Confused (well, not really)

stealth's Avatar
Not really one to start threads and really debated about putting this in Coed Discussion or Men's Lounge. Coed won for some reason, probably to get a broader audience and opinion. I am sure there will be the normal responses from s, which will more than likely draw from the outspoken of our community but what the heck, I'm curious and feeling kind of adventurous.

We all do reviews for our own reasons, many to contribute to the community while others to push their ATF and still others to punish a particular Provider. The expectation is that the information provided in the "Rest of the Story" section is intended to be Private for Premium Access members. The intent of these "rules" is to encourage truthful reviews, thus allowing other members to do research in finding the most compatible Providers that meet their needs. This is near and dear to me as I research extensively before deciding to see someone. Yes, I am not as naive as I sound and know that many reviews are figments of active imaginations, which is why I look at multiple reviews and have my "trusted" sources. I also look at the registration date and number of reviews as another "truth detector". This process has worked very well for me over the years and as a result, I have met some truly wonderful women that have provided some memorable experiences. I can honestly say that I have never had a bad session, something I attribute to my research process. So it would suffice to say I depend on accurate and unbias reviews.

My point ... over the past few months, I have been noticing an increase in the number of Provider's responding to negative reviews and in one case, actually denying a review I would have classified as positive. The response in itself is not concerning to me, as long as it remains respectful on both sides. Not really sure the responses do much, I would rather think it brings more attention to the negative review. I for one look at all reviews, assume a certain amount of BS, look for service trends over time and make decisions based on prevailing opinion and my gut feeling. In most cases, the drama alone would be enough to fend me off but that is just me. What does concern me however is the response to specific data that is contained within "The Rest of The Story" section and by definition > PRIVATE! We should all be concerned about the leak of private data that will eventually cause many, if not all, to avoid negative information altogether. We will all pay the price in this case because the trends will not be evident.

There is only two things I can think of to explain this phenomenon, members leaking BCD information or Providers with BCD access, neither of which make me happy. In a close nit community such as ours, we must self monitor ourselves and avoid the tendency to pass along private data, whether it is from the Lounge or BCD data from reviews. The rules are meant to protect all of us and to give us access to a wealth of information to make good decisions. To the practicing Hobbyists, does it really benefit you personally to leak information? How many of you that leak information regularly get "free" sessions because of it? To the Providers, have you noticed an increase in business by responding to negative reviews? I would suggest that many may see a drop of business and blame it on the review. You need to throw the drama card into the mix and at least consider that is causing the drop. I suspect many "seasoned" Providers know that there will be times when you just can't please everyone and let the review run its course. They let the overall trend of reviews over time speak for them and may even learn from it. Its called Lessons Learned and if looked at honestly, can improve overall customer satisfaction.

We all need to really think before letting our emotions take over our actions. Once something is put in writing and submitted to the internet, it is there forever. How many times do we regret pushing the send button (I am hoping I don't regret this one). Think about the long term consequences before posting. I would be interested in respectful opinion and discussion from everyone (Hobbyists and Providers). Lets try not to drag this one into the gutter.

Mods -- if this gets out of hand, please feel free to close.
Not out of hand yet, LOL!
travelling_man's Avatar
There is always a fine line to walk and the reviewer has to decide -

1) Do I want to provide true and useful information to my fellow hobbyists that might hurt the feelings of the girl?

2) Am I afraid of what the girl might think/say if she knows what I wrote?

There have been cases where I REALLY liked a girl and thought she was a great person and a lot of fun. But - maybe the pics were old and she has put on a few pounds. While that might not bother some guys, other guys might be upset if I rave about how great she was while not saying that her ass should have its own zip code. Where do you draw the line? The girls probably KNOWS that her pics are old and that she has put on 20 pounds since they were taken, but still wouldn't like it to be called out in a public forum.

There is one instance I can remember where a girl advertised as "late 30s" and blurred out her face in all her ads. When in fact she would be lucky to be under 50 and if I had seen her face before the session I would have known quickly that "late 30s" was nothing more than wishful thinking. Should I call out that girl even though she was a very nice lady in spite of the fact that she reminded me more of my mom's friends than the hot younger woman I was hoping to see? She did the best she could and tried to please me, but I was so unattracted to her that I couldn't even manage to cum. Should I call her out and risk getting blasted by her WKs and also getting ripped by the girl herself since I know that some WK would read her all of my BCD comments?

I feel like this site is a twisted version of the children's book "The Emperor's New Clothes". In the story the vain emperor hired tailors to "weave a cloth so light and fine that it looks invisible. As a matter of fact it is invisible to anyone who is too stupid and incompetent to appreciate its quality." After having a suit made with the new fine cloth he KNEW that he was naked, but he didn't want to admit to being stupid or incompetent. None of his attendants wanted to admit it either. When he went out in public to show off his new clothes all of the country saw him walking around naked but were afraid to say anything for fear that they would be viewed as stupid and incompetent.

Ever get that feeling around her with certain girls? It's like we all know something, but are afraid to come out and say it for fear of retribution by the other WKs who keep on pretending about a girl because they don't want to be the ones who are stupid or incompetent. I feel like many of the guys here write reviews knowing that the girls are going to read them and they are written more for the girl's ego than to actually give honest information to fellow hobbyists. If BCD information keeps getting leaked then I have to wonder what the point is anyway? Why not just open it all up - open the girl's area up too and post it all in public since it's worthless to keep it hidden anyway.
LazurusLong's Avatar
If you are afraid of the WKs on this or any other board, then you will join the cadre of clients who simply stop posting honest reviews that benefit the paying customers.

Some very obvious white knights do exist on here and some not so obvious.

The really funny part of the WK syndrome is that they actually do tons more harm that good to the ladies.

Think about a review that is positive but makes mention of the "flaws" the client notices, such as outdated inaccurate photos or weight gains (or even severe losses) that they have gone to great lengths to photoshop out or even some huge tattoos that are hidden in every pose or photo and you really can't stand ink.

Clients can research all they want but if no one mentions that the escort still has not been able to take off the big belly from having a child or two, imagine the surprise when she gets naked and the flat tummy he has in his mind's eye is replaced with flab.

Or when she takes off her bra and one boob is covered in ink and he can't stand ink and loves titty worship.

Initial attraction in the hobby world comes from physical looks and the photos are that first look.

Whether you call it false advertising, bait and switch or anything else, escorts who do not provide an accurate "image" of their looks are deceiving the paying clients.

Examine the tattoo issue. There are many men today who don't mind ink at all. Look at the number of gals who have them and they keep busy. BUT no one should be surprised once the clothes come off. Yes, we don't need close up photos that are too recognizable to those outside the hobby or even LE, but blurring them is much better than removing them through Industrial Light & Magic techniques.

Same for weight. There are a lot of guys who like extra cushion. Fine. But there are also many who only want to see the typical TOAS types. Don't market yourself as an almost TOAS if you've had your weight change from when you were in high school to the point you can't get in those clothes any longer!

Honesty sells in the hobby.

Dishonesty needs exposed and if the WK speaks up in a reply or shares that BCD information with her, the WK needs punished by the staff quickly and for long enough to make him re-think that idea.

WKs harm the girls by sharing because they may not know the best way to say something that the girl can change.

Instead of being a friend and telling her to simply update her photos because they are no longer accurate, he'll tell her that Client 9 thinks she is fat or he'll share the review.

Instead of suggesting she market more honestly because the clients love all types of women, he'll hurt her by sharing Client 9's words meant for other men.

WKs are tools and it is a shame too many escorts let those tools anywhere close to them.
Hercules's Avatar
There is only two things I can think of to explain this phenomenon, members leaking BCD information or Providers with BCD access, neither of which make me happy. Originally Posted by stealth
No doubt they know and have for some time. The thing you have to ask yourself is if you care if they know what you write?

I've found over the years that it's not so much what we write on some forum is it is how well the envelope is stuffed and how respectful we are to them when the linen hits the floor.

Don't take this site or any other one too seriously.
I appreciate the honesty in the reviews although I do not get to read what those with premium access do. Honesty is always the best policy. But I wish people would keep in mind that there is ALWAYS two sides to the stories. If a client were to post a negative review on a provider then it almost seems fair that the girl has a chance for an explanation or rebuttle. For instance, maybe a bbbj was really bad and she was not into it GFE style because the guy had the worst ball stank ever hahaha you never know....

just my thoughts from a female point of view
TinMan's Avatar
No doubt they know and have for some time. The thing you have to ask yourself is if you care if they know what you write?

I've found over the years that it's not so much what we write on some forum is it is how well the envelope is stuffed and how respectful we are to them when the linen hits the floor.

Don't take this site or any other one too seriously. Originally Posted by Hercules
A-men, brutha!

I had one provider wait until our second date, when we were both in the tub, enjoying the martinis I had expertly shaken...when she decided to hit me with, "one of my good clients told me you wrote...", and she quoted chapter and verse a less than flattering (but truthful) statement in an otherwise positive review.

"Yep", I responded after she'd finished, "sounds pretty accurate". Then I took another sip of my martini and asked how she liked hers.

Funny, I still got laid, and she still got paid. We remained on good terms until she retired.
I have been noticing an increase in the number of Provider's responding to negative reviews and in one case, actually denying a review I would have classified as positive. Originally Posted by stealth
Negative or positive, a fake review is a ...fake review.

Stating ones opinion is much much different than posting outright lies.

As far as leaking information, many gents who are long time regulars will notify their favorite provider if fake or misleading or slanderous information or comments are made about the mens only area. H
daddyo67's Avatar
yep Tinman, I remember that little deal. I also know who told her. their both gone now.

I sure would like to hit that hot tub with Victoria again. how about you?
stealth's Avatar
WKs are tools and it is a shame too many escorts let those tools anywhere close to them. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Unfortunately, too true. I believe they do more damage than good. I am sure there are many motives but do they ever pan out?

If a client were to post a negative review on a provider then it almost seems fair that the girl has a chance for an explanation or rebuttle. For instance, maybe a bbbj was really bad and she was not into it GFE style because the guy had the worst ball stank ever Originally Posted by JamieYoung
My point is, how do you know the specifics of the review to know that the quality of the BBBJ was at issue? I suspect information was leaked to someone it should not have been. I am assuming there were only 2 people in the room and as such, responding always ends up being he said/she said and by the time the WKs are through, very dramatic. Drama is one thing high on my list to avoid at all cost. For the Provider, it is highly likely that I would not want to see someone that is going make public comments on the scent of my balls. For the Hobbyist, the trust factor in that review or any other review they write is questionable at best. Does this help or hurt the Provider in the end?

As far as leaking information, many gents who are long time regulars will notify their favorite provider if fake or misleading or slanderous information or comments are made about the mens only area. H Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
My point is, how does the WK (I'm sorry, regular) know that the information in the review is fake or misleading or slanderous? Were they in the room during the BCD? How does getting the information help you or your business other than potentially turning others off. Many Hobbyist will do everything they can to stay away from drama. If you are going to talk about others publicly, what leads me to believe you won't do the same to me? Again, does the WK leaking the information help or hurt you in the end?

As for fake reviews, I agree 100% but how are you going to stop them?

I have never wanted to write a false review. That is not why I'm in the hobby. I have yet to find a bad provider. There have been a few I did not fully click with, and the session was therefore a bit forced. I note that in my review. I've never had any of the providers contact me after to complain. If they are truthful with themselves, they will admit it was the kind of session I said.
That is one thing that gas concerned me, but I just have to not worry about it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, WKs are WKs. But some are that way simply because they're a nice guy and may not know exactly how to be tact. Most of us don't like to hurt anyone's feelings. But the fact of the matter is, a provider should fucking KNOW when her pics need to be updated without being told. If anyone asked me, I'd say new pics for every 10 pounds gained or lost, OR it's been over a year since you last updated (some of you it's been YEARS since you last updated). When your body is your selling point, then the consumers need to see the most accurate depiction of the product. First things first, ladies need to be honest with themselves. If they don't look anything in person like their own pics then that's false advertisement. And since your body is your selling point, then it should look presentable to the consumer.

Yep, the word is EXERCISE. Some do it. MANY don't. Truth be told, we ALL need to do it more (self included). Some of us try. Some of us only get exercise when we JOG our memory trying to remember the last time we actually exercised. And don't say you don't have time. There are home gym style machines that are affordable and can be used between appointments, before or after taking the kids to soccer practice, before or after you put the roast in the oven, or before or after you run to the mall.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't put it all on the WKs. Hell, many of us have acted like one at one moment or another, anyway. So let's be careful how we sling that term around.
notdeadyet's Avatar
I have yet to find a bad provider. There have been a few I did not fully click with, and the session was therefore a bit forced. . Originally Posted by ftwranchman
This is so true, and a good reminder of YMMV and, of course, WALDT. And not clicking (whatever that means -- making some mental connection, I guess) certainly does not reflect poorly on the provider. I've never had a bad experience, though on occasion I have not clicked with ladies whose physical performance was just dandy -- maybe, it's just the difference between technical merit and style points.

As regards other comments:

1. Many have pointed out that "A reviewer (and any other commentator) should assume that anything written in any section of the board, including Men's Lounge or Rest of the Story, will get back to a provider." That is an unfortunate reality, but I don't see anything that would change it.

2. As Stealth said, seeing multiple reviews of a lady gives a lot better picture of the experience than any one review. But, it sure seems that one bad review can lead to a lot of comments like "That knocks her off my list!".
stealth's Avatar
But, it sure seems that one bad review can lead to a lot of comments like "That knocks her off my list!". Originally Posted by notdeadyet
I suspect that those who make this statement on one single review do little research on their own and have non-existent lists. I am often surprised when the person making this statement is often only a Registered Member, meaning they don't even have access to The Rest of the Story. It is clear they are commenting on the recommendation alone and do not perform effective research. These are also the people who are surprised or disappointed when the Provider isn't exactly what they are looking for and end up with a less than stellar session. They take little accountability on themselves and then end up taking it out on the Provider. A little research helps avoid these situations and increases the chance of a good time.
TAHGorch's Avatar
I once had a disappointing session with a well reviewed lady. I didn't post a review because she didn't deserve anything negative being written about her. She had just had a baby, and offered to not take my gift. And, we just didn't click.

Once I was guilty of being a WK, but I wasn't the only WK on that review.

I'm working on getting access to "The Rest of the Story". Please lighten up on us FNGs.

My reviews will be accurate with a preference to saying something good about someone instead of something negative. It's hard enough "kissing and telling".