Unsolicited Provider Email

I recently received an email in my everyday, non-hobby email from a well known DFW provider. This was in every way an "ad", including a range of donation amounts and times and included several pictures, while not explicit, were certainly not appropriate for public consumption by anyone not in the hobby I might know. I have had no contact with this lady in any way before. We have never met, exchanged emails, chatted, texted or in any other way communicated. The email was not personalized, so I surmise was likely a mass sending. I am at a loss as to where she obtained my email address. Has anyone else received a similar email? Has database security been compromised on this board? Should I be worried?
travelling_man's Avatar
Who was it? I also received a very explicit and enticing email from a girl that I have never met with the message being to come see her "again" yet I had never seen her previously.
PM sent to Travelling Man
This Happened To Me Too!
If I DON'T Know the Person(s) sending the Email and no clue in the Subject Line!!! I never even OPEN it, i just Delete it. I like that Delete Button.

No Virus/Spam/Mass Mailing can get in. Anyone trying to Email me should put ECCIE or P411 in the Subject Line or it just gets DELETED.

Donnie Brasco's Avatar
If I DON'T Know the Person(s) sending the Email and no clue in the Subject Line!!! I never even OPEN it, i just Delete it. I like that Delete Button.

No Virus/Spam/Mass Mailing can get in. Anyone trying to Email me should put ECCIE or P411 in the Subject Line or it just gets DELETED.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Since mostly use my hotmail for everything, I ask to include a work-related comment in order for me to even open an e-mail.
Otherwise I DELETE everything else.
I'd be concerned if it was your non-hobby e-mail that was used.
I've been absent from the hobby scene for a couple years, and it seems that discretion (amongst other things) on the part of providers has taken a nosedive in that time. I can't tell you how many unsolicited phone calls came thru to my SO in the middle of the day on the weekend. At least you are only being solicited via email! Could be worse!

Oh the times, they are a-changin'...
CassidyBlue's Avatar
TeeHee, I got it too!
Lauren Lane's Avatar
Cassidy, did you book an appt? LOL
lexel's Avatar
  • lexel
  • 04-03-2010, 04:30 PM
Humm. I have had similar problems. One provider I had never booked with or contacted started texting my non-hobby phone when she wanted business. I replied asking her to stop. She did not. I noticed she was on P411 and contacted them about it. The texts stopped immediately. It is indiscreet to say the least, and could be harassment depending on how it is done.

Last week a new provider called soliciting business and told me that one of my previous providers had given her my number. I was very suspicious but the description in fact matched a former friend. She referred me to her new ad on backpage to see her photos - not so interesting to me - but the call was indeed disturbing since it was unsolicited and about 10pm. If an SO picked up there would have been a problem.
I got an email as well, a massage one, ready to take care of my big sore muscles LMAO. Is this the same one you guys are getting? It's a yahoo group thing which is funny, I don't belong to any yahoo group thing, especially another chick.
As James Carvell once said "It's the economy stupid!". I have never heard or seen a review on half the 600+ providers in DFW, the times aren't just a changing they are damn tough.