Local abbreviations......

I didn't want to hijack TOTTs thread on "What do the abbreviations mean?
" Made me think, that we have some creative abbreviations of our own here in Austin...... Such as:

FBE - "F*** buddy experience
WE -"Wife experience" She nags and makes you sleep on the couch
610 - "She made Sixx's top ten list"
TM2 -"Taylor Maiden did her too"
ONMD - "Oh no! more drama"
CBJ - "You're off my list"
SE - "Stripper experience"
WPA - All hands on deck! "Whispers posted again" (Okay that's Mod acronym)
MM = ManMades?, Maxeen Monroe? or Marley Monroe? (Actually all three mean "Nice rack")

Please feel free to add your own!