Sex worker/Stripper Charity Tech Camp

I want to start a charity camp for sex workers and strippers where they go to a free camp and get taught a technology certification like A+. There can even be a shorts on screening clients with tech (though the goal is to get them out of sex work, at least they will be seeing somewhat safer clients since they are heavily screened)

I want it to be a camp where they come, have a stable roof over their head, are fed healthy foods, and can learn in an environment where they feel safe to ask all the newbie questions they want.

There would have to be a class on how to get a real job with a prostitution or drug charge on your record.

There would also be an post graduation class where they learn how to write a resume and practice interviewing skills. There would also be a career center available where the girls would have help in finding a real world job using their new certification.

I need sponsorship. Anyone have any ideas on companies that would not be ashamed to sponsor this?
nuglet's Avatar
oh lord, another of these "Big Ideas". Seems to be about one a month! Maybe you should team up with the last couple of gals that were taking donations for that "Cause".
OR...Just get your BSW or MSW...start a non-profit and roll on.....

There are plenty of programs like this around, not knocking this one, however why re-invent the wheel?
I gave my 0.02 in the one you posted in SA.
nuglet's Avatar
maybe we should pitch in and get her one of those throw pillows she can put on the sidewalk on 6th, and an empty plastic pickle bucket for her to bang on.. Love street Performers@@
Budman's Avatar
Come on guys and gals. I'm with her on this except we should be helping the hobbyist retire. Please send me your donations and I will help at least one hobbyist. After all we are the victims of pussy. We're all addicted.

Thanks for the donations, Bud
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Come on guys and gals. I'm with her on this except we should be helping the hobbyist retire. Please send me your donations and I will help at least one hobbyist. After all we are the victims of pussy. We're all addicted.

Thanks for the donations, Bud Originally Posted by Budman

We could put donation jars up at all the convenience stores. Help out a sex crime victim of his own will.
I'm kinda baffled by this (as in it doesn't make sense to me, not I think it is BS).

Here are my reactions in random order each representing a different level of immediate reaction or actual consideration...

1. What a nice thought, helping people
2. This is a bad job?
3. Even if you hate this, doesn't it pay pretty good?
4. Do the hours you need to pay the rent really interfere with trade school if you want out?
5. Is this for street walkers?
6. ECCIE? Really? Wouldn't patrons here probably be the last people to view providers as unemployed victims of societal injustice?
Ok, I'll chime in with some useful information and not snide comments.

There are government programs already in place to address this issue. Not sex workers specifically, but to help those with low/no income, etc. to get training for careers.

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) - career training program.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Has a career training aspect to it.

CapitalIDEA - A non-profit group whose goal is to get Austin individuals career training.

There may be others, but off the top of my head those are the three sources that I know of. Also, visit a local Texas Workforce office and look over the classes they have available for free. There are classes in resume creation, interviewing, etc.

Tax dollars help pay for these services, so you should use them if you need them.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 08-25-2011, 03:11 PM
I want to start a charity camp for sex workers and strippers where they go to a free camp and get taught a technology certification like A+. There can even be a shorts on screening clients with tech (though the goal is to get them out of sex work, at least they will be seeing somewhat safer clients since they are heavily screened)

I want it to be a camp where they come, have a stable roof over their head, are fed healthy foods, and can learn in an environment where they feel safe to ask all the newbie questions they want.

There would have to be a class on how to get a real job with a prostitution or drug charge on your record.

There would also be an post graduation class where they learn how to write a resume and practice interviewing skills. There would also be a career center available where the girls would have help in finding a real world job using their new certification.

I need sponsorship. Anyone have any ideas on companies that would not be ashamed to sponsor this? Originally Posted by honeydavis
I tutored a coed for money twice a week Fall 2008; she went from Cs and Ds to As. Spring 2009 she couldn't afford me, went back to Cs and Ds. Summer and Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 she offered the friends with benefits trade and went back to As and graduated. She was bright enough to get a verbal explanation in a few tries, just couldn't learn from books. In her defense, her textbooks were crap. I managed to hook her on wikipedia and betterexplained, thank goodness; today I'd include Khan Academy.

A camp might be able to teach something easy like CompTIA A+:
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Considering the use of grammar and spelling, I would start with English classes......

Just saying