF PEOPLE DIE waiting for life saving treatment...people from Canada come to the USA because they don't what to DIE under their GREAT form of HEALTH CARE!!
But the is not just Canada many others from their countries great health care come hear for our SEMI-PRIVATELY run health care!!!
GET REAL!!! Originally Posted by bb1961

nonsense.. a lot of people don't die waiting.. that is a myth.. and nobody is making you stay on the Government program.. come to the US and get your care, if you like.

The only one who keeps revealing themselves is you. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
yup, and you revealed that you have no interest in addressing my points.. because you CAN'T
If you don't think unborn babies are innocent then what is innocent...they are the MOST innocent among us!!
If they aren't safe in the womb....where are they safe??
In regards to ODUMBA care...wht should I be FORCED to pay for the high risk when thank God I'm quite relativity healthy...and Insurance cost started to skyrocket when the Insurance companies are forced to insure high risk people are a rate that is unsustainable unless healthy people are FORCED to pay the freight.....DO I HEAR SOCIALISM RUN AMOCK!!!
As for other countries socialized medicine....A LOT OF PEOPLE DIE waiting for life saving treatment...people from Canada come to the USA because they don't what to DIE under their GREAT form of HEALTH CARE!!
But the is not just Canada many others from their countries great health care come hear for our SEMI-PRIVATELY run health care!!!
GET REAL!!! Originally Posted by bb1961

Just like many of those in the UK< either fly to India/Pakistan, or the US, to get health care, rather than wait for their 'great NHS" to treat them..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just like many of those in the UK< either fly to India/Pakistan, or the US, to get health care, rather than wait for their 'great NHS" to treat them.. Originally Posted by garhkal
And how "many" would you say that was, Jerkall?

Or are you just assuming it's "many."
Chung it sounds like you are trying to keep it fair and balanced for both sides. Not like faux news ugh. The problem is,IMO , twit head inherited the Obama economy and had nothing to make great in that regard. twit head is still swinging away with his bs fake news and when he jumps or is pushed,off the bridge...ALL OF HIS FOLLOWEers WILL GO WITH HIM. Then America will be great again. November will tell if muller doesnt first .

The most entertaining pos ever...can't wait to hear what he diverts to next. Maybe he will go back to attacking the nfl...That's very presidential lol.