W.H. press corps: 'Extreme frustration' over 'having absolutely no access' to Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Remember the promise of transparency? Apparently Obama doesn't.

Here's the article:

The White House press corps is expressing frustration over its lack of access this weekend to President Obama, who was on a golfing vacation in Florida.

Ed Henry, the Fox News correspondent and president of the White House Correspondents Association, released a statement Sunday evening in which he said the press corps had been given no access to the president, who was joined on his outing by star golfer Tiger Woods, and that the WHCA would fight for greater transparency in the days ahead.

"Speaking on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association, I can say a broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend," Henry said in a statement, relayed in a White House pool report. "There is a very simple but important principle we will continue to fight for today and in the days ahead: transparency."

The White House responded to Henry's complaint in a statement from Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest, also included in the pool report.

"The press access granted by the White House today is entirely consistent with the press access offered for previous presidential golf outings," Earnest said. "It's also consistent with the press access promised to the White House Press Corps prior to arrival in Florida on Friday evening."

Reports of the President's outing with Tiger Woods were sourced to Golf Digest senior writer Tim Rosaforte, who was at The Floridian National Golf Club Sunday morning and tweeted a few observations.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This because the WHCA wanted to hang with Tiger... Outrageous! When reporters become paparazzi...

You may want to better qualify your headlines, like adding "this weekend" to it. A real editor might request that from you.

Besides, I thought you held the media in contempt, Whiny!

Now, you're WKing for them. Make up your confused little mind.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Standard Obamatron response. It's what we expect, Assup. I know they appreciate the job you're doing for them.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
In a job where every fart and belch is scrutinized by the press, I don't have any problem with him taking a few days out of the spotlight to enjoy a little downtime away from the press. This is not any different from a trip to Camp David, no press there either.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's not the problem, CC. The problem is that what you stated does not happen. The press never scrutinizes him, and now he is hiding from them. Why? According to the press, when he farts, rainbows appear.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The press scrutinizes him alright, they just don't report it.

So thats where that rainbow I saw that day came from! (It's raining over by Camelback Mtn)

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bullshit, Whiny. You don't believe anything they write. You chide them in your last post and constantly ridicule them in your whinings.

Now you're the champion of the press corps because they didn't get to go golfing with BO and Tiger.

I suppose there were secret policy discussions going on.

Can't have it both ways. Pick one and let us know, so we can figure out where you stand on the public's right to know ... About golf!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Standard Obamatron response. It's what we expect, Assup. I know they appreciate the job you're doing for them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree, factual responses frustrate you.
Remember the promise of transparency? ....

"The press access granted by the White House today is entirely consistent with the press access offered for previous presidential golf outings," Earnest said. "It's also consistent with the press access promised to the White House Press Corps prior to arrival in Florida on Friday evening."

.... Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, if you haven't noticed, the WHCA hasn't had access to him at his golf outings (or that I can recall any) in 5 years. The press is furnished photographs. Unlike in the prior administrations, sometimes the press were permitted to take photos and shout questions from the first tee box and then 'allowed' to leave.

But generally you are correct in that there is no transparency. He only takes questions when the teleprompter tells him to at the White House Press Conferences which is rarely and usually from Dem plants. Not always but there's been documented months when he hasn't taken a question.

In a job where every fart and belch is scrutinized by the press, I don't have any problem with him taking a few days out of the spotlight to enjoy a little downtime away from the press. This is not any different from a trip to Camp David, no press there either. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
There a difference between "scrutiny" and "access". Walking from Marine One to The House I guess is both but scream as you may, he hasn't answered a Press question yet on that journey. But he can be photographed. So you are counting Photo-Ops as scrutiny? Unless, something unplanned happens, I'm not!

BTW, BHO gets plenty of down-time. He took a two week vacation in late December in Hawaii and now is taking a one week vacation in Florida in mid-Feb. He will not rest on taking vacations!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-18-2013, 06:55 AM
The press scrutinizes him alright, they just don't report it.

So thats where that rainbow I saw that day came from! (It's raining over by Camelback Mtn)

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Camelback Mtn, use to vacation there in the summer back in the mid eighties, some nice golf cources in that area, fucking gals were 4 to 1 back then.

Now back on topic, oscumbo, was probably sucking Tigers dick..... lol
The press corps should grow some balls and take the lying president to task !

They aren't doing their job or doing the American public a service.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YEAH! We need to know how many times he pumps when he washes his balls!

Though Im curious where the lie is in this instance, or are you just foaming at the mouth again?

Interesting choice of playing partner. Probably wanted Eldrick to hook him up with some poon from his stable. Certainly can't do anything with that butt-ugly golf swing. You'd think as much as he plays he'd get some help...FORE!!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe Obama is getting dating tips from Tiger.
The PC whines about access; but when they get it they ask softball questions................