gaming plus BCD?

Saturn's Avatar
there is a new web site promising to cater to guys wanting to play with female gamers. I just got to thinking -
what if some of the gamer providers did this PLUS BCD?

now I'd welcome that.

Here is the site in question.....
Ha! I'm a gamer (console systems and WoW) and I've been BCD with a few providers who like to game as well. Sadly, all of 'em were partial to the Alliance (ghey!). For the Horde!

It's not our fault that you're a dirty horde!

I collect gaming systems. I still have my Atari 2600 and I'm pretty sure I still have my old Odyssey around somewhere.
I game and have a ps2 at work. I have a a PS3 and a 360 at home as well as PC games. I keep a PSP and a DS on me pretty much all the time. I know, I game just a little
xperiment's Avatar
I game a bit. However takinng a break from WoW. I duuno if I want to pay someone to game withh me. I know plenty of females who will play for free. Although knowing there are other sheik geeks is great.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Currently playing Star Trek Online. Would like to play Left 4 Dead 2 more often... if I could find a decent group of people to play with.
Saturn's Avatar
i'd think it might be fun to get a ECCIE quest or dungeon group for WOW
BobRoberts's Avatar
taking a break from WoW...
Gervin67's Avatar
Anyone regularly play Modern combat 2?
i'd think it might be fun to get a ECCIE quest or dungeon group for WOW Originally Posted by Saturn
Or...we could start a guild called ECCIE. Haha...
I have a hobby guild already for WoW where I play often. Right now, it's mainly for leveling and we sometimes pug some raids (the guild isn't large enough to do guild-only raids, and it seems as though people are always on at different times) and do PVP (WG, WSG and AV mostly).

Sorry, Horde only!

If you want the deets, send me a PM or send an in-game e-mail to VeronicaM on Destromath (H) for a guild invite.

Aside from WoW, my preference is for fighting games (Tekken, MvC2, CvT), RTS games and platformers (anything featuring Mario). I play FPS too, but I am not so great at the newer ones lol. Basically I will play just about any game as long as it's not Farmville or like... Cooking Mama lol

ok, fine... I've played Cooking Mama.
I like to WATCH! REALLY! I am SO bad at video games. I just don't have the dexterity for all those little buttons. Now when it comes to OTHER things? I do just fine...

If you find someone to play games with, let me know and I'll come watch!
dallasfanboy's Avatar

Aside from WoW, my preference is for fighting games (Tekken, MvC2, CvT), RTS games and platformers (anything featuring Mario). I play FPS too, but I am not so great at the newer ones lol. Basically I will play just about any game as long as it's not Farmville or like... Cooking Mama lol

ok, fine... I've played Cooking Mama. Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
Wait, You play MvC2 and CvT?!?! Wow, never thought I see the day when a female plays any of those games. lol

Anyways, My gaming preferences are fighting games (SF4, MvC2, ect) as well as RPGs both western and japanese styles on consoles and PC. I mainly play FPS on PC and usually in on the latest games, but not recently though.

I like to pick out "theme teams" for MvC2 (Green Team, Team Big, Team "my girlfriend is a redhead" lol). I mean, there are so many characters! But my go-to team was always Son-Son, BBHood and Servbot (Team Super-Cute). It would always piss off the guys that I could beat them with that team. Sorry if your Magneto, Ryu and Captain America are no match for the little girl throwing (exploding) muffins at you. HAHA I dated a guy who played MvC on a national tournament level, so I was always subjected to all-night gaming sessions. Figured if you can't beat em, join em. Now I've been in a couple tournaments, myself (not MvC2 but Tekken Tag) and I think I play now more than he does.

My Tekken team is Nina Williams (ALWAYS), Ling Xiaoyu, and Panda. Sometimes (depending on opponent), I'll switch out Xiaoyu for Christie (cheap, I know lol) or King. Usually I can win with just Nina. Her hold combos are deadly. Plus, I just really like her style and her regular attacks.

I just love everything about Tekken, really LOL.
No MvC but I currently have Modern WarfareII, GOW III, I have Heavy Rain but It's ok, of course Mass Effect II and FF XIII. I have a weakness for Katamari and can't wait for Crackdown II!

I can't see playing a 2p game with a client before a session. It just wouldn't work but I might be playing something just before you get there