Are "Private" Comments "Private?"

Bigh1955's Avatar
I've noticed a lot of discussion in reviews and other forum threads that private comments aren't necessaritly "private." Would someone please explain - who can see a private comment in a thread...and who can't. A link would also be fine if you don't have time to explain. Thanks!
Erwin M Fletcher's Avatar
The only people who can see the private comments are the guys with PA and/or the chicks who have a male handle with PA.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Does that answer your question?
LOL MA....sorry, should I have let you answer?
Bigh1955's Avatar
Thanks to all...I guess it's life...if you want something kept private and you mention it, figure that it won't be private for long.

Nothing on this site is private. It always makes its way back to the person sooner or later.

That's why I always say what I mean.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Gibbs Rule #4: The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person – if you must. There is no third best.

Oh quoting Gibbs huh? That man is sex on a stick. I'd pay big big bucks for him.
newyorkboy's Avatar
An interesting concept there......
who the hell is Gibbs???
I'm going to keep you in suspense SP.
newyorkboy's Avatar
think you'd be more interested in Ziva or Abby....


who the hell is Gibbs??? Originally Posted by schmuckenputz
I want Ziva but she would whip my ass.
Hell, I'd turn sub for Ziva.