Los Angeles Photo Tour June 2012

For an additional $100 you can stay the night at the shoot location. It is beautiful, luxurious and much more cost effective than staying in any hotel (if you are traveling).

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Please excuse me if I am mistaken, but I did notice you make no mention of having a formal education in photography, or graphic arts on your web page.That is not to say that all photographers must have a college degree to take great photos, but most of the professionals in your price range not only have the education, but also attend work shops to stay on top of their craft in the digital age.

I hope anyone who offers a service to escorts be it photography, web design, or otherwise will understand that we expect the same credentials as any other professional who is paying a similar fee.
ben dover's Avatar
As a professional commercial photographer I understand what you're saying... however...just because a photographer hasn't done the college thing doesn't mean they can't do killer photos. I have been shooting for 30 years and can show 30 years worth of portfolio if a client wants. I've been published in many many magazines for many many different subjects. Awards..i've got 'em.... equipment ...i've got the best... education..NO college! I do an occasional workshop just for fun and yes I still learn new things. Now..If you or anybody is looking for a great photographer ..look at their work! Talk to them and see if there is a connection. You can get any GWC (guy with camera) to take pictures but it takes a real photographer to make a beautiful image. I have seen Meeshee's work and it's top shelf in my opinion. BD
Please excuse me if I am mistaken, but I did notice you make no mention of having a formal education in photography, or graphic arts on your web page.That is not to say that all photographers must have a college degree to take great photos, but most of the professionals in your price range not only have the education, but also attend work shops to stay on top of their craft in the digital age.

I hope anyone who offers a service to escorts be it photography, web design, or otherwise will understand that we expect the same credentials as any other professional who is paying a similar fee. Originally Posted by Katy Alexander
Did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (one of the greatest classical composers of all time) have a college degree? No. He was born with an innate talent. Did Anais Nin (world famous, classic author of erotica) or Charles Bukowski (famous author) have college degrees? No. And Bukowski was criticized by literary pundits for the duration of his life because he was not 'properly educated', according to the snobs who couldn't write worth a crap anyway. In actuality, they were jealous of his tremendous talent to think and write outside the box.

Kelly, understand that in this country if every professional was required to have a college degree to justify their talent, we'd loose a lot of wealth. There are many, many entrepreneurs who acquired tremendous wealth with wisdom, hard work, talent and street smarts and who were also never schooled past college.

I wonder what would happen to the escort industry if providers were required to have college degrees to justify their talent?

As a professional commercial photographer I understand what you're saying... however...just because a photographer hasn't done the college thing doesn't mean they can't do killer photos. I have been shooting for 30 years and can show 30 years worth of portfolio if a client wants. I've been published in many many magazines for many many different subjects. Awards..i've got 'em.... equipment ...i've got the best... education..NO college! I do an occasional workshop just for fun and yes I still learn new things. Now..If you or anybody is looking for a great photographer ..look at their work! Talk to them and see if there is a connection. You can get any GWC (guy with camera) to take pictures but it takes a real photographer to make a beautiful image. I have seen Meeshee's work and it's top shelf in my opinion. BD Originally Posted by ben dover

Longevity in your craft as well as being published goes a long way in allowing a photographer to command, and receive a higher fee for their time.For me it really is all about paying your dues wether that be a formal education, decades of practice or a combination of both .I am not saying that one day Meeshee's time will not be worth what she asks, but my guess is even Santillo was not asking $800 for six photos back when he had no education, and only seven years of experience.

Ultimately it is up to the lady to decide if that particular photographers service is worth it to her.My advice is regardless of who you wish to work with, please look beyond a well done site that will only display their best work, and do some serious digging before spending the type of investment we are looking at here.

I wonder what would happen to the escort industry if providers were required to have college degrees to justify their talent?

Originally Posted by Meeshee
Well actually many of the women in this line of work often are well educated.That point aside if you plan on making your living from escorts please know this is an industry that comes at a much higher risk, and sacrifice than most other professions.College education,or not we do pay our dues in ways that most will probably never understand.

You do have every right to ask for whatever fee you think this market can handle.Time, and talent will tell if that fee holds up over time.
Longevity in your craft as well as being published goes a long way in allowing a photographer to command, and receive a higher fee for their time.For me it really is all about paying your dues wether that be a formal education, decades of practice or a combination of both .I am not saying that one day Meeshee's time will not be worth what she asks, but my guess is even Santillo was not asking $800 for six photos back when he had no education, and only seven years of experience.

Ultimately it is up to the lady to decide if that particular photographers service is worth it to her.My advice is regardless of who you wish to work with, please look beyond a well done site that will only display their best work, and do some serious digging before spending the type of investment we are looking at here.

Well actually many of the women in this line of work often are well educated.That point aside if you plan on making your living from escorts please know this is an industry that comes at a much higher risk, and sacrifice than most other professions.College education,or not we do pay our dues in ways that most will probably never understand.

You do have every right to ask for whatever fee you think this market can handle.Time, and talent will tell if that fee holds up over time. Originally Posted by Katy Alexander
I know many companions who are friends who are college educated and some with more than one degree. Many providers also have day jobs or alternate careers, as well. The comment was directed toward a degree required for escorting. But you answered your own query about college degree being required for photography when you stated that escorts do pay their dues. So do photographers.

There is no short cut to producing good photography. Experience is built over time. However, some photographers are more talented than others. If a photographer doesn't have a good eye he or she may produce technically accurate photos but that lack creativity.

Again, it's always good to know the facts before you talk, Katy. Santillo charges twice what I do.
As a professional commercial photographer I understand what you're saying... however...just because a photographer hasn't done the college thing doesn't mean they can't do killer photos. I have been shooting for 30 years and can show 30 years worth of portfolio if a client wants. I've been published in many many magazines for many many different subjects. Awards..i've got 'em.... equipment ...i've got the best... education..NO college! I do an occasional workshop just for fun and yes I still learn new things. Now..If you or anybody is looking for a great photographer ..look at their work! Talk to them and see if there is a connection. You can get any GWC (guy with camera) to take pictures but it takes a real photographer to make a beautiful image. I have seen Meeshee's work and it's top shelf in my opinion. BD Originally Posted by ben dover
I know many companions who are friends who are college educated and some with more than one degree. Many providers also have day jobs or alternate careers, as well. The comment was directed toward a degree required for escorting. But you answered your own query about college degree being required for photography when you stated that escorts do pay their dues. So do photographers.. Originally Posted by Meeshee
Please do not insult all of us here by comparing the two professions.As escorts we accept a much higher level of risk to our safety. There is often sacrifice when it comes to personal relationships.I am going to assume that working as a photographer has not put your safety at risk, or put a strain on your personal relationships.Photographers do pay their dues in a different way, but at least from what I gather on your site you simply have not paid yours yet.

Again, it's always good to know the facts before you talk, Katy. Santillo charges twice what I do. Originally Posted by Meeshee
Once again you may actually want to read what I wrote .I am aware of what Santillo's current rates are.My point was when he was at the level of experience that you are now I can safely assume he was not asking a similar fee for his time.As I have already said you may charge anything you like, but if you are going to ask for a fee that is higher than average expect to be scrutinized by your potential clients much harder than a photographer with similar talent, and a lower fee.It is the same way for us as escorts. When we ask a higher fee far more is expected from us before a client will book our time.That is why we can both argue this until the cows come home, and it will do no good.Time will tell if you attract enough business at this fee or not.

Good luck to you
Please do not insult all of us here by comparing the two professions.As escorts we accept a much higher level of risk to our safety. There is often sacrifice when it comes to personal relationships.I am going to assume that working as a photographer has not put your safety at risk, or put a strain on your personal relationships.

Once again you may actually want to read what I wrote .I am aware of what Santillo's current rates are.My point was when he was at the level of experience that you are now I can safely assume he was not asking a similar fee for his time.As I have already said you may charge anything you like, but if you are going to ask for a fee that is higher than average expect to be scrutinized by your potential clients much harder than a photographer with similar talent, and a lower fee.It is the same way for us as escorts. When we ask a higher fee far more is expected from us before a client will book our time.That is why we can both argue this until the cows come home, and it will do no good.Time will tell if you attract enough business at this fee or not.

Good luck to you Originally Posted by Katy Alexander
and best of luck to you, my dear!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
This is no different than clients telling providers that they are charging way too much for session.

The same answer that ladies give also applies here; if they can get that rate, then they are worth it.